
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by AceOfSpades, Dec 24, 2008.

  1. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map is asymmetric with two bases, a middle platform and sniper tower and intense gameplay.
    Each base has a sniper tower and a shotgun and both bases have a mongoose on the bottom floor for fast flag escorting.

    Recommended Players/Gametypes

    Up to 4v4 Team Slayer
    Up to 4v4 One or Multi Flag Capture the Flag
    Up to 4v4 Team King of the Hill
    Up to 6v6 Slayer
    Up to 6v6 Crazy King


    Battle Rifle – x10 – no change
    Assault Rifle – x3 – no change
    SMG – x2 – no change
    Shotgun – x2 – 0 clips – 60 sec
    Sniper Rifle – x3 – 1 clip – 60 sec
    Gravity Hammer – x1 – 60 sec
    Magnum – x2 – no change
    Plasma Pistol – x1 - no change
    Regenerator – x1 no change
    Bubble Shield – x1 no change
    Power Drain – x1 no change
    Trip Mine – x1 no change
    Overshield – x1 – 90 sec – Does not spawn at start
    Active Camo – x1 – 90 sec – Does not spawn at start
    Frag Grenade – x2 – no change
    Plasma Grenade – x5 – no change
    Mongoose - x2 - no change


    Overview from B Side

    Overview from A Side

    B Base

    A Base

    Middle Platform and Sniper Tower (There is one sniper for both sides of the tower... it is sticking out from the wall separating the two side of the tower)

    Man Cannon going up to Gravity Hammer spawn

    Attacker Flag Spawn

    Attacker Flag Return Point (A mongoose is next to the return point)

    Defender Flag Spawn (The other mongoose is to the left of the stairs)

    Defender Flag Return Point

    1st Hill

    2nd Hill

    3rd Hill

    Please leave comments/tips on how I can improve this map because I think it is my best map yet.
    If you missed Download link - Regality

    Enjoy =)
    #1 AceOfSpades, Dec 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2009

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the one thing id say about this map is, y so many barriers. barriers to me is like a pimple on the face of beauty. u should use them as last resorts or in very small proportions. think about everyone uve placed, does it affect gameplay or is it just there to b there as a barrier, thats not barricading anything.
  3. Cydronix

    Cydronix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Overall, the map plays good and is good for a trainee to make.

    It does need some more geo-merging/interlocking added to it, you could save more budget with Geo-Merging. But, the map has an okay layout. 4/5

    I can see where you were going, and it does look good. Just needs some minor improvements. Like your weapon choice is kind-of chaotic. Like 10 Brs, or x2 Shotty's, x3 Snipes, and x1 Gravity Hammer. Too many power weapons. But your your map is worth a DL. Merry Christmas!
  4. Quello

    Quello Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks very cool, and I like how it only takes half of Foundry.
    But it looks small and could get crowded fast.
    4/5 and ill DL
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    its not really that small... it goes all the way from the garage doors to the back "base" where the back hallway is... i think thats pretty big
  6. Kilamanjara14

    Kilamanjara14 Ancient
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    I swear you got like a mod going on because it looks like you are using every single item available... It looks like a lot of cover but not crowded. Some parts look a little messy but all in all 4/5, good job and keep forging.
  7. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    could we get a "side overview?" you know, just start delete some walls, leave with out saving and get a single pic of the whole map.
    but from what i can see the map has potential, you have to interlock and geomerge some more in some spots but as jaysanyo has pointed out there is wayy to many barriers. ill dl v2 but there is to many things i dont like about theis one.
  8. pjboyforgestyle

    pjboyforgestyle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map its a little small and i do like barriers ill download it 4/5 for not that much geo merging

    Oh, and can someone tell me how to post maps?\
    #8 pjboyforgestyle, Dec 24, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 25, 2008
  9. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    the map looks to have good jumps, lifts, catwalks, ramps, walkways and free flowing paths
    the interlock are good, and i like how youve cleverly refrained from geomerging. never mind what cryodonix said.
    i really like what youve done here, with the back area. this type of forging back here reall makes this whole space feel much larger and taller. kudos

    no. take that back now. anyone, regardless of rank has the ability to make good maps. a higher post count/rank means that people post more on this site. the ability to type spam, or to submit legit comments does not make you a better forger.
    no, it does not need more interlocking/geomerging. though they could help save budget(as you pointed out), interlocking/geomerging in very few and limited ways make a difference in a map. especialy this one. you need to learn now that a map creator decides what amount of interlocking/geomerging fits his/her map. you dont decide.

    you can find guides for map posting here and picture posting guide here
    also, you have just double posted. this is when you post 2x in a row. if you have another question/statement, edit your last comment.
    dont lower your rating becasue of lack of geomerging. <-- makes no map better or worse if theres geomerging or a lack of. a map is made better by the mechanics of the map and gameplay.
  10. Silver K 117

    Silver K 117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i played on this with you a couple of hours a go great job
  11. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To be honest, man, this map isn't really up to current 'standards'. Many other mapmakers use tons of interlocking and geomerging, which is mostly why people like it. Since yours has some interlocking and no geomerging, it doesn't stick out among the rest. There is nothing quite special about it.
  12. dangerbyrnes

    dangerbyrnes Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it doesn't need geomerging to be good

    infact geomerging everything will make your map lag
  13. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You shouldn't of ever posted that.

    The map doesn't need Interlocking and Geo-merging to be good. This map looks phenomenal, and looks to have great gameplay. I'm downloading it and coming back with a review. Ignore all these people who say that it sucks because there isn't any Geo-merging. If they say that, then they shouldn't even be on this site.

    I'll play a few games on it come back with a review.
  14. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is the one thing I don't like about ForgeHub. Everything has to be geomerged and interlocked. Remember the time when nobody knew how to interlock and geomerge? Maps were still great then. Why can't maps without interlocking and geomerging be good now? I did use a little interlocking but the whole map doesn't have to be interlocked to be good. Think about that ForgeHub.
  15. Chubbly911

    Chubbly911 Ancient
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    it could use somore interlocking and merging but aesthetics do not come first. It all comes down to the gameplay. and the gameplay is amazing! ill dled to check it out and i was farely impressed! i highly recomend this map to anyone.
  16. pjboyforgestyle

    pjboyforgestyle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well i remmeber you telling me about this map it turned out pretty good. looks well formed well planned and well playable 4/5 hope to see a v2 in your future . keep forging two thunbs up.
  17. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    lol two thunds up... lol. anyway thx pjboyforgestyle
  18. xPurePh33rx

    xPurePh33rx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is a nice 4v4 or even 6v6 I think it was well done and id give it a 5/5 but ill give it a 6/5 for no pointless geomerging that every one says should be in there.
    #18 xPurePh33rx, Jan 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2009
  19. EGP

    EGP Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow agreed you should have never have posted that, and yes geomerging sometimes can cause major lag, thats why you dont see a lot of it in every map unless its clean and doesn't cause problems. So basically you are implying that maps without interlocking and geomerging are just bad? What about the maps in the contest where you can't use interlocking. I thought that that map was just excellent although I can't think of the name of it off the top of my head.

    For the map I think it looks really good, you have very unique layouts, and around the red flag, it looks very well set up. Also I think you overdid it with the aesthetics.

    Nice job
  20. xOWNAGE27x

    xOWNAGE27x Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You told me 2 come look at this and so i did ace,wow nic e map, gewd interlocks,pretty clean, overall this map is pretty pwny,good job and keep making ur awesome maps,im making a couple right now.

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