Mythic Map Pack (A lot More Info)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DarkReaper, Dec 24, 2008.

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  1. DarkReaper

    DarkReaper Ancient
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    Mythic Map Pack (A lot More Info)POSSIBLE CITADEL PICS

    Also this thread will be updated with more info up until the Mythic Maps are released

    This is info I got a perma ban for posting on (Do I Care? No)

    Ironically, the same guy who banned me (Urk), put info about Orbital 10 min after I was banned....what a ***

    I found this info from other sites, and I have pieced it together-

    Mythic Map Pack

    The Covenant war machine continues its march to conquest; even with its head severed it is still dangerous. 2-8 players
    The map, as seen by fans at PAX 2008, is based inside a Covenant Scarab factory. When looking overhead, legless Scarabs can be seen moving by some kind of automated gravity beam. As such, the area outside the level is immense. The map itself is bowl shaped, sloping toward the center. This bottom floor is dotted with pillars and walls for cover. It has an outer rim with four bridges, that connect to the two-story center structure, and has small structures on the rim intended as high ground. It appears to be symmetrical. Line of sight is generally open, with mid-range combat being optimal when on the second level. However, within the center structure and around the pillars that dot the bottom level, close combat is possible.

    The map is focused on competitive playing, as it is a multi-story arena-style map. It features two "somewhat enclosed" bases, with one-way mirrors on the second floor (like those in interrogation rooms), where players will be able to look out, but players outside will be unable to see in.


    Orbital- With a lot of situational awareness, and a little luck, hopefully the only thing you will lose is your luggage. 4-12 players

    This map has never been publicly shown until now. It takes place atop the Quito Space Tether (basically a massive tower that transports cargo and people easily in and out of the atmosphere), so if you look out the windows you’ll see Earth below. Particularly ballsy players can even stop to read the plaques dedicated to Tobies Shaw and Wallace Fujkawa. Inventors of the slipspace drive , which opened the door to space exploration.
    “the interesting thing about this map is that it’s a pretty asymmetrical space, but its essentially two long tunnels overlapping each other” Bakken says. “the idea behind it is we wanted another medium map that’s good for one sided game types like bomb, one flag, and territories” each base has a big door that works well for (these) games. Its another obstacle to overcome when your infiltrating the base. The first is just to get down to the base open the door and then open up the fastest possible route back. So you open up the door grab the flag and then leave.
    As apparent from the screens, the long hallways mix well with the sniper rifles and rocket launchers hidden through out the station. Mongoose and ghost vehicles offer a maneuverable yet quick way to navigate the tunnels. Beware they often tend to draw more attention from opponents.

    Orbital is set in a human environment and one that will be known to hardcore Halo fans: the Quito Space Tether.’ (I personally have no idea what that is but anyway…) You will be playing inside the docking station and through the windows you can see the Earth. This was produced due to gamers requesting an asymmetrical map, allowing great one-sided gameplay.

    It is basically two overlapping hallways separated by windows, in effect you can see the enemy in the other hall, this combined with ‘two devastating choke points’ allows for some intense fire fights.



    Heretic- Because of its speed and luxury the Pious Inquisitor has become an irresistible prize during these dark times. 2-8 players
    Midship remake. The ONLY - and literally ONLY - difference anyone could find (they tested all the jumps) was that jump pad on top, where you can jump up and get the sword, it was bouncy whenever you jumped or threw grenades on it in H2. It wasn't bouncy in Heretic. Everything else was faithful. Programmed into the map is BR/plasma nade starts. The sky box when you look out the windows is AMAZING - it is a view of quite a few Covenant carriers and ships coming into possibly our Solar system, and you are looking out from the belly of another ship. There is one that is really close to you and you can see amazing detail on the ship. There is a planet nearby too.

    Easily one of the best mythic map. This is a BTB map, and it is along the docks of OLD Mombasa (confirmed by Lars). There are even little maroon dinghies with small engines at a part of the map (they never changed the design of small boat engines in 500 years). When you look out to the water, you see 2 LARGE carrier ships off in the distance, with pelicans and longswords and a couple other planes of some sort. It is AMAZING. There is a 2 story building on one side (base 1) with the roof also being accessible, and another 2 two-story buildings on the other side (Base 2). A center structure (kind of like a warehouse/boat storage facility) separates the two bases, and there is up at the WAY top of this structure an extendable bridge that drops on the roof of base 1. Lots of other buildings/crates/places to hide. One side of the map is all ocean, the other side is blocked by a large building that is part of the boat warehouse middle structure. This fish picture/drawing that was being handed out at PAX was a billboard on this map.

    Citadel- In the heart of this Forerunner structure, far above the troubled surface of the Ark, another battle rages. 2-6 players
    This map was LARGELY inspired by the level "The Covenant" when you were inside of the Forerunner structures, right after the battle with the Hunters who were below the elevator platform. When you have to go around and up an angled jump to battle a few brutes and buggers to get to the platform, that part is almost exactly in the map! It was really cool and was a good close quarters map. Two overshields spawn, and there is a central location with a small structure in the middle with Rockets on top. There are a lot of things hidden in here, very cool map.

    Sandbox- This endless wasteland still holds many secrets. Some of them are held more deeply than others. 4-12 players

    Still completely unknown, but allot of rumors have spread about how it is a map maker basically. You can add terrain and other special objects for truly unique maps. It may have been shown at the end of the TU2 video that Bungie made for PAX, so it looks like you could delete everything, even down to grid lines.

