Cessation >Download< Players: 4-10 Gametypes: Multi-flag [This map is designed primarily with this in mind] Team Oddball (2 balls) Team Slayer Team KotH Assault For more tactical games: Turn starting grenades OFF In CTF, set it to “Flag must be at home to score.” In Oddball, in Advanced settings change the Ball count to 2, with a score to win of 200. Description: An extremely basic design greatly influenced and inspired by Draw the Line’s Gridlocked. However, instead of the straight lined grid of Gridlocked, Cessation is in the formation of a chessboard, with staggered boxes. This creates some interesting lines of sight and really makes teams focus on team shooting to succeed. The very straight forward layout is complemented by the two-way teleporters that line each end of the midline, creating a great flow that opens up player options and adds more variety to battles. Forged in just a couple hours about three weeks ago, the idea behind the map was to just keep it simple, basic, and as intuitive as possible, with easy callouts and very navigable layout. Its certainly not a perfect map in one or two parts. In fact, the way the map is blocked off up high is admittedly a bit sloppy. And there’s a couple other minor flaws the nitpicky ones could find I’m sure. But these minor aesthetic flaws have zero affect in game. However, the map is 100% unbreakable… bring it Buddhacrane. Weapons/Equipment/Vehicles: BR x4 Carbine x4 AR x4 SMG x2 Plasma Rifle x2 Rockets Sniper Rifle x2 Needler x2 Mauler x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Frags x4 Plasmas x4 Bubble Shield x2 Mongoose x2 Defense side Attack side Snipers spawn in the right fence box of each base Carbine spawns in the left one The Midline With the Rockets in dead center Office side Midline teleporter Download Cessation
aaahh! Another gridlock like map. I <3 these too much. I'll be sure to download and get back to your with a nice review. Till then, looks good!
you haven't even DL'd it yet.... don't post something like that until you've played it. Gridlocked is a much better map than this
I conducted a forge through this morning and I really liked what I saw. I realized it doesn't take too long for the flag carriers to make it from one side of the map to the other, based on the length between flag spawns. But that's why you have loving, caring teammates (lol). But I have one little concern on the aesthetics, in that I think the single box with all of the custom powerups in it looks bad. I just don't like how it looks. Maybe on it's right and left sides use an active camo and overshield. That way, people could look up and know which side they're on (attacker=red, defender=blue, obviously). Now I just need to get a game going on this map. I anticipate the gameplay to be rather fun. Good job on it's relation to Gridlocked. Edit: I can't believe I'm the only one to have downloaded this. I wonder why no one else has...
Very nice. This map gives players that 'Classic CTF feel'. It kinda looks and plays like Gridlocked in a way. All the weapons and vehicles look uniquely placed in the map. This will deliver a fun CTF game. I'm glad you finally posted another map. Good job.
the is really good. Is what really drew my attention though was the sniper spawn. I like the idea that its in a fence box so people can shoot at the sniper directly if there on the other side. As for the map itself its good. When you said that this map is "just a simple map" I dont think that your giving yourself enough credit, you really pulled it off. I cant wait to play this though, Just from the pics it looks like you forged it very well. Ill download it either today or tomorrow (thats when im getting my xbox back) and ill get back to you. 5/5 from the pics. nice job
I actually opened this map expecting a new project from you, only to find that ive already played a few games on it unknowingly... this makes me sad, cause i thought it was brand new. In fact, i didnt even know who made it. The good news is this: I thoroughly enjoyed my time on this map. The design allowed for sectioned battles, or all out firefights. This is rare in maps anymore, so im very pleased with that aspect. The capture the flag game we played, i remember it was very difficult to get into the base unnoticed and get out alive with the flag, save for one time i walked in and out with the flag without anyones attention and scored it. This brings the point that your team must move together to break into the base and still get out alive. Overall, its not my favorite map, because its very ground based, and doesnt really expand on any inclines [i <3 ramps], but the map did provide some very entertaining gameplay. I look forward to this line of actually fun maps you're making.
