Moon Waffle

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Tex, Dec 20, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Okay

    15 vote(s)
  2. Average

    10 vote(s)
  3. Good

    24 vote(s)
  4. Great

    88 vote(s)
  1. black rose

    black rose Ancient
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    askar am i pretty close on how the elevator works
  2. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    You are like multi (*edit) post king, report.
  3. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Don't talk **** unless you can back it up.
  4. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    I DL'd this map and played on it and the elevator was creative and all, but its not really needed in the map because the top floor doesnt really have any game mechanics. The map is also very sloppy but I wont judge you because not everyone can make a perfect map. Dont think it deserved a feature 2/5
  5. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Sure, the elevator looks cool and works PERFECTLY, and I applaud you for that. It really is awesome. But the rest of the map just isn't that good. I never really had a game on it, but it just looks sloppy (except for a few parts).
  6. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    • Elevator=kickass. This was just amazing. It works perfectly and even has a door for entry/exit! You just can't say enough about it.
    • Mid-ramp has see-through walls to lessen claustrophobia and provide tactical advantages.
    • The weapon placement was great. No place was overpowered. And good luck fighting for that sniper in the middle.
    • Asymmetric and Symmetric settings- It was great that for once a map actually changed depending on the gametype.

    • On one round of team slayer, the elevator just wouldn't work.
    • Fill the 'pools' with something. Looking at an empty one just bores me (picky).
    • This map was just aesthetically dull. try adding some space fillers or hiding Foundry, meaning that none of the original Foundry is showing. But There was nice merging so don't take that too hard.
    Originality: 10/10
    Gameplay: 9/10
    Aesthetics: 6.5/10
  7. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    I have to DL this. The elevator is incredible!!!
  8. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    Wow. When I saw that elevator... wow. That's all I can say. Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow

    Seriously, though, it's genius. I can't wait to check this out, I'll be sure to make a thorough review of it when I'm done. This thing just looks so unique.
  9. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Ugh. I KNEW this was going to get featured for it's elevator.... but it frustrates me. I REALLY didn't like the gameplay on this map. I thought that it was overall bumpy, which screwed with my party's aim, and it was too small. Fighting in a lumpy circle with a nifty elevator in the middle doesn't really make it all that fun. Granted, the elevator is absolutely coated in caramalized winsauce, but that's about all this map has going for it.
  10. S-Pac

    S-Pac Ancient
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    After playing in this, I have to say Bravo! The elevator is awesome.
  11. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    This is a small map, as you said. But don't complain about the map being small... There are small maps in the game so that means just play with smaller parties. I suggest 3v3 slayer, and 3v3 one bomb. Even 2v2 works well. But This map isn't very bumpy at all, so I'm not sure what you are talking about. You haven't gone in to too many details so it sounds like (I could be wrong) you haven't actually played on it.
    EDIT: And the elevator isn't even in the middle so I'm pretty sure you haven't played on it.
  12. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    My biggest problem is that I just don't understand how some of you can even hate on this map's gameplay/aesthetics while its elevator is revolutionary, and unbelievably innovative. It's something new & no one has done yet. Something you don't see in Halo 3's forge very often anymore. Why complain? Take this map, and learn from it.
  13. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    I mean no offense in this post, but this really does not deserve a feature. The elevator is cool and all but the interlocking in the map really isnt the best, the gameplay is very bad, and most of the time, even though I know it cant be perfect, the elevator doesnt work. Oh and you only put good things on the poll, so i can't vote. But it is very creative kudos on that.
  14. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    Not to hate on this map but, honestly you should have kept the elevator and built a completely different map around it because this map is...well...boring. Its far to small and the elevator is kinda pointless seeing as where it is. when you get in it you just get killed waiting for it to go up/down.
  15. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    A nice elevator in one area of the map does not make up for the lack of interesting features in the rest of it. How many times have you guys denied maps to be featured because it only had on interesting thin in the middle and the rest of the map was bland and poorly thought out?

    A nice elevator does not make good gameplay. It might if it worked like a real elevator, but now it leaves you vulnerable to grenade spam as you sit there waiting to go up. Yea he tried to protect you but a pallet is hardly going to stop someone from chucking grenades into the top for long.
    And why even use it when there is a quicker, safer more defensible path near by? Also, even if the elevator was 100% perfect, it doesn't make up for bland gameplay on the rest of the map.

    If you're featureing this map just because of the elevator thats fine, but say so. Don't try and sell the map based on things it doesn't have.
  16. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    maps have never been described as featured for a specific reason, and thats not gonna change. its not like tex praised the gameplay in the write-up or anything. seriously, come up with something a lil more concrete next time. also, no, that doesn't happen. if theres something truly recolutionary and never been seen before then yes, it will probably get featured.. but just some interesting piece isnt enough, like you said. this is much more than that. if you dont like the map built around the elevator ****in delete it and do it one better, just stop bitching about it and accept it for what it is.
  17. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    I am neutral on the issue, but listen to what I have to say.

    This map was originally posted in the competitive map section. Meaning the intent of creating a good competitive map with an elevator. When tex said that it is a switch at heart, people become skeptical why it was posted in the competitive section. Also when a map is competitive they expect great gameplay, you saying that gameplay is not everything in this map is fine. However people do not have the corect view on the pupose of the map because it is in the competitive secion. And if you admit that is does not have the best, if you treat it as a competitive, then the feature is wrong. So to the haters. I guess it is a switch at heart with a side of competitive, so please stop your whining. As for the staff please do not jump down people's throats for disliking the map. If they have played it and do not like it and give a specific reason then that is fine. Not everybody has to like every featured map. Waylander also brings up good points about one amazing part of the map, and the rest being eh. He made his point and backed it up with facts. But he aswell has the misunderstanding that the map is competitive. All I have to say is congrats on the feature and good luck with your future projects Devinish.
  18. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Im just saying, if we featured JUST the elevator with no map around it, no one would be bitching. Its true, look at any of the other switches that have been featured. But now that someone actually tried to take their switch a step further and put it into practice, it gets ripped to pieces by a bunch of unappreciative -blams-. frankly, its bullshit.
  19. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Like I said, people expect amazing gameplay from this because of it's competitive-ness. And when a featured map is posted, is it not the intent to comment on it? Do they all have to positive comments? That is the purpose of forgehub, to create, comment, and build maps with people. If the comment is not constructive then it is spam, hence an infraction. There is no need to defend it if people don't like it. Oh and about "taking a step further" sometimes trying does not cut it. Let me bring you to Scarfaced skate parks. He made and aesthetic map and tried to take aesthetic to a new meaning, where is resemble another form of entertainment in real life. And you could skate on it and just chill out doing grinds. Then when Doog Nitized came along, staff claim: "This map has perfected the skate park maps." See my point?
  20. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    doognitized WAS the step further... youll never get it

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