Dark Water

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by YEE MAN IZ BAK, Dec 26, 2008.


    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
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    MAP:Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    GAMETYPE:Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    YouTube - Daxter2013 Productions:: YEE MAN DARK WATER PUZZLE MAP WALKTHROUGH

    Map Created by: YEE MAN IZ BAK ,featuring BLAQxOUT.

    Dark water is easily my finest work,
    This map has some of the best forging BLAQxOUT And I have done.With it's hard challenges and great forging this is sure to be a great map
    This map Has turned out better Than BLAQxOUT and I have ever expected.
    With it's great aesthetics while still providing a hard challenge.

    This map is HARD,very HARD. Harder than all of my maps.
    Also, BLAQxOUT and I will not be helping anybody with this map anytime soon.
    Now For The Pictures

    the starting room

    the Main Room

    ohh a needler

    For this room You're gonna need some cover!

    HOW'd he do it???

    The Water cave

    So Thats about it We hope you enjoy this map as much we did making it.
    Thanks,YEE MAN.
    #1 YEE MAN IZ BAK, Dec 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2009
  2. Sgtkillstuff

    Sgtkillstuff Ancient
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    Wow from what I can see this is extremly nice, I suggest adding a few more pictures though.With the underwater gate thing it seems like if you moved them slightly to the side it would be a lot nicer. The puzzles hurt my brain from just seeing the pictures. Ill download and tell u when I beat it.
  3. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    holy crap, a puzzle map with some fantastic geomerging!

    havent seen that since The rack on tours...

    althugh thats all i can say until i get home later today and DL...
    this is also the first puzzle map ive seen in a while that actually claims to be difficult...usually other puzzles cant say that as the awnsers to their puzzles are just turrets or something...hope this isnt like that.

    p.s. ITS A ****ING PUZZLE MAP!!! STOP TELLING HIM TO ADD MORE PICS!!!THATS WHAT DLing THE MAP IS FOR YOU FORGENUB! oh and also sgtkillstuff, you suck at clue
  4. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    holy god this is an amazing puzzle map. I tried it for like an hour and got as far as the grav lift in the water part. I think I need to find an energy sword but I can't seen to find one in the room... This is definetly a very hard puzzle map. You have alot of good tricks in there. Could you tell me how to get the grav lift plz?
  5. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Good geomerging for someone so new to the site(?). I'll have to play. From the first pic: do you start inside of the ventilation fan?
  6. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    Wow looks very nice! Definatly gonna DL this and play it. I just finished a puzzle map yesterday that I didn't get to upload yet and it also uses the fan... darn why did you post this one before me? But it still looks good.
  7. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    Please don't post that here. make a new thread, copy and post your message in Off Topic some where you can get some help there,
    oh and delete your message or your probably get flamed for spam.
    but this map is excellently forged i have never heard of or seen geomerging in a puzzle map so the gameplay -AKA- puzzle could be interesting and extremely mind throbbing so i am going to go test it and i will get back with you later.
  8. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    jebus this thing looks hard (insert mom joke here). great job, the interlocking and goemerging are really innovative, which u usually dont see in a puzzle map. i dont usually download puzzle maps, but this really looks unique. ill get back to you with a rating after ive tried it out.

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes, you start in the fan.
  10. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    I agree. Looks well-merged and interesting, not sloppy and entirely impossible. although puzzle maps violate my moral code, i shall dl and give it a go.
  11. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    It is quite hard if you haven't done alot of puzzle maps you won't be able to do this all of the tricks are hard. The one at the start in the fan is even really hard. I got stuck pretty far through it I think I'm at the water part where you have to get the grav lift. I can't figure out how to get it...
  12. Jmen77

    Jmen77 Ancient
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    i beat this map with no help but it still was very hard but its still the best puzzle ive played and its so clean
  13. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I played this and I had no idea what to do. I spawned in "the main room" and there was nothing in there. There were teleporters behind the camo and overshields, but they were blocked. Are they meant to be blocked? If so, what do I do?!
  14. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    alright epic to start in that room with the 2 teleporters blocked you have to teebag the trash pile. Now i'm stuck after that I got the grav lift and I am stuck in the last room with the soccerball bouncing and the plasma turret in it. I can't figure out how to get up into that little gap. I did it with 2 people so I could double jump there but I can't figure out how to do it alone. Is there a grav lift or something there to use or how do I do it?
  15. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    First off those people who are saying that the map is awesome because the geomerging and such are as gamers say "noobs." This is a puzzle map. Therefore you cannot rate it on aesthetics. If thats all you care about is aesthetics then instead of clicking on "minigame maps" click on "Aesthetic maps." (see its labeled for you) From what I read only about half of you have even played the map. Almost everyone of the post before mine say "OMG This map LOOKS amazing." Really how many of those people have actually even started the map? All the people who have played don't comment on the looks.

