I know I'm posting on Christmas Day, but oh well, I don't care. I'm in before the other threads, lol. I got a new phone, a Samsing G600, a few DVDs, a few stocking fillers, some Jeremy Clarkson biographies and a year's subscription to Xbox 360 Official Magazine. But those are just the household gifts to each other. I'll open some more from our family later. What did you get? EDIT: I also got from the rest of my Mum's family: - Halo: The Cole Protocol (the newest Halo book; I've only read the first one, though) - Bunch of clothes (including an awesome padded jacket from D2 Denim that'll feature in my zombie story blog) EDIT 2; It's boxing day, and my Dad's family got me; - £145 to go towards driving lessons - Magnetic Learner and Pass plates for my car that I'll eventually buy - Top Gear book - Moar clothez!! - A few gift cards for shops that I never go to (including Mothercare :/)
I got Gears of War 2, Far Cry 2, a Cellphone, some shirts, a messenger bag, a wallet, some money, Havaianas (slippers) and a Halo 3 Master Chief statue =)
Noice! Master Chief statue? anyway, I didn't ask for games because someone always buys me the wrong one if I ask for it. I'd rather ask for mon33yz so I can buy it myself.
lol, not completely. I don't care though. Well, I got. Lips The Dark Knight, 2 disc special limited edition Blu Ray MP4 Watch(this ***** plays music, videos and takes pictures films) Money I didn't get heaps but I liked what I got. As I've stated elsewhere, 'twas a small Christmas but fun, nonetheless.
I basically copied this from the other thread but meh, whatever 120GB Xbox 360 HD Farcry 2 Call of Duty: World at War 2100 Microsoft Points (My bro got the 4200 but we share...) Heroes Season 2 Box Set (Best series ever!) A wallet A jacket Even though I get less than what I used to get when I was younger, it still costs quite a bit and I'm very grateful.
*Far cry 2 #COD WAW #1000 points #Chapstick (2!!!) #candy #COD WAW guide # HUGE K'nex marble coaster #winsauce
Ouch! I feel really bad for you and your mom, hope she gets a job soon and it turns out for the best. This worldwide economic crisis is horrible - good luck for the future to both of you
Monty Python Collectors Edition, PGR4 (wtf?), and a Garmin GPS. I can't say it was my best Christmas but it was the funniest. "Boy don't you be crakin' wise at yo' momma." <3 to my family and all others. Merry Christmas everyone!
well i got a suprise from my dad he sent me in the mail a $50 american express rechargable gift card! noe far cry 2 is mine!
Wow. This morning was great! I got a Google G1 phone, a $50 prepaid credit card, clothes, and I'm going to get Fallout 3 and Call of Duty: World at War later. Merry Christmas everyone!!
I got ... -Guitar Hero 2 -Gears of War 2 -Soul Calibur IV -Fallout 3 -MK vs. DCU -Dead Space -Far Cry Intsincts/Predator (already own FC2 I wanted this one.) As well as a $25 visa card, $30, $10 Burger King card xD, and a $15 iTunes card Pretty decent Christmas, have a good one you guys.
well, my dad is away in China right now so i only got stuff from my extended family as well as my mom and lil bro anyways i got some money(about $150) gift cards ($40 worth, lol) Gears of War 2 Family Guy xmas DVD and Blue Harvest shirt And from my dad, ima probably get The Dark Knight DVD and Guitar Hero: World Tour Band Kit. that pretty much it. Gears 2 is ossimsauce
120GB HDD. Left 4 Dead. Far Cry 2. C&C3: Kanes Wrath. C&C: Red alert 3. Play and Charge kit. The Dark Knight.
I got some money bout 150, a few books one of them twilight, I was kinda like oo what a great book I heard it was good though. Also an iPod touch that I'm using too type w right now
2 Sexy Hoodies 1 Sexy pair of Sweats 3 Sexy shirts 1 Bathrobe (wtf? lol) 1 19inch LCD HDTV/DVD Combo Toshiba Television (wtf? O__O) 1 Stocking full of hilarious trinkets. Good turnout. I actually have some pretty funny stories, too. My mom gets my sense of humor and can take a joke (my dad, not so much), so every year I pick out one of the duller presents (I'm grateful for all of them, but one of the stereotypical dumb presents; a board game, a robe, etc) and ask "What were you thinking?". Good times by all, you should try it sometime.
Well I all wanted for Christmas was money and here is what I got: 1. Polo Shirt 2. Wanted Special Edition 3. Tri-fold wallet 4. 300 dollars