
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mastar, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Created by Mastar

    Think before you flame
    This is my submission to the third Lazy Map Maker's Contest. So you will find:

    • No interlocking
    • No Geo Merging
    • No Budget Glitch
    Don't bother telling me to interlock or geo merge.

    And for the record.. Gameplay > Interlocking/geomerging

    About the map

    This map is team based, and centers around the imposing center structures and the map's trademark Zipline.
    There is a base at each end of the map, with various structures placed to the sides.

    I wanted gameplay to revolve around the zipline at the high ground, so there are many many ways to quickly and easily make your way up there. However, I didn't want teams to be able to dominate the entire map from the high ground, so there isn't a whole lot of cover up there.

    I believe I have achieved a good balance with the high ground to low ground advantage ratio.

    Weapons on map:


    Plasma nades
    Bubble Shield
    Active Camoflauge

    Recomended Players:

    2v2 - 4v4
    FFA works pretty well too, up to 6 players.

    Supported Gametypes:
    Team Slayer
    Capture the Flag
    King of the Hill

    I know you are going to look at this map and think blaaaarh, no interlocking and stuff, no DL 1/5.
    NO. This map may not have advanced forging techniques, but that doesn't mean it hasn't been planned and thought out thoroughly. Don't judge maps by their pictures. Play them first.


    Defender's Base

    Left Side, Invis Spawn.

    Right Side, up high

    And last of all, the Zipline at the centre of the map.
    Shield doors for added protection while zipping between sides. (Rockets spawn in the middle of the zipline)
    Note: The Zipline works in both directions

    I hope you enjoy this map as I do.

    Once again, here is the Download link:

    #1 Mastar, Dec 23, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2009
  2. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    let me guess: gravlifts inbetween the shield doors? Still, really nice concept, although is there only one way to make it between those double boxes (besides the mancannon)?
  3. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    This looks really good Mastar. I think you have a good shot at winning the LMC XD
    I have some questions/comments though.

    1. How did you do that zipline? That's definitely too long a distance to normally jump right? I'm guessing in between the boxes above the zipline is a grav lift that by jumping you just barely hit, and it boosts you to the other side. ? When I get my Xbox back I will definitely need to check that out. XD

    2. It looks sort of open however, throughout the map. I know you cant fill it in easily without interlocking which you cannot do, but idk it just looks sort of open in some areas, like in picture 1, that entire back area looks empty, as far as I can see.

    3. Love the stair setup. It just looks very nice, and you almost can't tell it isn't interlocked. XD

    Finally, again, great job and good luck in the LMC. XD I wish I could check this out but I don't get my Xbox back for a few days. :/
  4. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Hmm for a map with no interlocking/merging, this looks pretty epic! You've got my DL sir. I'll try to give a more in-depth review after I play a game or two on it.
  5. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    The Zippine works using grav lifts placed inside the double open box. So when someone jumps into it, they are sucked upwards, sticking them to the doublebox. Their momentum carries them accross.

    "too open 1/5" No.

    Tis not too open. You will find there is plenty of cover pigglez. I get rather peeved when I see people claiming a map is too open or needs more cover. I know you can't DL it to look at it, and I'm not saying you do it all the time, but anyway.. Too open, Zipline is not. Cover, there is plenty.
    Look at maps like Guardian, or the pit or one of the latest featured maps Verbatim by Lights and Creeping Death. Each of those maps has plenty of open space and they are great maps that play swimmingly.
    Zipline is not open. A little spacious at the most and I don't think that is a negative characteristic of the map.
    #5 Mastar, Dec 23, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2008
  6. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    this is a nice map, the zipline idea is awesome too. I haven't seen it used in any maps other than puzzle maps (including my own lol). Good job and 4.5/5
  7. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
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    Very Impressive, it looks like it is actually interlocked in some areas( ala:the fence walls). The zipline is a very original idea, and im sure it plays well. I can only judge it by pics for the moment because of RRoD, but when it gets back from M$, this is going on the DL que.

    Good luck with the Contest, I won't be surprised if this has first place at the end.

    Merry Christmas!
    Desert Rat 852
  8. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Man, Creep never gets any love for his part in Verbatim :0P

    Good work here Mastar. I remember playing this a few weeks ago and it played really well. I liked the low ground fighting and the high ground advantages. And the zipline is fun and works great.