    Anywho, I have played the map. I only played for about 10 minutes but that is infinitely more than most of you. So far what I've come across is plagiarism, clipping, repeatitiveness, and plainness. I won't go into a certain part that is plagiarism but the first clip was very stupid, annoying, and I doubt very many people will care to play your map long enough to find it. I found it by forging outside. Thats my hint to everyone. I mean I know you copied that from BuddhaCrane but at least he had the courtesy to mark them. Then in the next part you stole that idea from Buddha's newest map also. Then after that it is an annoying ricochet that you basically have to guess about. I could keep going but basically what I'm getting at is that your map consists of things you stole that were good, and things you made that were not so good.
  16. Jesus

    Jesus Ancient
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    Hmm, I will somewhat agree with this post, but slightly less harshly.
    Good interlocking is an excellent feature. It looks nice and can be more enjoyable to "stare" at. But as my friend said, please do not rate a puzzle map solely based on the inlerlocking and "good looks". Play it a couple times, then rate the map based on difficulty, fun, and the minor factor of aesthetics.

    As for the Plagiarism, both Painkiller and I find it to be a strange coincidence that the beginning of this puzzle is in the same area as in our newest puzzle, which we started long ago. I am not accusing Yee Man of plagiarism, however suspicious it seems (I did show him a preview of our map a while back).

    Overall, I have yet to finish the puzzle. Here is my RATING thus far: 6.5/10.
    Why? Try to focus more on your challenges. It's a very pretty map, yet the challenges seem a little repetitive. Creativity, my friend, will get you my kudos.
  17. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    Im sorry GMF painkiller, I cant hear you ranting what with your face being on the floor at buddha’s feet. I MEAN COME ON MAN! There is so much wrong with what you said in just one post that im ganna have to give you a freaking award or something….you little fricken kid… do you even know what plagiarism MEANS!?!?! I thought not… here lets go back to 3rd grade shall we?

    the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.


    Does Buddha ever say in his maps that he owns all of the halo 3 puzzle map glitches and tricks, and that nobody is allowed to copy them? NO therefore no plagiarism…

    Actually ive played the map for 2 and a half hours already, so stop assuming… know what happends when you assume? Well, your always wrong.

    how can say that as a statement or fact if you played the map for ten ****ing minutes? Your own previous line shows how stupid your being!

    so what? It’s his freaking map! Are you going to tell his how to brush his teeth and which girl to sleep with too? Get over yourself!

    Stealing ideas huh? Well I just stole the idea on how to take a crap the fastest… you ganna sue me? Its not copyright, so its not possible to STEAL and idea.

    Pretty disappointed here… I agree about the whole geoglitching stuff… but being bias to other puzzle map makers just because they didn’t INVENT the trick is pretty crude…
  18. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    Hey hydro, I said that I wasn't going to get into plagiarism and I didn't. Those things I stated I was not accusing him of plagiarism on those topics. There is something different that I care not to discuss that was plagiarism. Next time before you try and look smart by insulting someone actually find a flaw or something don't just twist what I say to whatever you want.

    Now I said that about half the people who have posted haven't played the map I meant HALF not all of them like you, I guess, thought I said. Read my post, you'll see that I didn't say ALL of the people haven't played.

    On what you said about being bias, I'm not. I don't like puzzle maps that just copy things, I'm sorry if I don't like playing the same thing over and over. What I was saying is that the reason puzzle maps are fun is because you have to figure it out. Now, if you just do the same thing over and over you don't have to figure anything out now do you?

    Before I end this post I would like to apologize to Yee man, I'm sorry for filling your thread with this fighting.

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
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    You are right about showing me your puzzle, when you showed me your puzzle, BLAQxOUT and I were allready working on this puzzle and had the fan room done.
  20. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    Two Things:

    THIS IS NOT A FORUM. It is a map post where you may comment and download maps. If you wish to carry out an immature argument, take it to the general forums where people don't care.

    Secondly, yee man, could you post a walk through of your map? I am new to puzzle maps and as fun as i am sure that it could be, it gets incredibly repetitive when you have no idea what to do. Thanks

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