I dun liek anime, soz I dun liek ur sig. nah, I'm just kidding it's not bad...could be better, but not bad. Color choice is a little to dark for my tastes...
IMO, get rid of the 'lighting effect' and just make a new layer with a big soft brush in white where you want lighting. Then adjust the opacity to what looks like a good light source.
i like the sig however, i do agree with lock that it has to much empty space it in but the text goes well with the rest of the sig. i dont really like lighting effect though you have to do something with that to make it look more natural but other that that nice job with it. and lock i think you might have an anger problem... CnC is really just someone's opinion on something so dont get pissed off if someone doesnt agree with your own opinion.
Frag Man, some of us are trying to give you CnC, so using sarcasm, insults, and being overly stubborn about our advice is just annoying. If you don't want CnC, then don't post a CnC thread. Its that simple.
dude understand sarcasm all he was saying is he doesn't like your color choices no need to get your panties in a bunch.
Sarcasm is sometimes almost impossible to detect on the internet through type, and is not as apparent to some people as it is to others. It is best not to use sarcasm, or to actually somehow state that is was sarcasm.
If you want to do it on the internet you do this. Your sig sucks [/sarcasm] It doesn't suck lol but it could do with some improvement. I think that there's too much empty space on the right. (It's what stands out) I don't know what you want to add but anything is better than nothing. The 'Thief' text is a little hard to read so I'd suggest chaning it to white, or at least a much brighter colour. Even a border arounf the letters may do. Other than that the design, in which I mena the anime girl and such is very nice =D
I'm great on your eyes too, put some sweet man cream all over them. *don't mind me, my posts mean nothing, i'm just merely stalking Blaze*
Why do all my threads turn into flame wars? I called LockDOWN Mr. Rainbow man because of all the colors he puts in his sigs. If he puts a variety of colors in his sig, how would I know if the color choice you suggested to me wouldn't make it turn out like his sigs. I don't want it that way. I want it my way. Please, I don't want my own thread locked.
No duh Sherlock. What's next? Having a blond in your creative signature doesn't make it look good? I hid my text on purpose.
Who cares? Let him flame and get banned if he wants to... You don't have to be arrogant, Frag Man. To be honest, it's a pretty bad render, too. So in this case, the answer is "yes." Why did you purposely make the text invisible?