Moon Waffle

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Tex, Dec 20, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Okay

    15 vote(s)
  2. Average

    10 vote(s)
  3. Good

    24 vote(s)
  4. Great

    88 vote(s)
  1. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    That was my point that doognitized took the extra step and this one "tried"........and don't get me wrong, this map is just fine. Like I said I am not on any side. I am just saying not to jump down anybodies throat because they do not like it. This only creates more arguments in this thread. Just let it go.

    Senior Member

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    basically, a lot of people in this thread are saying that this doesnt deserve a feature, by the reasoning that the map isn't all that great. If the map wasn't even there, and we featured it, no one would be complaining. People need to stop bitching that theres a okay map around THE GREATEST SWITCH CREATED IN FORGE EVER. seriously. think about it. The fact that people say that this doesnt deserve a feature on the merit that they don't like the map built around some of the most creative mastery of forge to date is 100% bogus, no matter what way you cut it. Not only is it a slap in the face of the staff, but also to Devinish himself. Its shameful is what it is.. a big disappointment in the community.
  3. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    The map IS a switch at heart, but was posted in the Competitive section because it supports competitive gametypes. With that said, some people like the gameplay, some don't. It's all in how YOU play it. But the word "Switch" is used in the thread many times, while the words "Competitive map" are not.

    I don't see the confusion here. Tex even ended the post with this:

    Am I missing something? Apparently I am since everyone who FAILS TO READ thinks this is the second coming of Kentucky Tango and not a switch with a map nicely placed around it to give it some gameplay appeal. And the gameplay isn't as bad as some people say it is, it's servicable in my opinion and offers some nice site lines. Hell, it's better than 90% of the garbage posted in Competitive maps and gameplay isn't even it's focal point.

    Either way, as a Moderator for FH it is my duty to ask all to cease and desist all flaming and arguing and to stop flooding Dev's hard work with such negativity. If you have something legit and constructive to say then do so, but if your sole purpose is to come in here and say "the gameplay sucks, this shouldn't be featured" then I will infract you. Try backing up your statements with suggestions on how to improve it or where you think a weapon should go instead. That is called being a good forum member, and some of you should try it sometime.
  4. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    hey i downloaded this map and had a 1v1 game with my bro the biggest problem was that it was nothing but spawn killing
  5. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    What a great message. I think I should put that in my sig. But he's right. Delete the map if you just downloaded it so you can come but here and ***** and complain while you jackoff to people's avatars with random chicks, cause we don't wanna hear you just complain. If you have something worth listening to, actually judging the elements of a map, then by all means just say it. If not, shut the hell up.
  6. skaterdude770

    skaterdude770 Ancient
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    It's a great map and I love the elevator; but that's it.
    I just don't like the map layout. Sure the elevator is great but you can jump to the second floor faster than riding the elevator.
    If the elevator was placed somewhere else and the map layout was built to where the elevator was actually needed. The map layout doesn't flow with the elevator is what I'm saying.
    The elevator should be used in a floor based map.
  7. Trident wins

    Trident wins Ancient
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    hey the map was good. lol its something that would take me freaking forever to think of. good job
  8. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Thanks for all of the positive AND negative reviews. Even if you don't like the map and don't think it should be featured, it has been. So if you are angry that this has been featured, take a second and think about what this map has that yours doesn't (SPOILER ALERT: it isn't just the elevator). :)
  9. sh0tgunj0e

    sh0tgunj0e Ancient
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    I'll start by saying wow. your map is like uber merged and interlocked as well as quite whacky. when you look at it certain ways as an orb its like watching a strobe light. i havent actually played a game on it so i dont know how it plays, nor will i rate it until i do. but i will give you props on your elevator. ive been making "elevators" my self but yours definately takes the cake on that one. mine are nowhere near that complex. the doors, the buttons. very nice.
  10. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Wrong, that's nowehre near true. It's entirely false. Not only have more resource efficient less laggy and much less breakable models been built...
    What irks me is you didn't even think to research that before saying it.

    I don't see a great revolutionary switch, I see an unreliable, breakable, inefficient mechanism that causes too much lag to play.
  11. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    You PM'd me about this and you have yet to prove it. If there is a better elevator out there that has doors that you can open, get in, doors close, it goes up, and the doors open to let you out then I would love to see it. Try providing some proof to back up your claims. Otherwise you just look like a pompous ass making claims that he can't back up.

    And you ignored my warning a few posts back so....
  12. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
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    i cannot understand how people are still arguing on here. OK, granted the map around the elevator is decent, it shouldnt matter. gameplay..etc was probably not the most important aspect focused on, and this map here is the greatest feat of forge EVER, even moreso than Rick's Pallet Parade (teardrop). And the ground this has laid for switches and maps in general to come is unforeseeable. This needs a feature so the technology Dev created can be exposed to everyones understanding. and a prediction.... there will be a map someday that will be featured that uses an elevator similar to this (maybe even by Dev himself again) in a more practical way, but remember that this is only the FIRST map with a working elevator of this kind. Nothing is ever perfect on the first try. But until the day when a better map is here, (not necessarily a better elevator because i dont that there will be) everyone should probably cut the stubborness and admit the glory/brains behind this map and the possibilities that this invention has given the forging community.
  13. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    The video alone made me want to download.
    Nice job on the map. Seriously. The elevator is epic.
  14. Damilkman

    Damilkman Ancient
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    This is a very dense map. Pretty sweet though, dude, you need to make a map just or better than this. Besides this map my friend has called " Porcoline Pony " this is acually very good.
  15. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Dude get a clue. Greatest feat of forge ever? Are you retarded? Interlocking was far more revolutionary not to mention geomerging.
  16. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Switches are meh. Sure they are cool but at this point are barely useful and almost always terrible for gameplay. Plus the amount materials this uses makes the switch completely impractical.
  17. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    I find the argument about the switch interesting. If I made it the ONLY way up, people would be pissed, and it would kill the flow of the map; also, because the elevator is out of the way, people say it is pointless.

    If I forced you to use it, it would kill the gameplay, and if I put alternate routes up to the top, it becomes "pointless," and a "waste of resources." I guess I just can't win...
  18. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Aww don't cry Devin, you do win! You're a winner! All these losers are just sad cause they fail :[

    Now go forge.
  19. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
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    This is the most innovative switch thus far, and by greatest feat, i mean in terms of switches inside of maps not forge techniques that have been discovered.
  20. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Wrong again, the drawbridge switch is better in terms of smooth operation and there have been cleaner elevators.

    Nor is it the first time a switch was used in a map so it's hardly innovative for that. The only thing he's done that I haven't seen before is add doors. Which to be honest is cool but makes it far too resource heavy and complicated.

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