Vandam Keep

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mace, Dec 28, 2008.

  1. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    Vandam Keep
    Created by ExtreemKablooie (me)

    Supported Gametypes:
    Slayer FFA
    Oddball FFa
    KoTH FFA

    Map Description
    I wanted to create an open, FFA and dual weapons focused map. Also, back-area geometry merging is "in", so I wanted to include that also. So, I set out designing a map. One that was open and free flowing, yet included gulches for good LOS.
    With my sights set on a dual wielding map, with open free flowing spaces, I encountered a problem. Any medium to long range weapon would act as a power weapon on this map. To remedy this, the few Br's and Carbines have long spawn and limited ammo. The two other "power weapons include a plasma turret (facing the wall as to cause you to rip off for limited ammo), and a brute-shot.
    Including gulches, ramps and bunkers, the map's mechanics work very well with the prescribed gametypes. While set up for no team games, the map is limited to Oddball, KoTH, and Slayer FFA's. A maximum of 7-8 should be advised, as to after that, the map becomes clutterd and the spawn system gets rather gooie.

    Back Area

    Back Area Bunker and Gulch I
    Middle Overview Part I from Back Area
    Middle Overview Part II from Back Area
    Walkway and Gulch II
    Back of Gulch II


    Thanks to Kidbomer for support and suggestions throughout the making of this map.
    Thanks to Xanon, Kidbomer and thier guests for testing help.

    Download Vandam Keep

    Download Vandam FFA
    Download Vandam Ball
    Download Vandam Hill
  2. Spartan 396

    Spartan 396 Ancient
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    Wow. The merging and interlocking is very clean. It looks incredibly unique and complex.

    Can't wait to play.
  3. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Wow this reminds me of remedy by linubiix.

    It still is a very original map i love these kinds of maps because of the layout yep..

    Nice job
  4. Micr0Snip3

    Micr0Snip3 Ancient
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    This is a great map 4.5/5 i like the bunkers probably my favorite part
    downloading now
    one thing though add two little things you can jump over in the center area to add more tactical gameplay
    P.S meanie...
    P.P.S.S JK
  5. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    Nice map:

    It could be a little bit larger, saying that from the perspective of 1/4 of Foundry's outer un-forge-able limits of death-filled map-breaking doom. (I know I went a little overboard while writing that last sentence, but It just kept rolling off ya'know) ENGLISH: It is small.
    Anyways, the geomerging and inter locking is very clean, especially that double box (still confused on how that was done). I like the layout, although it is semi-bleak. A few underground hallways might have added to the awsome map.
    A solid 4/5.
  6. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    I'll be honest.
    This is more of a "Hey look what i can do" type of map.
    YOu went for a few hard geomerges and did they pretty good.
    Butas for the map its lacking all around.
  7. Sgtkillstuff

    Sgtkillstuff Ancient
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    Well this is very small. It seems like with anything less than 1 vs 1 there would be spawn killing and the gameplay wouldn't be that good. The map looks very nice though, than doupble box in the room must have taken FOREVER. I think if you added some senery outside the map it could improve asthetics a little.The doors just seem thrown around, I suggest replacing them with maybe a wall or sign a/b. That could also help because you could get it to the perfect height. Next time try making your map a little bigger. 4.5/5
  8. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    the forging is very nice as you see from the pictures. But im going to be 100% honest. This map looks too small for my liking and i'm not going to d/l it because it would just sit there taking up HD space.
  9. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Well, for all of you complaining its to small, if you read the description, you'd know its for maximum of 8 for ffa gametypes, and its meant to be hectic.
    @digger- I tryed doing so, and the tunnels didnt work. there is an underground spawn room at the pipes
    @stg- Read The Description! no team games on this map. only insanley fast and fun ffa. Having hectic FFA gametypes goes well with a map that takes up a 1/3 of foundry. The doors are not 'thrown around' and they preovide the perfect amount of cover


    It started off as that, in the back alley, but then I started to morph it into the dual freindly map I have described in the DESCRIPTION
    and its lacking you say? played a game on it?
    and whats wrong with a little eye candy anyways

    Remedy was definetly an inspiration, but as said at y35, it only started out so.

    and when you do play, come back and tell me more

    Please, like your maps, make your posts origional. no more "too small" please.
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    That's quite flattering.

    The map itself reminds me of a hybrid mix between Remedy and Fractured.
    I've got it queued, I'm really eager to set [virtual] foot on this map. I'm really like your weapon selection. And I love it when people really think about what suits and what goes well. Also, at the moment I'm in love with the Brute Shot, so I'm delighted to see it being used so predominately. Once I get a few games down, I'll be sure to return with my thoughts.
  11. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    When I played it, the gameplay was all run-n-gun. It isnt exactly my preferable play style considering I'm an MLG lover. The interlocking was smoothe, and the merging good. Although not alot of cover to go behind and when behind cover chances are, you'll get naded. The spawns were really bad with the 5-6 people playing on the map, which inevitably led to immense KSing.

    My suggestion when playing the map, Starting Grenades: OFF
    I hope you fixed spawns.
    Add a bubble shield (neutrally).

