
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Bartoge, Dec 24, 2008.

  1. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    {click to download}

    Over the past couple of weeks I've been creating my next map, the ninth one to be precise. After countless hours of forging, tweaking, and testing; I present to you: Valence.

    Description Of Name
    If you have had 8th grade science in Georgia, you would have learned about these things called "Valence Electrons". These wonderful little items are the farthest electrons from the nucleus of an atom, and are in the outermost ring. Now a ring, can also be called a circle. And if you cut any part of the perimeter of a circle off, you have an ark. Arks are the main focus of this map, or at least I hope they will be to everyone else.

    Description With Pictures

    Valence uses the entirety of Foundry and one base is in the left upright corner, back with the hallway, while the other takes up the right wall.

    Well, this is an overview of the map. This was taken from the bottom left corner, ad hopefully you can start to see some of the arks and angles in the geometry.

    This is taken from the same spot except turned about 45 degrees. This is the platform in which you take to get up to the sniper spot.

    This is the second overview, taken high up centered on the back wall. You can see one of the bases and the big structure in front of it.

    Here we are inside the ally, looking to the left. This is the biggest example of arks and angle and its my favorite structure.

    Here we are in the same ally, except turned about 90 degrees. You see that tall imposing tower like thing, lets see where it takes us.

    If you walk through it and go to the left, you reach the second base. Although its not a true base but its the area in which you defend in CTF and Assualt.

    However if you go to the right, you will end up in the other corner, and by the dumpster against the wall, a ghost shall spawn.

    This is looking from the second base, to its wall. Very protective and cool looking. By the mongoose a fence wall is there, but you can still access the mongoose from either side.

    This is the other base.

    However this is looking back from in front of the base onto the back wall.

    Action Pics






    Now I suppose you would like to know weapons and such, so here you go.

    Weapons List:
    - AR X6
    - BR X9
    - Sniper Rifle X1
    - SMG X2
    - Spiker X2
    - Plasma Pistol X1
    - Needler X2
    - Rocket Launcher X1
    - Carbine X3

    Vehicle List:
    - Ghost X1
    - Mongoose X2

    Equipment List:
    - Frag X5
    - Plasma X6
    - Power Drain X1
    - Regenerator X1

    Now I have altered the spawns of the power weapons {and Ghost}. Some spawn at the start, while other dont.

    Well there you have it, my ninth map. I hope you like it, and my tenth will hopefully be even more of a doosie.

  2. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Ah, I remember studying valence electrons. This is a very solid map with a few nice unique structures, I really like the tall central arches.


    Okay, be honest now, was that sideways merge on purpose or did it happen by accident? =P

    Jokes aside, this is a very strong map, but I would work on designing something with some unique feature or idea that makes it stand out a bit more from the rest.
  3. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    well if you mean that angled box, it was kind of both. I was going for something like like it, but it like freaked out. If i redid it, it would look similar, but I thought that was pretty good
  4. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    It looks pretty good, the aesthetic value is great, but it looks to me too open, and the structures look hard to access (inaccessable or whatever). I like all the variety and how you used all of foundry however..
  5. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    What are you talking about, its not open at all, I think its better to have it open because then it takes true skill, when Its small people can just quickly hide by a corner and then a map turns into a beat down camp. I think its a graet map, not too open and not too pakced
  6. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    yeah, my past maps have been sort of cluttered, but I wanted this map to be good for a sniper, and still have lots of cover. Trust me there is plenty of cover.
  7. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    Wow this map is really unique. To the person saying it is open, i don't find it to be at all, you just have to play the map right and not stand out in the open.

    I'm also really surprised that you stuck a ghost on the level
  8. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    well the map has some stange aesthetics and some interesting gameplay.
    your map also has many different lines of sight and has some nice flow to it.
    however, tyhe tall structures make the map feel a little to big for me to keep on my harddrive so i may have to delete it unless my friends like it.
    next time i suggest making a map that takes up about 2/3 of foundry if tall structures are your thing.
  9. Cydronix

    Cydronix Ancient
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    Your map has very good aesthetics. The Arches, Geo-Merging and Interlocking looks great! The map has a very smooth gameplay along side with a great Weapons Layout. I can see a future featured map! Merry Christmas! 4.5/5!
  10. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    well, to start off, good interlocks/geomerges. very nice an neat
    the map looks open, but not too open, ensuing a nice free flowing enviorment
    the structures are unique, and cleanly done.

    now, the mongi above, looks really hard to drive away. anything that can catch you like those bumps, or slow you down as your trying to get in the mongi, can be very annoying. merge it a bit lower.

    orly your sig is off the bungie page? lol
  11. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    very nice job, great interlocking and geomerging. i like the abstract looking structures. looks like gameplay would be pretty fun. i also liked the name. good refrence to 8th grade science. you certainly stayed to the whole "arc" theme. 4/5. Keep it up!
  12. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    It doesn't really affect t at all. I mean you can still make a fast get away and it never would like cause you to flip or something like that.
  13. Enslaved bunny

    Enslaved bunny Ancient
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    I like the flow of the map. You added some really good structures, and awsome angles. This map looks great for slayer, and ctf. keep up the good forge. 5/5

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