dst: Hello everyone at Forge Hub my name here is Supertrooper and I just want to ask for some advice. I joined because I first of all have seen some amazing maps here on Forge Hub (like moon waffle) and I would also like to post some of my own maps (like my James Bond/007 gametype). I live about an hour from Philadelphia in PA and I currently have about 20 Xbox LIVE friends. One of the things I am looking for right now is advice from older members. So if you have any advice, please share it here. I hope that this site is a nice one. dst:
Welcome to forgehub! have fun and enjoy the community! wat do you mean by older members? like older in age or just long standing members? well anyway welcome to the forums
Welcome! I hope you'll enjoy it here, the community is amazing and very helpful. What kind of advice are you looking for?
Welcome to the hub. I recently came back to FH so I'm basically a new member like you lol. I would also like to say hi to Jesus ^
Yep we have Jesus here on forgehub lol. Anway Welcome to FH noobie! Good luck and get those 007 maps posted. Let me know If you need anyhelp, testing, or setting up the post for the maps! =)
Hey welcome to ForgeHub. If you're looking for forging advice, I would definately point in the direction of B100D F1R3's forge school videos. Search AirsoftXX on Youtube and check them out. There's like 9 or 10 of them, and they're all great videos.
Welcome to FH! Now I'm going to bury you in links: These are the rules This is a guide to screenshot embedding This is a thread explaining the member ranks (You're currently a UNSC Trainee, and there are ranks past UNSC Spartan, they're just not listed for some reason) And here is where the maps are. At the bottom, there are also some helpful stickied threads, including threads with download links for canvas maps, money glitched maps etc.
Don't forget Forging 101! For heaps of really helpfull tutorials and stuff on things like interlocking and geo merging, go here: Forging 101 - Forge Hub Halo Forums I recommend learning interlocking and geomerging mainly. Unfrotunately these days, people don't pay tooooo much attention to maps without geo merging and interlocking unless the map is absolutely friggin amazing best thing since sliced bread. So definately check that out. Anyways, welcome to ForgeHub. I'm sure if you remain sensible and mature in your posts and use proper spelling and all that everyone will love you =] Have a very merry christmas.