Ahhh nice those sound pretty awesome. I think I like Resonilation the best.......hmm...maybe instead of saying "v2" I can just put that name for the new one I make. Thanks a lot man! Yea I'll probably make the sniper tower smaller instead of deleting it completely I was just brainstorming, but yea I believe I might add 2 mongooses if anything, but I doubt it since I want the main focus to be getting to higher ground. I definitely was thinking of making it so that you can't rape the bases by camping the tower since it had some problems with CTF so I'll fix that. And the weapon set will be modified as well. Thanks again man.
This map definately lives up to its name. The giant doom pit in the middle is epic win. The main thing I like is the two side bases on each end. The soccer ball is win win merge. By the way thanks for showing me that technique for the soccer ball. Anyway, This map looks like it would play very whell. Ctf, and slayer would be great. 5/5
I have been friends with Doog Nit for a while. I was there when he made his old Doom Pit. It has definitley improbed and changed alot. Also for everyone who are asking for more cover and more stuff. He hit the item limit and after the update, Bungie patched the glitch to take it away.
That's what I'm going to do for my map that's coming out. Instead of calling it Protozoan V2, I'm going to call it Parazoan. By the way, just thought of a new one. Castrophany (Catastrophe & Cacophony). I first heard it on the Gorillaz song "Fire Coming Out of a Monkey's Head". I decided to listne to that album again and realized it fit the bill of "Doom and Loud" I was looking for.
Very nice structures,i dont have nothing bad to say,just that i got spawn killed alot.But besides that it was awsome!
hay man if you want to make a death pit but not have the loud Booming sound on any chance of lag (which can get anoying) put a row of teleporters on there sides in the pit and put the resever node outside and place a mancanon on it looks like this ..............//\\ .............//||\\ ...........///|||\\\ <---- Resever node ..........|||||||||| ...........////// ...........\\\|||/// ........////// .............\\||// ..../////// ....... ____\\//_////// <----- man canon that throws you out of death barior ....../____________\ this way wen you fall in the you are imedeitly throw to your death i have tryed this it works and the mesage says fell to death but if you are pushed in (granade gravhammer) it say exa. CowforCow killed you
Thanks for the review and no problem lemme know if ya need any other Forge tricks I don't think I'll do that, but it's possible. Thanks for the idea though. Spawn killed? Damn I could've sworn I'd fixed that. I guess I'll go check again, but I'm pretty sure I fixed that. Were the teams evenly skilled? Yea I was thinking about putting sender nodes under the map where the pit is and making it so the receiver node is way outside the map to the point where if you go through the node, you automatically die. The only reason why I wouldn't is because it's not as "Doom...ish" if ya know what I mean.
Do you know when your v2 is going to be tested? I had RRoD and was playing at a friend's apartment when you tested it. Good luck with the v2, and God Speed on your next project! Merry Christmas! Desert Rat 852
About the soccer ball... Spoiler Link was broken Now onto the map When I saw the name I practically brushed it off because it seemed like it was going to be "Another one of those death pit maps full of instantly respawning fusion coils and piles of rocket launchers scattered around" type maps. T'was not The map is incredibly well made, everything is straight, everything looks good and everything is awesome. The side bases are incredibly well made and I can see soccer ball merging becoming "the new big thing for maps"
I played this when it didn't have the crazy vent things. DoogNit and I just sorta ran around. Is there a hammer in this? 'Cus you could totally push those suckers into the pit with one. Either way, loving the new updates and bits and pieces that you've added. Way to go!
Truly outstanding. I remember reading about Doom Pit on Doog Nit's blog one day and remember how much I couldn't wait for it to be released. It was like that feeling where you want something but you can't have it quite yet. Kinda like how I am with Christmas right now. I know I'm getting Mirror's Edge but I have to wait. Anywho. Amazing map, the soccer ball is by far one of the most impressive things I've seen in my 'Halo 3 life'. I'll have to look for that Easter egg though. It's bothering me not knowing what it is...
