Way too much dead space, the little lighting gradient you added to the top is too circular, and not natural. Text is a bad color. Dar blue on Black just doesn't work for ,me. You do have some cool effects behind the render/stock, but other than that, i don't really like it.
It's not a gradient. It's a lighting effect. Without that lighting effect most of the effects won't be visible. Well, I won't have to worry about color since it's coming from you. Mr. rainbow man. Otherwise, thanks.
What the **** is that supposed to mean? Just because my most recent sigs have had a lot of color, doesn't mean i only like a sig with a **** load of colors. Your colors just don't work, the text color was just a really bad choice. Also, i said it didn't look natural, i didn't say get rid of it.
I think the text color works, it goes with the rest of the colors in the sig and it shows up nicely, not hard to see at all. Nice job.
Calm down Mr. Rainbow man, we're just pulling you leg. The color just blends too much for you I guess.
Wow, because 2 sigs define my color choices. I usually go with very greyish colors, not rainbow. I just got a little experimental. Also, coming from someone that made a sig that looks like this one, i cant take anything your saying serious. Your a little rookie. You do know this thread isn't about my sig, its about his.
You're hilarious when you get angry. It was my first try doing this type of style on a sig, so what did you expect? Perfection?
Because you know me so well right. I was just giving you some criticism, then you had to throw in a little insult about my sigs, in a thread about your sig. I was just trying to help you, i never expect perfection form anyone, that would just be dumb. You see, this is what was ironic. I gave you an honest CnC on your new style. I too have a new style. And you know what you did? Instead of giving some CnC, you just gave some negative comments on it. Then, to top it off you called me Rainbow man. lol
You don't get. Do you? Let's say this again. s-a-r-c-a-s-m I just don't know if you color advice was the best choice since I didn't really care for yours either. Otherwise I'm working on what you stated as of this moment. Next time you shouldn't be so reactive.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Oh, and as for the sig, nice blending and colours. But it does look blurred, and the light source is placed strangely. And you shouldn't hide your name at the bottom, I think it would look good if the word thief was larger and you name was under the line.
This is exactly why I hate Graphic Arts on non Graphic Arts forums. A standard is set, and the visual elite define what is acceptable. People stop making sigs for themselves, and when they ask for some C&C, instead of advice on how to do something better, the critics give you "advice" when they really are just dictating to you how they want it to look. The art ceases to be a free flowing form of creativity, and becomes one with rules and guidelines. Now, for what it's worth, Frag I like the sig. It works for me, but honestly, if it works for you that is all that matters. Now, Everything is framed great except the text, which I feel is drifting off some. You can also lower the opacity of the light, but that isn't needed. As for the "dead space" I like it. Dead space is fine when used right, I often like framing things with a lot of extra space to one side or the other. It draws the viewers eyes to what really matters, the subject.
I love it man especially the way that the picture is on the left and the right is all clean and open. It's trully great in my eyes.
I'm not too fond of this sig: The light source is unnatural, "Frag Man" is much too transparent and big, too much unused space, and whats with the green and red to the left of the render? That really draws away from the flow. By the way, this is CnC on your sig, so don't change the topic and start talking about me.