The "GUARDIAN This map has a giant robot attacking a ship , the ship is fully decked out with weapons and has a hornet , the robot has 3 turrets , and vehicles all along the bottom , this my newest part to my ship maps Do you know what happens when a Robot Attacks a Ship Complete War Link to The "GUARDIAN I did not make this map... I am posting it for my friend.
If you are posting it for a friend, please put their gamertag. Also, the robot actually looks really good. BUT, I don't really think you could have good gameplay on it. Aesthetics: 9/10 Gameplay: ?
The idea is great but your execution looks sloppy. What would be awesome is if...actually, im not going to say so i can make my own map out of it. =p but for the map, good work and good effort. 4.50009/5
Well first off this has already been done..... a lot. Even though the map is unoriginal it looks very nice. I would suggest adding eyes and maybe make the colors of the boxes color coded. From the looks of it the game play is very bad. overall 3.5/5
um, to the guy above me, it is original. i have never seen a map like this. when was the last time you saw a robot grabbing a ship in mid-air in halo?! and what the hell do you mean color coded?(sorry for language) it is impossible to make the boxes the colors you want. and robots dont need faces you know. especially big ones. explain the scarab. no face. i give you a 5/5 to everything but gameplay. it gets a 3.9/5. if they fall down, are there telporters to bring you back up? and is the inside of the ship accesable?
O really its impossible and yes I have seen lots of robots and ships on avalanch
You may have seen robots and ships, but have you seen both at the same time? Anyway, this does seem very original, and to the people above me, how can you tell if the gameplay would be bad, you haven't even played it?! It looks like it would be pretty balanced to me, and I will dl and give it a try.
If this map is in the Aesthetic section, it's not meant to be played. SO I don't see why your criticizing him. Aesthetic maps can be playable. Lots are. If it is aesthetic first and foremost, it should be posted here, and you shouldn't ask someone to change their aesthetics to better suit gameplay. Though judging by the post you quoted, the guy didn't download so his opinion is null and void anyway. Criticisms are allowed for gameplay though, so don't count them all out just because he posted it in aesthetic. And yeah, if you save and quot the boxes, they stay the same color, so it is possible.