No not too sure when it will even be done since map #77 is more my concern as of now. Plus if I do make a v2 I think I'm gonna call it something else rather than "Doom Pit v2" It seems to be the weakpoint of this map so I'm gonna change it. I'll definitely hit you up for any testing that goes down though. I'm sure I should get that spoiler thing, but I don't so yea.....anyway thanks for the good review and I totally agree about the title. It will be changed without a doubt if I make a v2. Ahah yea I remember those days that was when Doom Pit was terrible though XD There is no hammer because I feel that people would complain about always getting knocked into the pit. I might put it there instead of a sword, but I doubt it. Hmm I didn't care too much for Mirror's Edge when I played the demo.....but enough of that XD yes the soccer ball was going to be the "DL ensurer" I guess you could call it. I did this, because I wanted people to DL it even if they thought it wouldn't be good game play at all. So that way it's a win-win situation. They DL and find it's a good map. And I get the DL. Everyboday a happay! And yes the Easter Egg will make you mad when you find it since it's right there if ya know what I mean. And you'll know trust me. The only clue I can give you is it's bigger than a weapon and smaller than a dumpster.
Wow. Not only did you build a ****ing doom pit, but you built a whole competitive map around it. This is so well forged, and it looks like a great map to play. Good job, Doog Nit.
Review Enjoyment: Doom Pit is incredibly satisfying to play on. Being able to roll fusion coils down the base to kill an attacker is genius. This map is best when played on CTF or normal slayer FFA. Because of its unique layout there are many different heights and angles to mix up game play. That is Doom Pit's key factor. Versatility! There are hundreds of different combinations of angles and elevations to play on. Each structure has many unique ways in which the player can get up top. For example, The doom pit can be reached by using the fence wall walkways, Taking the gravity lift, or by jumping to it from the sniper tower. Because of this versatility, game play flows incredibly well. Doom Pit's best game type has to be CTF. There are many different routes a player can take to get from one base to another. Although it is really fun to play on, Doom Pit lacks in this section because the doom pit which the map is based on is merely an aesthetic touch. The doom pit is what made the map special. and it just doesn't seem to play that specially without it. Overall: 9.5/10 Balance: This realm of maps is not so strong in Doom Pit. Doom Pit is somewhat balanced but there are certain areas that people often camp at and some areas that are underused. As long as one team doesn't slack in the beginning of a round then they can prevent the other team from getting both the sniper and the sword. Often when a person gets the sniper they will just camp at the sniper tower. The long walkway up allows the sniper to kill the attacker before he can get killed. Imagine what happens when there is a sword carrier defending the sniper, Then they are invincible. In order to prevent camping at the sniper tower two decently powerful weapons should be placed at the two corner bases. The ones to both sides of the over shield. That way even if the other person gets a sword, sniper, and the other power weapon the losing teams has a powerful weapon that has the ability to take out three power weapons. This maps layout is also very balanced. Both teams have a decently equal chance to get the power weapons. Overall=8.5/10 Durability: Doom Pit actually excelled my standards in this category. Although the player cannot escape the map, seeing as it uses the back walls of foundry, I did a through search for HLG spots and other nook in crannies that a player could hide in. What i found was phenomenal. There are very few hiding places if there even are. The only place that could interfere with game play is on the two side bases. During a game of king of the hill a player could crouch behind the interlocked box with a barrier and a BR leaning on it. Not a critical flaw but every nook and cranny matters. It actually makes many players resort to grenade spamming. After a few rounds of King Of the Hill players will learn to toss a few grenades in the general direction of the base and flush out any enemies on the hill. Using the deploy-able cover found on this map can make this hiding spot even more dangerous, even making the player practically invincible from grenade spamming. Aside from that hiding spot, I found no other place for players to hide in. Overall=10/10 Aesthetics: This map has some of the best aesthetics I have ever seen. The detail on each of the structures blew me away at first glance. every box is merged or interlocked to perfection so that you can not even feel the slightest bump or crack. The soccer ball concept was a new and original one and it turned out excellent. The gravity lifts look much more professional when merged into the ground like that. I am glad that you took the time to merge them instead of just setting them on instant re-spawn. I see that you are getting a lot of messages criticizing your lack of cover. I have absolutely no idea what they are talking about because the cover is placed perfectly. I have averaged all the positions and distances up and found that on average, a player is never more than 4 seconds away from cover. For accuracy I have graphed over 75 points. Also excelling in this category is object placement. Your use of barriers, fusion coils, dumpsters, and doors is amazing and really helps people get around on this map. Overall=9.5/10 Originality: Although this map is not very original, (every map post used to pretty much be just a pit full of instant re-spawning fusion coils) It is original to the fact that you are the first to actually make a good competitive map doing it. It One very original feature that this map includes is that it uses the back parts of foundry. Sure it is done once in a while, but not often. Most maps that use the back alleys of foundry aren't as good as this though. One last very original feature is the use of the soccer ball where it is Geo-merged into a wall and is constantly spinning. That is the most novel aesthetic feature I can think of. Overall=9/10 Personal rating=9/10 Additinal comments ~Fix the hiding spots on the side bases ~For a higher score in aesthetics please make the soccer ball stand out more. (Colorful teleporters and power ups) ~Fix up weapon placement. Place sword further away from sniper. ~give people a way out of the pit. Making them commit suicide is cruel. Give them a chance. ~CTF needs a little, tiny, minuscule, amount of work. Which ever team is better CLEARLY stands out in the final score ~More power weapons to shift camping away from sniper tower.
