
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Dec 28, 2008.

  1. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Actually I find it looks relatively aesthetically pleasing. I love the little covie weapon boxes, and it makes me wish we had more things such as those on maps like foundry, only immovable. They would make great tombstone-esque pieces.

    As for the map lights, I can't say much. I can see what you are going for, but seeing as it's not a foundry map it's pretty hard for anyone to comment on your geomerges and intarlockz, thus why you are getting all the shitty ass comments.

    I'll give you a download and check it out

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    I'll consider a sniper rifle. Although at this point I can't see a very good spot to put it. suggestions? I guess i could put it where the Hammer is, then move the hammer to the central tunnel. I may try that out.

    that should be brought up in private.
  3. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    The mindset of the community is "No intarmerging = No download." There needs to be a paradigm shift if anything meaningful map design-wise is going to ever get done. Which is why I suggested Forging 102. XD

    Anyway, as for the map it looks pretty awesome if I may say so myself. The only real balance worry I have is the Ghost; seeing as there are no underground tunnels to hide in it might become a little overpowering. I trust that you've done enough with the fast-spawning Brute Shots and the Rocket Launcher to check its power though.

    I have it queued for download and hopefully I'll get a few games on it in the near future. Expect a more detailed comment from me when you post this in Atlas. ;)
  4. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Here's my stance on pre-DLC. Despite the fact that the combined total time spent forging in Foundry by everyone is probably at least a few decades, no one has managed to make the walls any further apart or less brown. No one has managed to make me not want to play the pre-DLC maps like High Ground, Last Resort, or Snowbound any less, at all. I love seeing any effort put forth on pre-DLC maps.

    I downloaded Insulation, Lights. I've had a look around in forge, and this map has something to offer. Blocking those 2 tunnels will make this an entirely new experience form Snowbound/Boundless. I swear, I can't think of a single room in any map with stronger gravity than that one in Snowbound. Blocking access to it is such a simple, brilliant way to redefine an entire map.
    #24 Indie Anthias, Dec 28, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2008
  5. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    and by the way lights,

    You can't give people infractions for speaking their opinions. That is a true abuse of power if you infract me for not favoring your map.

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    i am very much allowed to give infractions for people for bad reviews of maps based on nothing more than pictures, which you have done. you called the map garbage by looking at the pics. like i said in the PM with the infraction, go read the Forge Hub Status Quo, by Shock Theta (linked in the PM). You need to reform your posting ways, because that post was atrocious. now stop spamming up my thread thank you very much.
  7. JustcallmeDrago

    JustcallmeDrago Ancient
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    Don't spam his thread, douche.

    LIGHTS, I really like this map, more than Verbatim. Why? They are both great maps and the gameplay is unique and fun on each, but I like Insulation more because it's not Foundry! It's not often I get a change in scenery and the way you've changed snowbound is really refreshing.

    In Matchmaking, slayer is about the only thing that gets played on Snowbound. Not only is it really different playing games like Multi-flag on snowbound or boundless, but the changes you've made really help. Blocking off the tunnels totally changes gameplay. One of the worst things about snowbound was that everyone would fight over the central chamber the whole time. Now the fights are shifted to various places above ground. It plays much better and feels new. Additionally, combining the now-open bases and the ghost allows for more strategy. You can take the ghost around back and try to splatter the enemies in the base to go for a flag grab, for instance. But it's still a well balanced map. Even the ghost and rocket launcher didn't feel overpowered. The grav hammer, at least in your hands, might be a different story :D

    As for aesthetics... what do you people expect? All I can say is it's not foundry, so you can enjoy the beauty of snowbound for a change. Look at it: It's perty. I guess if you're the superficial type of person that only downloads a map because of the pictures, this map is not for you. However, if you enjoy fun, original gameplay, you'll really like this map!

    Great map Lights. I had fun testing it. Good luck at ATLAS.
  8. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Pre DLC maps don't usually do well on this site, because they cannot be appreciated by pictures like the average foundry interlocked map can be. However, I have played on many non-DLC maps, and many maps ith only weapon set changes, and that alone can greatly improve gameplay and make it feel like a different map. You have done even more than that, with added cover and blocked off corridors. This type of thing is not a ten minute job. Maybe the initial forge is quick, but it takes much testing to get the best gameplay out of a map. Queued, Lights, best of luck. And ignore the people who judge based on pictures. I got a lovely post on Frontlines calling me a first-time forger, the map is a piece of crap, all because I couldn't interlock. Ah well. Forgehub.
  9. _aj

    _aj Ancient
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    As long as your in Forge, Snowbound is always fail-bound.

    Me and my friends played some CTF on this map the other day, and I have to say it's not terrible but it is extremely boring. In other words, it's still Snowbound. The random boxes you have set up do absolutely nothing to affect gameplay. The weapon placement isn't even that good, I don't even think its better than the default weapon placement. One of the good things about this map though is the effective blocking off of the bottom part of the map.

    In conclusion, this map will probably sit there and rot on my hard drive till I notice it some day, laugh, and delete.

    Considering it's better than original Snowbound: 2.65 out of 5 reasons you don't forge Pre-DLC
    #29 _aj, Dec 28, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2008
  10. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Omigawd! Wat d1d this tak yu 5 mins!!!!!!1! Gawd yu suck at teh F0rg0rz 1/5!!1!!!