    Other than that, Im sure people will enjoy the intense hectic action I experienced, although relatively unenjoyable for me.
  12. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    yes, i belive i did fix the spawns. this is a new version, with an added cover/bunker in the middle, and some general fix ups. and as shannon has said, most uuuubbbberrr comepitive people wont like this, as the gmae (slayer) is run n gun
    however the Koth and Ball variants are a little more fun and interesting than the FFa variant for as stated above uber comeptitive/mlg player
    also this is ment to bring a tad bit of 'fun' into competitive maps, and i feel this map playes like a halo 2 free for all game
  13. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    It looks great. Very clean merging and interlocking.

    It also looks like that you have mixed Remedy and Horizon to make this sweet BR practice map.

    Avoid making game types, it just makes people's Hard Drives store more memory and they will have a hard time with the limit.

    Two not so good things that I noticed was that you put a Turret.....remove it. Also that the grenades are too close to one another. Try to improve on it, you still did a good job.
  14. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Well ya i definitly would take rememdy as an inspiration as well. It gave me a lot of forging techniques i could perhaps add to my new map that i am creating at the moment.

    I like how you use walls a lot in your map ( forgot to mention ) just wanted to point that out.
  15. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    NO. No No NO!
    this is no meant for battle rifle practice, it focuses on duals.
    without the gaymeypes, the map sucks

    yeah, i decided i'd seen enouth double box floors. wanted to mix it up
  16. _aj

    _aj Ancient
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    The only thing that would "Keep" me from not deleting this map of my HDD would add some much needed cover.

    I played a match on this map earlier and I have to say the geomerging and interlocking was excellent, but they were really the only good thing about this map. When make this map I believe you thought, "If I have a cool back room geomerge, that will make up for my no cover and terrible gameplay." That couldn't be even more wrong. Gameplay is always more important then aesthetics. While playing this map I realized when I was a one shot there was nothing I could do but keep running away with my fingers crossed.

    No cover is a perfect ingredient for a boring map. All in all, it just seems like you wanted to show-off some cool geomerges, and that is always when a map fails.

    1.96 out of 5 cover pieces that were unused.
  17. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    lemme guess, you played it without one of the custom made gametypes? i would assume so. and as stated before, the back alley geomerging was a thing i spliced in, with dualular gameplay in mind.
  18. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Ok first off, you know I love this map. You provided a great post, and informative screen shots. Seeing you haven't updated the thread on the second version, I'll be reviewing the second version.

    What I like about this map
    Immediately upon playing this map, you feel one thing. Smooth. Everything about it is that one word. Geo-merging, Interlocking, object placement, weapon placement, etc. The maps aesthetic pleasure is great. You look at this map, and feel great. All the high and low ground seems as if it would create a multi-task map, which is exactly what it accomplishes. You provided bunkers which bring players to a whole new type of playing ground. The original structures, and good flow of this map combines into something great. Even though it takes a small portion of Foundry, it puts it to good use. You can't relate this map to any other, but there are many maps that it feels like. Tunnel rats, Remedy, and many more all pool together making it what it is. Gameplay was fun to say the least. Its definitly not a played out map, but a fast paced one. Now that feature brings a downside to it, which I will be discussing later.
    What I dislike about the map
    Now the great transitions of this map would suggest a great playing field. When in most cases that is correct, but in some its not. Too many times did I feel surrounded, and no where to go. There was to little objects for me to shield my armor to. King of the Hill proved worst gametype seeing the object is to maintain one area. Upon staying in that area you had a threshold of 2-5 seconds before grenades spam your shields, and bullets penetrate. Another unfortunate downside was spawns. I would frequently spawn either by someone, or in someomes line of sight. Now deeming the map is intended for 7-8 players seem to high of a limit. We were playing with around 4 people and even then it felt crowded. The one room with an A sign was the most common place to spawn, and I could almost predict I was to end up there.
    Well obviously seeing you're my friend I would gladly assist you in the help of the editing process. But here are my suggestions.

    1. Add more cover. Seeing theres many open territories, and hill spots it will create frustration. You're going to have to brainstorm with yourself and figure out a suitable fixture without ruining the flow and line of sight. Try just interlocking some walls at ground level, or crates. Maybe incorporate a shield door or two, without ruining the CQB effect.
    2. Fix Spawns. Maybe add more respawn areas, or whatever the problem may be. You need to subside the probabilty of spawning in one spot, and estimating where your going to spawn.
    3. I realized there was a little hole by the pipes, which earlier I was unaware of. I reccomend you posting a picture of it so people would find it more easier. Though that is a great feature to the map. I suggest you put a shotgun, powerup, or something that could alter gamplay down there. Seeing its a enclosed, small room, it would be grenade spammed. So possibly put a power item there for creating risk vs reward.
    4. Try to establish more flow. The middle areas were to mainl focused on, and the outskirts of the map were left alone.Try to make players venture around the map. But don't make a repitive motion seeing that would get boring. Maybe add some structures on the boundry's to persuade players going there.
    Now you know I love this map. It is great, and hopefully you can make it even better. Invite me whenever you need more, for I'll be glad to give you my insight on the map, and help you if it is needed.

  19. _aj

    _aj Ancient
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    I played it with Vandam FFA but the main problem of the map was the lack of cover.
  20. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    Yelling at people that give you their opinion doesn't make you look good.

    Anyway, good job on the forging, but you have to admit the gameplay is not that favorable by many people and you have to accept that. The idea that "without the gametype the map sucks" makes the map suck to start with. I'm sorry but great maps are flexible and can be played any way desired.

    And no I did not play it myself because my Xbox is currently in my dad's closet waiting until after SAT's lol.

    And if you can, do you mind posting a tutorial on how to geomerge so sexily

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