I'm working on two maps...I don't really want to disclose too many details, but one is a 1v1 map that will be playable up to 4v4, but able to hold up to 14 'spectators'. The other one is a hybrid MLG and symettric competitive map that I am working on with one of the greatest builders I've ever worked with (sorry, no info right now...maybe in a couple weeks). It's my least innovative map yet, but still should have it's own little Insaneovation in it.
Looking awesome. I enjoy smaller maps. Sorry about that, I searched for it but couldn't find anything. Sounds interesting. I'm racking my mind trying to figure out how it works, but I suppose I'll just have to wait.
Im working on a Foundry map, that is enclosed. It's meant for 1v1 2v2 maybe 3v3 - 4v4 It resembles Paragon by TDHarding in some ways, but its all mine. its budget glitched and is coming along surprisingly quick pictures come when im almost finished,
Its a collab with my friend. We arent even 20% done with the map. We are still deliberating on a secong floor and after that we will work on straightening and revamping any crooked walls, floors, bases,etc. Its going to be mostly assymetric with each base leading to a tunnel. This is one of the entrances.
American Phsyco and xanon, those maps look amazing. If your map works phsyco then it will be a revolutionary map of gromerging. My maps are as follows, Tributary- My first far cry 2 map. little can be said about it right now except that it will be big. Twice as large as vahalla. And it will play well with CTF because of veichals. Bio-Hazard- My attempt to break free of my usual maps, It is a map with all covenant weapons and some foreunner influence, but the architexture will be all foreunner. My blog will be updated with pictures if you want to take a look. I am really happy with how this map is turning out so far. Castle map- Break the un-originality of castle maps by making it incredibly detailed and balanced. There will be no three turrets and ten people hiding behindsheild doors with swords. Pipewerks- My collaborated map with SoLo92. This will be kept more of a secret, We haven't even started yet.
I already have a map with that name :haha: Im working (Testing right now) on a symmetrical map thats mediumish biggish. Its my best map yet (Not hard to beat my other maps:lol. Im also working on a minigame remake from Halo 2
The name tributary has probably been used tons of times so it really doesn't matter. I hope it will be the first FAR CRY TWO map that uses it.
So sexy Shannon, can't wait for the rest of the map. Looks like some fun merging there. Hope you can get that one, looks like an awesome sketchup.
Right now here's how complete my first map is Designing : 90% Forging : 33% Testing : 0% I designed this on GoogleS ketchup and used that one guy's thing for it... I think his name is like Frizzle or Fritos or something. Right now I have no idea how good the map is going to be or if it will at all because it's my first one and well... my dad took away my xbox because I gotta study for my SAT in January lol.... ****. The last few problems I had so far was geomerging so that I could block off areas that would let you escape the map.
What is it, Looks really cool. I actually saw that picture from Debo67 on his Debo67Night. I cannot wait. Could you link it to me when it is done.
I myself (first off, I'm not going to name the maps I'm working on with others) am working on a revolutionary conquest map... it wont actually be the first of its kind to posted, but that's because 1: I have RRoD and 2: on another forge site I ran a contest their that had forgers make said revolutionary conquest map. --I also might run said contest here, but from the results over their only three forgers out of five truly understood it and one of them didn't make his map flow like a conquest map. Anyways, I'll go ahead and mute myself now. Don't want to spoil too much.