Flipside is a fast paced, double wide smooth racetrack containing banked turns, a giant asteroid belt and a huge elevator! The construction time was about 10 hours and was made by: Shadow Flair7x7 & WardsTime2Shine AKA rapidfirews This is my first ever racetrack, so don't expect me to go all x Dream 76 x on this Youtube Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uy-Ugta9ihI&fmt=18 Here's some screenshots of the racetrack The starting ramp with man cannons that shoot you up: As soon as you get up the ramp, two banked turns slowly getting you lower to the ground: A smoothly interlocked 90 degreed turn with sheild doors perfectly in the wall corners: A double wide asteroid belt like turn made of many boxes: A strange, but fun and working elevator: An overview of the racetrack: Heres the download link to the map: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=63224848
This looks like a pretty good race track. The sheild doors inside the wall corners is nice as people would otherwise crash into the walls lol. The elevator thingy also looks interesting. The whole track in smooth and interlocked which is really nice. I give it a 4/5 for now until I can test it when I get home late at night or in the morning. Good job on it though. The one thing I would say for now is it looks like the elevator would flip you becuase you are comming on it at an angle. I'm not sure becuase I haven't played it but it looks like the only problem...
I like this track its really well built. I havent seen the elevator before you must have added that after I had seen the track last but it looks cool. I would give this track a 4.5/5 because of the length and ending. Its not very long and the ending I think could be better but really good track. And can somebody tell me how to properly put my sig in my post.
Qued for DL! I think I saw this a few times in it's early development. I am glad to see that it's finally posted. I will race it today when I get on. Looks good. Make sure you put a link to any games types that it is compatible with. Nice job and I will review after I see it. Edit: Ok, I just raced it. Not bad.. Better than average. Some of the grav lifts could have used more tweaking. They seem to send me into the wall somtimes. Just have to be turned more or less. I think the first grav lift should be be down the center on the right more, as to slow you down before you turn. That's just me though.. Next, you should try to use some arrows to let people know which way to go when you reach the tunnel section. The shield door bouncer works actually pretty good. One mistake you made that everyone makes is you did not put the mongooses on instant respawn. Just make the RTMin to eight. This will have any mongoose left on the track respawn much faster in case someone leaves the party or something during a race.
Great idea with the shield doors in the wall corners. I'm not a fan of raceing maps, but you really make it look fun! I really want to see how that elevator looks, so i might DL this. Good map!
I've already done a forge-through on this, and it is veryyyyyyyy smooth. The beginning isn't original, however, its the best begining like that [a huge manconned hill] i've ever seen. The elevator idea is super original and i cant imagine it working consistently. Great map.
Yeah, I was goona put some arrows to show where to go, but the budget glitch is completely screwed up and couldent produce any reciever nodes, or pretty much anything else Thanks alot for the tips and review though, I really apprciate it, going to make a new track pretty soon and It'll be alot better.
hey! you decided to finesh this one. i really like alot of this track, and i remember when it still had yet to be fineshed, and when racing on it, i would fly off into nowwhere in the end and ROFL ROFL ROFL. im gonna download this and let you know what i think, but over all its a very nice and well built track.
The map is very fun to play on and i like the double box bank turns.The only thing i dont like is that you cant really go full speed but thats me,besides that its very nice good job.
Yeah thats what most people say, that the elevator dosent work that well because its at an angle. Suprisingly it works most of the time exept for if you hit the first sheild door on the right side, it can be some trouble then :\
This map is like one of the sickest tracks that I have ever seen! I love the speed and the turns! I also helped to make part of this haha the wall corner sheild doors! ShadowFlair- AnF Pro Score 5/5 -AnF
the thing is that there are a couple places where you can cheat like by goin under where the mancannons are at the start and landing farther up the track, another is a sign that respawns after a while where you can go through a hole and end up on another section of the track.. but the map is amazing for a first time, i couldnt make anything this good my first time...((andand the elevator is amazing but smetimes you shoot out at weird positions which i know cant really be fixed))Its an extrordinary map
Who cares about cheating, use the items to make the track better and smoother, and maybe, after your done, cheatproof the map for the people who love to cheat and mess up the game for everyone else.
Yeah I would have fixed up all the cheating area's, exept my budget glitch broke right at the end of the racetrack, so I couldent add in anything else to make the track better >.< The version on my file share isn't very good, exept I dont want to remove it and put the better Flipside in or else I'll loose all my downloads.
Hey, this map is great. The elevator is amazing. I love that thing. The use of mancannons isnt all that original, but it works excellently with this map. The grav lifts did seem to throw you into the wall sometimes (mostly the second one from start) so I just moved some stuff and put a shield door there. I also added some other things and moved the checkpoint farther out in the elevator so that you couldnt cheat on it. Lemme know if you wanna take a look at the changes I made. All in all, this map exceeding my expectations and even got an "I like that" from a non-racer friend . Keep em coming. 8/10
Um.. I just hope you didnt save the map under your name or anything because then that would technically be stealing a map :\ But thanks for the review, Im currently collaborating with some people and have two racetracks in progress Glad you like it.