Today I was playing Left 4 Dead and I've seen heared some of the funniest things. I was playing the No Mercy campaign on the part where you take the elevator to the roof when I heard my character Zoey say something very peculiar. I was crouching near the door when Zoey said, "Game over man! Game over!" Then she chuckled. I was ROFLOLing everywhere. Another moment during this campaign was when we were getting rescued. Everybody else was in the chopter except for a player playing as louis. The tank came on the helipad and knocked louis straight off the building! I could stop laughing. I was trying to help him out by sniping all the zombies, but it was like he wasn't trying to get on the helicopter. So what were your funniest moments in L4D?
ptoblably when me and my friends are standing on the toilets (i forgot what level it was) waiting for the zombie hoard to come kill us. just all the anticipation
Friend was incapacitated. We clear horde, and I walk up to him. "I... I can't do it dude... You've been infected." I shot him in the head.
Background story: this summer, my longtime friend (who was kinda like a brother) moved to Maine. We were playing VS mode, and he was Zombies, and I was humans. I was walking around, and we were in a party talking, having fun. He said I want to give you a hug, and as a hunter lunges at me. I said no gtf away and ran. He spawned as a Hunter, and all of a sudden I hear him yell JON and before I know it he pounced on me and is eating me. My teammates cleared it out and saved me, and like 10 seconds later he comes flying in, yelling how he missed me. Even though I died and we lost, it reminded me of the good times, and made me excited for when he comes to Northern NY to visit.
we all had gotten to the last safe room on no mercy when we found out that there was a tank inside the room and we had closed the door and it wouldnt go to the next area everyone was freaking out we all died but it was funny as hell
i was playing this morning on death toll with my mate and he kept closing the safe room door on me so i got mad and tried to shoot him through the door. i turn to my left and there's a whole zombie horde on me and only me and i piss myself laughing and im shooting without looking at the screen.
During a Versus game were my buddy was a Boomer outside of the Apartment in No Mercy, Chapter 1, he thought it was a better idea to drop down on us, the survivors, and he exploded (he died from falling damage) on all 4 of the us instead of simply vomiting on us.
I was playing online and then this little kid sees a Boomer, and he screams "FATTY!!!" at the top of his lungs, and then his friend said "Thats not nice..." in a hurt sort of way.