    I'm tired off people not giving a non-DLC map a chance. I've downloaded and if I can rally enough people, I'll try to play it, and come back with a review.
  11. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    people like you cant understand maps like these. interlocking/geomerging and whatever else you see on foundry maps or some avalanche maps isnt what makes the map. to have fun is the key too. i have tried this out and it is really fun if you play with coopertive people & it really changes the feeling of snowbound/boundless. and "fail-bound" really? come up with some creative if ur gona bag on a good map
  12. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I played the map with some of my friends such as [Insane,american 10,and sirtopin hat and some others ] and well it felt like snowbound it played like snowbound for the most part . The only real difference was if you went into the center underground room you are guarented to die since the doors are blocked off. The ghost overpowered the opposing team just like in normal snowbound but the rockets seemed to help with that issue. As for having more cover on the out side areas they were rarely used because any person with a grenade or a well placed shot could kill a person trying to hide behind the covie barriers but they look cool say hey why not. Some good things that I did see were the choice of not using lots of vehicles or power weapons even though they did pop up here and again. I did like the choice of spawn points because I did get a few double kills and easy kills off the bat while playing :]. I did not seem to spawn with my teamates very often though but that made for faster fights with either me or a enemy dead. The map is ok but not great and my rating for it 3/5. Some improvement to be made would include better placement of spawn areas or the addition of more of them. I would also like more grenades or even plasma piustols to combat the rockets and ghost. And better blockage of the tunnels because there is gaps which can be used as gun slits that can really mess up a spawning player in the bases. Also some weapon movement might be needed to sread the fighting in the map I reccomend looking at a heat map and seeing where the hot zones are.

    To above post people like geomerged and interlocking because its a new standard people will always want a map that looks good as well as plays well. Some people say interlockings not needed and then they give me a lazy mapmaker map and I just say "yeah your maps nice but why not perfect it and do your best work and job on the map by using every tool and trick to make your map great instead of just good?"

    Hows that for a review ? :]
  13. civilian

    civilian Ancient
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    Great idea! Is the center tunnel still open, the one between the two base tunnels. Not driveway side but the other side? You know what I mean?
  14. LIGHTSOUT225

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    Lol have you ever played Snowbound before? You certainly don't act like it. Because this is a faaar cry from the gameplay on the original. Most notably, 60+% of battles on the original Snowboundtake place in the tunnels. Now, less than 8% take place down there, except for in KotH (percentages are educated guesses). Its a dramatic change in the way the map is played.

    The covers provide safer spawn than the default Snowbound/Boundless (Key word safer, not 100% safe... which was important to keep players moving around the map and not being stationary), as well as create a more symmetrical feel than is already present on Snowbound. IE Barriers opposite snowbound's camo tunnel, and supply cases opposite the 2 circular purple stations between snowbound's top base and the the large tunnel entrance.

    There are 8 plasma grenades on the map, more than enough for a map of this size. The spawn by weapons at spawns. There are two plasma pistols (45s respawn timer) on the map, both right in the middle of the large entrance to each base.

    The tunnels are blocked off well enough. Its probably impossible to get them blocked off fully, and the way they are set up now offer some very interesting changes to the game. First and foremost, they add a very Isolation feel to the bases. They allow a player to offer some indirect support from outside the base. They also allow coordinated teams to pull off some very quick flag caps by throwing/transferring the flag from one side to the other. 3 well-coordinated teammates cap a score in less than 15 seconds. A difficult task to complete, like on Isolation, but the added option is a great compromise to the very quick straight flag run through the tunnel if the supply cases weren't there to block them off.

    I don't need to look at a heat map to know how snowbound plays and that itll be a solid bright red in the underground tunnel. That was the point of this map. To get away from that and force the battle to the surface, which I did successfully. The weapon placement has the power weapons surrounding the Ghost in order to keep it in check a bit more, which works well.

    Fairly poor, actually. Appreciated though.

    You can access the center tunnel, and a Hill spawns down there in KotH (the first one as a matter of fact). You just can't access it from the bases. Only from the 2 ends.
  15. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Hmm I could say this is original because i havn't really seen remakes of snowbound but wow gameplay was just about the same but of course without the bottom part which I believe was made just for campers.

    Nice job, its on the simple side but still works
  16. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Lights, I actually liked Eyeless Sid's review. Not too harsh, but he did go over some stuff. I agree with the ghost thing though. I think it should either be gone, or there should be at least one more way to kill it. Rockets and stickies aren't 100% practical, and the hammer's hard to get to seeing as the ghost spawns there. Idk though, it plays good the way it is in my opinion, but it could be better.
  17. LIGHTSOUT225

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    I've been considering adding the Sniper like you said (probably the beam rifle though if at all), but perhaps a power drain would do the trick. the thought had crossed my mind, though i haven't had too terribly hard of a time getting rid of the ghost with a grenade and some decent team fire.
  18. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    The first time I played and was going towards the rocks where the Hammer is, I was hoping there would be a Sniper there... maybe you could consider adding it. It's an even distance from both bases, and the rocks give it a little bit of protection from the Ghost. You could also try putting it in the middle of the underground room, but those are both just ideas.
  19. LIGHTSOUT225

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    thought about putting it down there in the tunnel, but thats pretty close to the rockets, and if i moved the rockets to where hammer is, they are right next to the ghost. ill think things over and see if i can't get a sniper on the map.. it would most likely replace the hammer though if anything. i may leave it off and just add a power drain by the hammer or instead of the hammer, then perhaps move the radar jammer down to the central tunnel.

    I by no way think the map is perfect, but I do strongly feel its much better than its getting credit for.
  20. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    All I gots to say is this.... POO... My Xbox is down and I would love to give this a shot with some good teams!!! Civilian told me about this, its a great idea. Lights, Im coming over to play...

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