New type of Hardcore for Matchmaking

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Dj DiN, Dec 22, 2008.

  1. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
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    I have been working on creating a virtual playlist for a new type of hardcore I call Spec-ops. I have maps and gametypes prepared and now all i need is support. I have already posted a thread on Bnet's Optimatch Playlist Forum with a poll and so far it has had overwhelming support. Approximately 170 yes votes to 50 no votes, but that is not enough to support a population. I need dedicated interested people to help push this idea further. Here is the thread;

    Spec-Ops, a new type of Hardcore

    Thank you for even the slightest ammount of support you can offer,

    Happy Holidays,
    - Dj DiN
  2. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Though this may be a great gametype with great maps, it's just not going to happen. Maybe a Double XP Weekend at some point, but probably not. Sorry.
  3. brett3123

    brett3123 Ancient
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    Although i like the idea its just going to be crazy at BRs it does sound like a fun little different idea from the basic slayer and would be fun with some friends in a custom game but i don't think its going to make matchmaking.
  4. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
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    BR's are extremely minimized to the point of a power weapon, they have no clips, only a max of 4 may be placed on a map, and there spawn times vary depending on their placement. For instance, if a BR is placed in an obvious spot it has a two minute respawn and does not spawn at the beggining of the game. If it is placed in a less obvious spot like a hard to reach location then it will be set to spawn every three minutes and it does spawn at start. Also, you do not start with grenades and their placement is also scarce.

    A playlist would be awesome, but I'm pushing it more towards double exp. A lot of people think it has a chance, so it just might. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

    Also, I have tested this on almost every level and any concerns I am more than happy to discuss and debate.
  5. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    I voted yes. Although I love the idea, I doubt that bungie will allow custom gametypes into matchmaking. Maybe if you test it many, many, many, times then it will get into a double experience weekend. This is the first step in getting it into matchmaking. If the experience went good for most people then it might be played again and again and again. After this it might have a chance in getting into matchmaking. Like said, the entire community needs to put in a good word.
  6. CLIFF X13

    CLIFF X13 Ancient
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    It is a great idea, but Bungie won't really take this into consideration. They won't think this is efficient because Spec-Ops and Convert-Ops are like SWAT, except the damage resistance is lower. If Bungie does decide to put it in the Hardcore playlist, I doubt they will keep SWAT.

    Overall good Idea. Maybe they should have a social version of this instead of putting it in Hardcore. Lots of people wanted social SWAT, maybe this might be what they want.
  7. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
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    If I remember correctly, when SWAT came around there were a lot of nay sayers and now it has it's own playlist. Spec-Ops and especially Covert-Ops are nothing like SWAT. There are no emphasis on headshot, the BR has been minimized, and there are specific allowable weapons. Where SWAT plays on accuracy, Spec-Ops plays on reflex and quick thinking in objective based games.

    Shishka has mentioned before that he is looking for fresh ideas for double exp so there is a chance that it could be considered. Anyway, it doesn't hurt to try so if your like the idea please post your feedback on that thread, the more people who see the thread, the more likely they will vote and comment. Thanks.
  8. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I think they have the potential to become a Double Exp. playlist, maybe even get it's own playlist, but the chances of it happening are slim. I seriously doubt they'll do anything soon, if they do anything with it it'll take awhile.
  9. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
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    Yeah, I'm realistic about it. I know that if in the slim chance that it does happen, it wouldn't likely come for some time. On the flip side, the more support it gets, the more likely it would succeed in reaching Double Exp status. That is why I am working tirelessly to get it noticed. It's my baby and I'm not going to give up on it easily.
  10. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Well, good luck on your quest to get it in a playlist. By the way, you might want to look into getting your maps posted here on Forge Hub. I think you would be able to get more recognition, at least here, if you posted them in the Competitive Map section. Make you sure you got action shots, and what not before you post it.
  11. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
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    My maps are nothing flashy, they were not made to be. The changes are mostly weapon and objective placements and some added cover where needed. I doubt they would get much high regard the in map posting section, people are expecting the next masterpiece, but these maps were not made to be a work of art, they were made to be demo maps for a dummy playlist the would emulate what changes would likely be implemented into matchmaking.
  12. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Well maps that play well is all that should matter. Unfortunately it isn't, and many maps are just random Geo Merging and Interlocking, in hopes of the next great map. *Cough*Topiary*Cough**Cough*

    So I say, just post 'em. If you get torn apart by people saying you need more Interlocking and Geo Merging, then the Forge Hub community is in need of an overhauled outlook.

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