    If this is true, it will make it the best map ever.

    This Thread was also supposed to contain info about Halo 3: ODST, but because of FH haveing a limit on how many images you can have, I can not fit that info in this thread, I already cut down on pictures and I couldn't cut more
    If you would like to see the full thread then go here

    Now we wait.....
    #1 DarkReaper, Dec 24, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2008
  2. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    I'd be quiet, he sometimes roams around here on ForgeHub too.

    Sorry to spoil your fun but a few threads on this topics on this have already been made.

    Your's is quite informative but we try to keep stuff clean here.
    I will ask a mod about this, but because the post is well presented you may be ok.
  3. DarkReaper

    DarkReaper Ancient
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    "clean", you mean of how I put that Urk is a ***?

    in my thread that I made on a while ago, I said (in my last post), that-

    then after that post, Urk posted, then gave me a perma-ban, and then 10 min after Urk put a pic of Orbital up after I already showed 2.
  4. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Lol you're a douche xD

    "I'll tell GM's about that"
    ROFL xD

    Anyway as for the OP. This stuff is all well and good but I find it odd that are holding out this next map pack for so long. I mean the amount of people that still play Halo must be a hell of a lot less, so having this maps coming out so late, in my opinion, well do very little keep people playing. I dont think they will sell well, especially from what I've seen of their appeal (which they don't have much of).

    Perhaps with HaloWars coming with three of the maps and ODST coming out it may rekindle something but the info I've seen doesn't really seem to be very exciting...

    And yes the above two paragraphs are really only here to allow my bold to be posted without a mod bitching about the post.
  5. Celestial Panda

    Celestial Panda Ancient
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    Where did you get the italic quotes that go with each map, and the information that Bungie hasn't released yet? (Such as midship...)

    [Edit] My mistake, I just read on the other thread that this came form an MLG guy who supposedly played it.
    Ah well.
  6. DarkReaper

    DarkReaper Ancient
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    yeah, I know

    Bungie has to be the MOST idiotic of all companies, they are releasing the maps in at least 3 months.

    That isn't the smartest idea with all these better games that came out, no-one will be that interested in the map pack
  7. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    That too, but I mean if he saw what you had just written here too...
    You did sorta get infracted for it though.

    Now Reyn's not gonna get infracted for this =D
    He's just joking (I hope)

    Haha thanks, I haven't asked yet though.
    I saw Linubidix on this a minute ago and if he didn't lock it, I suppose it's fine.

    Onto the Mythic maps, I'm excited about them - especially Assembly and Sandbox. Sandbox obviously because it's going to be a forge map but Assembly for the layout. It really reminds me or a Covenant version or Guardian, which is fantastic. Also one of the best arenas I've seen before that could be implamented into Halo. Orbital could certainly be interesting too. Lots of corridoors and with that ghost you're going to get a hell of a lot of splatters.
  8. DarkReaper

    DarkReaper Ancient
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    Aslo you can tell that Sandbox will be a great forge map because of the description- This endless wasteland still holds many secrets. Some of them are held more deeply than others. 4-12 players
  9. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    VERY interesting, deffinately saving pics incase some nubish employee makwes us take them down of somthing
  10. DarkReaper

    DarkReaper Ancient
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    if they do, my thread on my website has allot more info (pics)

    because I hate how FH has a limit of 20 pics
  11. DarkReaper

    DarkReaper Ancient
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    no, you have info that is obvious, so get a life and stop advertising in other threads

    Here I will give you an example-

    that is just common sense, it would be like

    OMG, I can't hAz achivablez cuz thar is no GhoZt
  12. Cheeeeese

    Cheeeeese Ancient
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  13. black rose

    black rose Ancient
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    Darkreaper do u have info about the map sandbox its supposed to the greatest forge map of them all.
  14. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    No one has any info whatsoever on that map. Bungie is keeping this one close to the chest.

    I wouldn't expect to hear anything about it until January.
  15. black rose

    black rose Ancient
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    there is info possibly on it just not for sure yet im not sure excatly on it ill find it and show u the link for it give me 3 seconds
  16. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Anything you've read is most likely speculation, nothing more. All we have right now are some brief clips of what we think is Sandbox.
  17. black rose

    black rose Ancient
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    wait so u saw the end of this that might be sandbox this is wat me and my friend tacopizzahunter think sandbox is. Look at the last like 10 seconds.
  18. TacoPizzaHunter

    TacoPizzaHunter Ancient
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    most people hav seen this rose but thats ok ps:i luv u
  19. black rose

    black rose Ancient
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    Taco but nobody realizes that at the end of the map could be sand box but nomatter wat the gameplay for forging will probably be extended to a higher level when they come out with sandbox i also read the fineprint in the article of halo recon u have to have the game and get some achievments to get recon thats 100% confirmed so wat any1 else tells u there dumbasses. XD love u to taco no were not gay.
  20. DarkReaper

    DarkReaper Ancient
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    Now before I start getting flamed about the Citadel pics, if you read the description right above the pics, that area is very similar.

    SOOO, I played the Covenant on solo and took the pics since that matches up with the area described, so it could be the right place, but it also might not.
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