Tremor Blast Created By: Creep1ng De4th Gametypes Supported: Tremor Blast Recommended Players: 8-16 Ever think what would happen if you mixed TrueDarkFusion’s Tremors with Mastar’s Tremor N’ Mouse? Tremor Blast is the illegitimate child we’ve been waiting for. The players are thrust into an “Iced Valley” full of tunnels, pillars & ramps. The Tremors hunger for the taste of human flesh and will stop at nothing to keep the players from capturing the flag. At the most there are 4 tremors who must use tactics and cunning to outsmart and out drive the faster mongooses. The players with mongooses have access to a few bruteshots to help with their journey but other than that they are practically defenseless. A good driver is able to outrun and out maneuver the slower tremors but any mistake will usually cost the driver one of their five lives. The valley is forged excellently with all the boxes merged seamlessly into the ground and designed to create optimal maneuverability without limiting the playing area too much. Tremor Blast is a welcome remix to one of Forgehub’s longest running gametypes. Download Iced Valley Download Tremor Blast View Original Forge Hub Thread for More Information
Wow this is epic... I loved both the original and the tremor n' mouse. The geomerging is perfect! The fusion coil thrower is pretty cool also, it will add a twist to the game.
I really appreciate how a game with little forgeing can be so respected, and even to the point of feature. This game is one of the funnest games you will ever play and that is what maps truly should be judged on. Props forgehub! And Props Creep1ng De4th!
We played this like 10 times at the end of my tgif. It was really fun, but I had never heard of it. I guess now I do.
I was in Zander's TGIF party, this game kicks ass! Played a pervious build of it, changed a couple things for the better. Definately deserved the feature.
Finaly?!?!? omfg i love this map and gametype... there needs to be a 'book of tremorblast' with all posible tremor blast maps in it. creeping, you have some forging to do....
Unfortunately I missed the chance to play this in the TGIF (as I got off too early). However, I read a few reviews on the gametypes and this one stood out to me. It sounds like a rediculously fun game.
Props creep this map tottaly deserved it, a good strategy is to have 2 people on a moongoose when you get to a tunnel get off the back and have the driver keep going, hopefully the choppa well keep going forgeting about u, then you can just walk there and mwet up withyour mongwese driver
I was able to play on this a few weeks ago and felt it to be the most intense tremors variant yet. The terrain riddled with boxes can be difficult, but fun to navigate with a speeding mongoose. The agility of one of these small, easily maneuvering vehicles does not overpower the strength of a chopper one bit. Any chopper pilot with enough common sense can hide behind one of the structures and stike a passing victem. These structures do serve as a double-edged sword though. A mongoose can take refuge from any chopper in the well-merged open boxes. Iced Valley is quite a good forge, and Tremor Blast is one of the best mini games I've played. Good job, De4th. Well worth the feature. The primary thing I derived from this game, however, is that Lightsout225 truly is the mongoose master.
YES! I love this game, the map is greatly forged and has a wonderful gameplay. Great map 1000000000/10
I think like half my friends list like this map and i have 100 friends most of them played halo 2 and like this better then halo 2 tremors.
Good fun to be had on this map. The choppers can get stuck in the single boxes, its pretty hilarious to see them trapped.
its about time...well made map creeping i have enjoyed playing this over and over. It never gets old.
I knew this was going to get featured the first time I played it, which was before it was even published (maybe?) at a TGIF. it was destined for greatness. I am definitely glad something this good gameplay wise can be featured without amazing forge feats incorporated (although the geomerging is really good...). One special thing it has going is the innovative base design/flag area, which provides perfect safety and a spot to take a breather without slowing down the action. Good job, deserved the feature.
I played this two TGIF's ago, and it was amazing. It was so fun that I thought it had already been featured. Well, I'm glad it finally did, so that the handful of people that didn't already know about this epic creation do now. Very few problems arose. The only ones were the occasional boardings, or flying off of the map in a chopper, but thats not such a big deal. I remember playing this yesterday with vicious and creeping at the TGIF, and it was amazing. No team ever gets too much of an advantage, and BOTH teams must work together. The only downside is that you have to end the game to switch up teams EDIT: Just saw the post where the guy suggested walking as a good strategy. That is a terrible idea. There is no way in hell you will survive, unless you are already in the base, or have the worst players in the world on choppers