Debate Merry Chri...Holidays...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    No, I don't.

    Or that, perhaps, someone make note that the Bible was used as a primer in early American schools. Granted, he was absolutely right about the founding fathers. A whole, whole lot of them were Deists. However, it is not a stretch to say that a noticeable percentage were of Christian faith.

    WOW! That's lame. Ok, so I can sound less-biased, I'll use the Santa Claus thing. I'm one of those Bible-thumpers that chooses not to even celebrate Santa Claus. I realize its innocence, yet I feel a distraction from the true meaning of Christmas (to me) to be wrong.

    Now that we've understood that: I don't mind Santa Claus at all. If a friend's kids are excited about Santa coming, I don't explain how I feel him to be only a distraction from Christ's birth. I leave them be. So, in that mindset, it pisses me off to see that cases such as yours exist at all. People are stupid.
  2. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I say Happy X-mas. Screw saying Happy Holidays. If you don't like what you hear then GTFO.
  3. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Personally, I think that there are two kinds of Christmas.

    The first one is the one you celebrate and the other is the one the child celebrates.

    While one celebrates the birth of what they percieve to be their savior, the other celebrates the spreading of joy through the exchange of gifts between friends and family.
  4. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    The one we celebrate (meaning us older folks) is basically PARTY TIME! =D

    ...And the one the kids celebrate is like you said, giving out toys and stuff as such...
  5. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Wrong, and a poor attempt to belittle Christianity. Christians believe just as much anyone that the holiday season is about spending time with friends and family. We merely feel the cause to be different.

    Also, your post insisted that all adults are Christians. You gave no option for the unsaved adult, which there is an abundance of.

    @Vorpal: Right on.
  6. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    I basicly said that Christmas isn't exactly exclusive to christians.

    One version is the christian version which is to celebrate the birth of your savior.

    The other is what people do to spread joy by sharing gifts or partying or whatever it is you do to spread joy.
  7. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Isn't the main and original purpose of Christmas to celebrate the birth of Jesus? Then why shouldn't we have his name in the Holiday? That would be like saying "Happy Birthday **** sapien!" instead of "Happy Birthday Joey!"

    On a side note, make sure to hide your sig dented_drum.
  8. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Because Jesus wasn't born on December the 25th. It suprised me too a couple of years ago. He was born some time around June. I think they merged the Christmas celebration with a holiday that was similar (and on 25th of December.)

    If you ask me, all this cuffufle is due to the holiday card companies lolz.
    Merry Christmas though!
  9. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    You guys really don't know the history of your own religion do you?
  10. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    the majority of christian holidays are were put in strategic places throughout the year by the catholic church often to overshadow pagan kolidays
  11. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    Wasn't there some study that showed it was approximately not in christmas, judging by astronomical tracking of the three stars which supposedly came together at the time of christ's birth?

    I celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah, as my mother is Jewish and my father christian (well, raised that way, but both are atheist)

    I say Merry Christmas because like it or not, Christianity is the majority.
    I also say "Happy Chris-ma-hanu-kwanza-ka-don-stice-mas," jokingly.
  12. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I say Merry Christmas; I go with the majority. I probably shouldn't, but I'm British, and political correctness is as irrelevant as spelling in speech in Britain. At least we make it seem that way. We are quite ignorant, possibly more so than you Yanks :)

    FR0ZEN FEARS Ancient
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    Holidays is more universal, true, so it may be right to say that, but being forced to say happy holidays? That's something I'd have to disagree with. Really, what's going to happen? A muslim woman will kill herself because you said Christ?

    PS: The most important event is Easter. It's not the fact that Jesus came to earth that's amazing. It's that he died and rose again.
  14. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    I find this post to be a wee racist.
    But you make a good point. Freedom of religion also guarantees that you are allowed to speak and practice how you want (within limits)
  15. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
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    Im Hindu, and I celebrate Christmas.
    Hell, this Christmas, my dad dressed up like Santa Claus. No one got offended.

    At my school, all the flyers and stuff say Happy Holidays, which Im not bothered by (Church and State should be seperated). It would piss me off though if I got in trouble for saying Merry Christmas to a Jew, Happy Hannukah to a Buddhist, or Happy Winter Solstice to a Christain
  16. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Its funny how that works, isn't it?

    Christmas at this point has nothing to do with religion anymore. It's become a "Hallmark" holiday. What once was a religious holiday has now become dominated by gifts and food.
  17. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    In the bible, something like 3,000 people also rose from the dead and wandered the streets after Jesus did.

    If you are gauging Jesus by his ability to rise from the dead then you need to pay attention to the others that did as well. Just because you haven't read stories about them doesn't mean they aren't Messiahs as well. If you can raise from the dead you are pretty well off in god's eyes so why is Jesus more important?

    "he fulfilled prophesies and performed miracles!"

    Well, yes if you trust the biblical account. There's no telling what could have been exaggerated, fabricated, and added in the 2000+ years since it was written. It has only been recently that bibles have been made legal to own (condemned by the catholic church) so no one could call them out on anything they changed.

    Even if they didn't change it we have no way of knowing whether the people who also rose fulfilled prophesy or performed miracles. We have no book to document it!

    The only things that separate Jesus from these people is the lack of reference in modern society and the lack of holy texts currently in circulation (one messiah is enough I suppose).
  18. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Christmas has become 100% commercialized over the years. The phrase "Merry Christmas" should be instinct by now because Christmas has already lost its entire religious meaning.

    Anyway, I'm Jewish. It would be nice to hear "Happy Holidays" and to not be bombarded with the overwhelming Christian population (especially living in the Bible Belt).

    But to be honest, hearing "Merry Christmas" does not bother me. Does your conscience bother you?

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