My Map Pack "Famine Map Pack" Release Date: 1.25.09 Testing Dates: January 16, 20, 24 Trailer Release: 1.19.09 Alot of you have seen my signature talking about my coming map pack. And I have received a couple of message on it. Well I am telling you alot of info right now. Famine Map Pack- The Famine Map Pack consists of 5 maps now, Hierarch was removed and being put into my next project. The 5 maps now are Elation, Memento, Forerunner, Warial, and Sentinel. Each of these maps are unique in a way in which everyone could enjoy! I did something special, just like the hidden skulls in the campaign, I have put hidden Soccer Balls around the maps to see if anyone can find them. Trailer The trailer will start out by showing different camera angles of the maps, while playing the Halo Trailer song "Believe" It will give a dramatic effect and make it look like something awesome. After that the song "Peril" will come on, and it will show different gameplay footages of the maps. And at the end, the song "Roll Call" Will play and will show 1 picture of each map, and at the end it will say "Famine" and then "Love Magnum" All in all, this is pretty hyped up around my friends. Everyone likes the looks of these from Alpha testing. They said this one will kill. Also, I will have the release date on the trailer. I will update this thread as soon as I get the trailer on and give you guys the link. Memento- An asymmetrical map that is meant for 1v1 or 2v2. Providing excellent gameplay as well as awesome aesthetics . The setting is human styled. From alpha testing the power weapons seem very well placed as well as spawn points. The featured powered weapons are snipers and maulers. That is all for now, wait for release for more info... Warial- I had a dream about a map. In my dream I was flying around it, it was amazing, I played a 4v4 match on it. That was amazing! When I finished Warial, I thought to myself and realized that this is the map that I saw in my dream! It was so wierd but cool at the same time! This map resembles the default Foundry, but with some MAJOR changes! The featred weapons will be kept secret until release. This map is Brute Themed Forerunner- A map made in the middle of Avalanche(not the cave!). This map is designed for BTB. It features 2 temples face to face and with different structures around the map. Obviously its Forerunner theme, duh... The map features at total of 5 vehicles(secret until release!) There are some weapons to stop vehicles though. The map features an Overshield in the middle of the map. Sentinel- A very old map of mine. Set up for BTB on Foundry. This map makes foundry looks twice as big as the default layout. Vehicles are on the map and will be kept hidden, again... Until release... The map is Human Themed and features excellent gameplay as well as fun memories, hearing teamates yell in the mic as they are killed RIGHT BEFORE the Flag Capture is just hilarious! The layout is unique and provides good cover and vehicular manslaughters... Elation- Aaah, one of my favorite of the 5. A small 5 player FFA to a 2v2 faceoff match. Elation provides a very original layout and nice visual effects. The story comes from a Brute Facility used to produce their spiked Weaponry and Explosives. The main weapon IS spikers and the main Grenade IS Spike Grenades. The middle part of the map features at central core that powered the facility(this resembles Sapphires core but different) The green light behind the Core tells you that the Station is up and running. The featured power weapons will be kept secret until release. Pictures are up. Trailer is being assembled starting tommorow!
wait a second, This is your map pack. You're confused me talking about map pack trailers. and i was all like bungie's already making mythic why do more. Hidden skulls sounds fun and exciting. They are the only forge item that i would really want to see in forge. Imagine insane's skull hunt. Link my profile when you finish please.
i might also be releasing a map pack by around the middle of january, not sure though... still lots to build and test :cry: this sounds pretty epic though! ill be sure to keep an eye out for it, i always love big, hyped up projects
sweet thanx =-), I am done with the building of the maps. I am setting up a Beta Test for them. If you want to be in it just message.
I have some news, the 2 maps Protocol and Catwalk will no longer be in Famine. I have gladly replaced them with the 2 maps Memento and Industry.
Industry has now been remaned Warial. All maps are completed and the trailer is being built right now!
Please don't triple post, just edit your last post or your original post. Anyways, Im looking forward to watching the trailer(s?)
i dont know if this has already been stated, but make sure you release them one at a time, because if youd at least like a chance at a feature for one or two, then they need to be seperate.
Well Coward it depends on your standards. But these are very good. I have been told that they provide excellent gameplay and at the same time, beautiful aesthetics.
Sounds like my cup of tea. Send me a PM with the trailer when it's ready. No offense intended, but I'll probably forget the thread was here.