Jolly Cabin

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Chocolate Spew, Dec 22, 2008.


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  1. Chocolate Spew

    Chocolate Spew Ancient
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    Jolly Cabin
    a.k.a. Christmas House v2( i tried to name it Christmas House v2 but u can only have 15 letters for a name)

    Okay, so the premise is the same on Jolly Cabin as it is on Christmas House, Santa accidently sends presents to a house full of naughty kids and he travels to the house in his sleigh to take back the presents.

    I only made a few changes between the 2 maps, but the changes are big and necesary. Well...some were. Some of the changes i made were just to make the map more bright and happy.

    If you go through all the pictures ull see the changes, and hopefully theyll make u dl the map too =).

    Outside of Jolly Cabin
    Okay so ima go thru step by step process of what Santa has to do to get into the House. Cuz the ppl i play with never figure it out by themselves.

    First u have to run at the stairs at the side of the house. jump into them and keep pressing a then move to the right when u get to the top.
    Then u have to jump into the chimney when ur next to it since it's so high up.
    Then, finally ur in the house. Hey is that Santa in the fireplace.

    Or if u want to be like the ppl i play with i changed the settings so that only zombies can get into vehicles, and u can blow up the front door.
    [​IMG]'s the tree
    the front room
    Closet with an expensive toy in it.
    A room i didnt show last time
    Some Christmas Decorations on the bottom floor
    And finally...the new improved present room(armory)
    All the Powerful weapons were taken out and replaced with...
    (The shotgun and brute hand gun might seem powerful but they have a long spawn time, and no extra rounds)
    [​IMG] comes santa clause, here comes santa close...down the secret passageway
    The closet where the naughty kids keep the last of their presents

    I also put up a railing on the porch of the house, they kind of look like theyre candy cains, so i had to

    Map : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    GameType : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    I Hope You Enjoy The New Version!
    Once Again, Merry Christmas!
  2. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    this map has already been posted.dont steal maps

    edit:Im so sorry i didnt notice this was a v2 I thought you were stealing maps
  3. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    yea, i thought he stole the map, too, until i read on.
    Aesthetically, decent. the tree is interesting. Gameplayability(?), idk, since you didnt answer my question back in the V1, might play like Fat Kid. other than that, better overall than others ive seen, 3/5, DLing.
  4. o D O O M o

    o D O O M o Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great map, great aesthetics
    i love the way you can go down the chimney but I love more that santa can just blow down the door in a wraith!
    look like fun and a definate dl
  5. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    It look alrigtht, just another house. I don't think it would be that good for infection, because of all the power weapons, so I won't be DLing, clean it up a bit, wait wait scratch that, try to come up with something other than a house; that will grab my attention. I'm sorry, but there have been too many house maps produced lately.
  6. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    LOL I agree completly but try to be alittler nicer to newer members. hahaha. I sujest making a different style of map completely house maps are like bunnies there seems to be a million of them and they multiply like bunnies. I think you could make a good minigame if you wanted to. :]

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