That is sweet! It probably is not going to sell cheap. It looks custom made. But if it was on sale, I would totally buy it and play Super Mario 64. Mario FTW!!!
Shut Up It is Custom Made. This is easily THE GREATEST thing of all time. N64 is awesome. Not enough. This is an gaming accomplishment greater than anything else in its time. I will be willing to give $300 MINIMUM for this.
Considering tht this guy makes these kind of things as his job and takes his time out of making modded hardware for companys, I doubt you'd even be considered. Anyway, have any of you seen his other modded stuff? My favorite is the 360-PS3 controller.
Anyone can do this, but you would have to get your hands on some schematics for the object your hoping to mod. A little trimming and rewiring, that's all. Think of it as building a computer (Mines currently WIP). You might be able to find some on the internet.
Old news is old. Benheck, awesome stuff there. I interviewed the guy for a school project before. Also, you can contact him to consider custom works. Don't ask him about Xbox 360/Wii/PS3/N64/PS2 portables, though.
That can't be a handheld N64, theres no Z-button! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO A BARREL ROLL!?!? it is nice to dream though, a handheld N64 would be AWESOME