Iron Curtain

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by x DREAM 76 x, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Iron Curtain
    Created by: x DREAM 76 x

    Gametype Supported: Iron Curtain
    Recommended Players: 8-16

    Iron Curtain is a new mini game that I created on Avalanche. The game is a remake of an old custom game I once played on Halo 2. It was originally called Border Patrol. I wanted to take the idea to the next level by creating a soviet spy, espionage kind of feel. The use of forge really made the game better because the guards pick up the sniper rifles on the bridge and the spies only get shotguns. This fixed a big problem that the Halo 2 version had. I also added the use of a custom power up to really spice up the game play. There is ample cover for the spies to try to reach the border, however there is also plenty of room to be seen. Be careful on your approach to the cliff and work together with your team mates to escort your VIP to the heavily guarded border. Use the cover of nightfall to your advantage and try to infiltrate the bunker, cunfusing the guards..






    Soviet Border
    #1 x DREAM 76 x, Dec 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2010
  2. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    cool looks fun! kinda like duck hunt in a way i'd imagine, snipers and people avoiding them by using equipment + cover except that you can actually win lol. well u can win in duckhunt, i guess, but w/e? pretty cool, nice idea, nice job :)

    Senior Member

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    Looks great and alot of fun. Simple layout, in a good way. I really love the Day and Night thing. It will add some interesting gameplay. Also when does the Night come. Also about that ghost in one of the pictures, wouldnt it be really easy to get to the sniper base, and really hard to get the driver off. I will give it a 4.7 of 5. Great map keep forging.
  4. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    this definitely isnt the first time ive seen this type of game, but your execution was really good on this one. i like the "cover of darkness" addition, should really spice up the gameplay! 4.2/5

    a cool idea: you could give the border patrol guards flares that they can use durring the night, kind of like spotlights on a real border.
  5. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    hey this looks like a great map i will definatly be downloading it. its definaly the first one of these that ive seen good job on that and nice use of the fx balls. i give you 4.5/5
  6. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Well, your not supposed to kill the guards. However, there are some nades near the cliff side and you can kill a guard with a well placed throw.
  7. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    I remember testing this with you quite a few times and yes i do agree this is a whole lot of fun !
  8. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Well, it's not that hard to get them off the ghosts being that everyone has no shields. I was just thinking that if the spys get magnums that it might be cool too..
  9. Like 520 ninjas

    Like 520 ninjas Ancient
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    i remember playing border patrol in halo 2!
    i like duckhut so i think ill like this
    it looks like good fun for the attacker and defenders but it might be hard to snipe people from the ghosts D:
  10. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
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    Played this the other day.
    It was easily one of the best minigames I've played.
    Being a sniper is just awesome.

    I think you should do something to make it a little more fun to be the people jumping off (not sure what though)
  11. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    I remember you from when you were testing the Map. I have already played this, and it is much funner then Duck Hunt. I like the interlocking and Geo-merging you did on this map, and how you layed out the terrain. I defiantly recommend downloading this to everyone and trying it out, its really fun. And good post BTW.
  12. halodudeguyman

    halodudeguyman Ancient
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    That is a really great idea! I think I have seen a map like this so i give it a 4.5/5. Could you add more pictures and do the spies get to kill the guard? that would be cool. maybe you could make an infection gametype for it. when the spies get killed, it could be more dangerous for the spies.
  13. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    You can kill a guard with a well placed grenade. I tried to make an infection game type and it didn't work so I had to use VIP for the way the game is set up.
  14. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    oh wow, dream, i didnt know you made this map... it is really fun im gonna download .. fun!!! 10/10... seriously., it is a great idea and a fun map, the thin gis like in your tremors map it is an asymmetrical map but with an objective game which makes hard cuz when people join they mess up the game.. but yes its a great map
    #14 whiizzle, Jan 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2009
  15. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    I remember playing on this map, it was a lot of fun. (I only had the chance to play on the spies side.)
    Since the Snipers get a lot of points for kills the gametype it's very fair when they're outnumbered by spies.

    The architecture is quite nice, and the cover is useful. I didn't know you could kill the snipers, they have to be aware of fluke-y grenades I guess.

    This map was a lot of fun, we joked about calling it something like 'Lemming Run' because of the cliff jumping.

    By the way, flares do work like flashlight balls with certain filters on.
  16. oO SLiK Oo

    oO SLiK Oo Ancient
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    Dream this map is epic.It so fun.The way you made the sniper tower is really unique.There is nothing bad to say,And is that me and THIZZ KILLER in the pictures?The only thing i didnt like is that when people would join the game when where playing they switch teams and went into the snipers team,Is that fixable or no?You dont have to fix it but im just saying that happened 2x.
  17. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Thanks! I am glad you all like it so much. I like it a lot too. I thought about making this one day and I just did. I knew in my mind that the game would work. As to comment on the team changing thing. In any team game in Halo, when somone joins an unlocked party the computer tries to fill the lowest team. The only thing you can do is either lock the party or just tell anyone who joins the red team to change to blue.
  18. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    plain sweet i felt like it was to easy for the vip to get pass but that was only in the games i play at this map

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