    It also looks great and runs about as smooth as a map with no interlocking or merging can. I don't know if you have changed much since the games we played, but it played well then so I can only imagine it has been improved even more. Good luck in the LMC, but you don't really need it with this map.
  9. oO SLiK Oo

    oO SLiK Oo Ancient
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    The map is very good for no interlocking or geomerging,the zipline is really unique,The only thing i didnt really like is that its kind of basic,besides that you have my DL.Good job
  10. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Meh, basic can be fine. Since when does a map have to be super complicated to be good?
    Many of the best maps are basic.

    Plus, with no interlocking and all that jazz.. its hard to craft something really complicated.
  11. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    lol I didn't say 1/5 :p

    And sorry I said that. It's something you have to DL to see, and alas I cannot. So I was just trying to judge by the pics. Not that I do that often, as this is the first map I have posted on in months lol... XD

    Anyway, thought so about the zipline. Nice idea XD That technique has been thought up, but not used before like this. It's like Cosmic's Conveyor Belt in Pallet Parade, which worked by the same standards, but not with people lol. I hope you are not still peeved lol. XD

    Anyway, I'm queing for DL, so I can see the non-openness in person. XP
  12. Spartan 396

    Spartan 396 Ancient
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    I could agree more with the fact the gameplay > all.

    I like the way you balanced out the map and this map is extremely well made for a "lazy" contest. I'm DLing this now and I cannot wait to play it.
  13. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    i got to play on this with a bunch of people, and it really does infact play very smoothly. the zipline is a cool feature, but since im a low ground, close range fighter, i never really use it throughout the game. plenty of other people however, did use it, and they used it alot.

    the argument that its too open is a crock of ****. One of the most popular maps ever is Coagulation. Its a freakin empty valley. Every single map bungie has ever made has more open space than this map. Im going to rape people if they leave comments like that on my maps.

    I think you have a good chance at winning the LMC with this. Jay also has a sweet map, so im torn. It's nice to see some beautiful work from you guys that isnt based on epic merging.

  14. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    The zipline really makes this map original. I really like it in the map as well. I can immagine someone trying to snipe you and you jump with the shield door in front of you.

    It was really fun to play on Mastar

    nice job
  15. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    wtf no interlocking 1/5
    jk. lol.

    it looks pretty solid. The competition is pretty stiff for LMC3, so good luck. I like the zipline, Something like that it unique for a competitive styled map like you've got here. Is it possible to get stuck in it though, like if you don't jump at the right angle? I remember playing a puzzle map that had something of the sort, and I got stuck a few times. Either way, it's solid and should have a chance at winning something in LMC.
  16. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I had a quick forgethrough, I really liked what I saw.

    Movement is very nice, there aren't any awkward areas. All flows well.
    Layout was nice, I love the symmetric focus point on an asymmetric map.
    Lines of site were nice, aren't really anypoints where you're overlooking all of the map.

    My only quarrel at this time is the zipline itself. You need momentum when you go in it, well more so you need to keep holding forwards when you go through. It's nothing major but it's something that could confuse and/or cost you a life.

    Otherwise, it looks like a strong entry. Best of luck.
  17. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Cheers mate =]
    I appreciate your words of wisdom. <3 Linu

    About the zipline;
    Well, I like to think that if people fail to use the zipline properly, then that's their fault and they will likely pay the price.

    Just like in real life.
    If Halo were real, and the zipline was a proper zipline, if you screwed it up... thats your fault.

    The zipline is very very very easy to use anyways.

    You only ever get stuck if you're actually trying to, by moving really slowly, jumping, then holding backwards.

    Or if you jump WAAAAY too early and bump your head where there is no grav lift on the other side. Pushing you down.
    Even then, you land on the doors and can just jump again and you'll be sweet.

    I added those doors just before release, so now its pretty much impossible to get stuck, unless you move slowly or hold backwards.
  18. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Hey! I remember seeing this map! I'll say that it's OMG EPIC! I can't think of a cooler map. Oh wait, yes I can... But shh! You didn't hear that. ;)

    Anyways, I didn't get to play much of it, and the lag didn't help much. But from what I saw I really liked the layout. Good job on another awesome map mastar. :)
  19. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    haha "think before you flame", epic. speaking of epic, this map is covered in it. i dont think i need tell you the zipline is 1337 (it is) or that the map works wonderful in terms of gameplay (it definitely is). very nice 5/5.
  20. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    What?! what map is this you speak of? D:<
    I like the layout too. Maybe I'll show you it properly sometime. Probably not though. I think I have RRoD lol

    lol, thanks buddy. Your post made me smile :]


    Editing OP with supported gametypes (I forgot to include them x] )

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