Well, im not really sure what to say. The map looks epic. the geomerging and layout seem very well arranged and balanced, but the center pit seems entirely pointless. I guess i'll download and see for myself, but from first glance, its certainly a turn-off. Great forging. 4.9/5
Awesome geomerging - check Amazing interlocking - check Fun gameplay - check Easter eggs, lol - check The FR0ZEN chart says you're an epic forger! Congratz! 5/5
I played an extremely fun, three vs three game on here last night, so that's what this review is based off of. Layout - 8/10 The layout is pretty good overall. I thought the back of the map (near the soccer ball) was pretty unused for the entire game. The main battle was over the pit, or near the bases. There really wasn't a justifiable reason to want to go back there. Aesthetics - 10/10 The grate that divides the map is an amazing way to block of the area. I love when maps implement grates into their maps. They completely change gameplay, and make the map look more professional as a whole. Plus you have a Geo-merged, spinning soccer ball. Weapons - 9/10 I wasn't too sure of the Sword on the map when we started playing. I thought it would be too much of a close-range weapon to be used effectively. Then once I got it, the Sword excelled. As long as you weren't alone, you could use the Sword to rack up a few kills. If you were alone, you would have to be more careful because you didin't have the support of a team in case your shields got too low. The Sniper was useful, but not over powering. The only place it could dominate, hands down, was the perch above the pit. Thanks to the fusion coils you placed up there, a well placed grenade could take care of any camper that decided to sit up there. Equipment - 7/10 The equipment didn't play a huge part in the gameplay. If you really want to make equipment a big deal, look to use the unconventional choices. Like on Linubidix's map Remedy, the Deployable Cover played a HUGE part in who would win a fight. When ever possible, look to add equipment that when used with the right weapons, almost becomes a power weapon. It will greatly enhance your map's gameplay. Gameplay - 9/10 Seeing as I've only played Team Slayer, I can't say I've explored every aspect of this map. From what I have played, this map's gameplay is amazing. The map is balanced, and very team oriented. I loved playing on Doom Pit. I haven't played on a map that made you stick together so you win, in a long time. Overall - 86% I think that if you make a version two with the advise I've given you, then a feature could definitely be on the way. Also, like we discussed, you need to change the name. Doom Pit sounds too much like an instant respawn fusion coil pile. B
Thanks a lot man I'm glad someone finally sees the theme here. A lot of people seemed to think the Doom Pit, which is completely there for the dramatic effect, would ruin gameplay. Playing in the map over 50 times, I have had about 10 people fall in. And that's not 50 people. 50 plays of 10 minutes or more. Nice review man seems like you went into about as much detail as possible. As for the specifics - I think some stuff is misunderstood, but I agree with other things as well. I won't reply to everything, but for one thing specifically, the "hiding spot" behind the corner bases are there purposely. You gotta have at least one place to hide in a hill if it's pretty open. And the corner bases are very open. Having a place to hide is very important in KOTH. That's why you can go under the 4th hill where OS is. Since everyone is rushing at the same spot, you gotta be ready for impact and either camp, or rush back. I believe the correct term is "Mongeese" Ehh I've got that from a bulk of the community so that's ok. I'm working on a new project as of now so hopefully it will be more "instantly appealing" rather than you have to DL to find its greatness. Now that's what I wanna hear. jk jk but yea thanks man. Tight review man - very well thought out. I can see you actually played And the name will definitely be changed there's no doubt about that. I think I'll post a new topic when I make the v2 instead of just saying "Doom Pit v2". But I don't know if it's allowed. I'll check with a mod. Thanks for the info and advice man it, along with everyone else's advice should really help this map out if I end up making a new version. the map rather than judged it before game play. I agree with a lot of what you said; For instance, I like the idea of putting more "usable" equipment rather than stuff here and there.