Ohh, I remember this. I played a couple games on it with you and g043r. I liked it for CTF the best. The spawns were overall good but whenever I did spawn, I could usually see someone. This is a great map and if I think of anything, I'll let you know. I'll redownload it because I think I deleted it.
I actually could easily see this gettting featured. It is a lot like gridlock. It is the same size as alwaysbut it feels a lot bigger. CTF looks like it would play really well. Great geomerging on those bases and the fence boxes in the two walls that house sniper look very....Good.
Good stuff buddy. Played this a few times and it actually works pretty damn well. I originally thought, judging by the layout when I first saw it, that spawns would prove to be troublesome, but I am happy to say that this is not the case. The first thing I will comment on is the simple, but effective layout. It does share a similarity with Gridlocked, but only in the sense the basic cover of the level is the pillars. After that there isn't much of a similarity since it moves and flows very differently. I like the hectic battles that ensue and unlike some I enjoy one level maps with little to no ramp areas. It allows you to run around and keep your head on a swivel, rather than trying to find that ramp and then hope you don't fall off. The map does offer some high ground, but it is a dangerous area that you don't want to stay on for long. My favorite game was CTF, and it was surprisingly balanced for a such a short distance to travel back to the score. Another surprise was that one game of 2 ball we played. I usually hate oddball, but this was fun and strategic. I am also glad that you decided to recommend no frags for the games. The layout allows for some easy spammage unfortunately. I don't know if you did, but could adding plasmas be a good thing? Overall this map is fun and fast paced and pretty damn impressive for such a quick and simple build, but like I have told you recently simple is the way to go these days because simple offers the best gameplay. Good work man. 9/10 needs moar interlocky!!??
thanks for the feedback. Based on your suggestion, I replaced 2 of the power-ups interlocked in the center pillar with red for defense and blue for attack (as it should be). The 2 opposing sides are still CPU's though. I have also fixed the one and only true break in the map. Before, it was possible to mongoose break to the outside of the map in 2 locations. Both were in between the vertical bridges used to block off the offices of Foundry. It has since been fixed, and the DL link has been updated. Thanks for the good words, guys! I appreciate it.
Boo, that was gonna be the first thing I tried. Oh well, I'll have to come up with some other way to knock off a 0.01% from that 100% break-proof claim I assume getting ontop of the map doesn't count (on those pillars)? Of course any map based off of GridLocked can only be a good thing.
I agree with this, because when I played it, I felt a lacking of different levels to the map, and the second level to the map didn't feel like it had very much meaning to it. I'd say, if you want this to be a little more different, try to fit in some more height into the map, and space the different inclines at different points in the map, not just spawns. I did like the little rocket spawn room, because of king of the hill. I also think the teleporters were a great touch, and can add some diverse gameplay. 4/5 edit: is it possible to get on the bridges down the midline of the map?
This is a very fun map to play on (especially with BuddhaCrane in the party) It has a simple layout that by following gridlocks gameplay should make a great map in bigger team games. Oh... but outside of the map is kind of open and not the best choice for gameplay...
People are finally catching on to my style! I still need to get a match on this, but when you showed the map to me Lights, I was impressed. The vertical boxes only make the map look similar to Gridlocked. I can guess that games will play entirely different. Your responses are oddly positive for a map you cranked out in under 10 hours. Not too shabby!
The mp is awsome for CTF.What i thought was intresting in the map is the middle or the split in the map,i thought that was very very cool,Plus i like that you have BR Areas and some you can take cover.Very Good.
Appreciate it, sir. Glad you enjoy it. No kidding.. definitely the quickest forge I've dont on Foundry, and the 3rd quickest forge I've done overall, behind Heatwave and a new unreleased map to be seen in the near future. EDITED on 1/4: DL Link has been updated in the original post, and any and all support for Cessation at ATLAS is greatly appreciated.