Mythic Map Pack Discussion RECENTLY UPDATED! The Mythic Map Pack (All 6 Maps) are confirmed to only have two Remakes. ASSEMBLY Assembly was the first released Mythic Map. It has a unique structure to it that looks like the Halo 2 Classic, Midship. But in fact, it is not a remake at all. Assembly is the official name for the map that was announced in the Bungie Weekly Update (8/22/2008), later named in the Halo Title Update 2 new achievements. It was originally planned to be in the Heroic Map Pack, then the Legendary Map Pack, but was replaced due to the fear that it wouldn't be finished on time. At the current time there is no known release date for this map. It is part of the Mythic Map Pack which includes Orbital, Citadel, Heretic, Sandbox, and Longshore. Assembly along with Sandbox and Orbital will be released March 3, 2009 with Halo Wars LCE. A set DLC release date and price has yet to be confirmed. The release date for the other three maps is also unknown. The map, as seen by fans at PAX 2008, is based inside a Covenant Scarab factory. When looking overhead, legless Scarabs can be seen moving by some kind of automated gravity beam. As such, the area outside the level is immense. The map itself is bowl shaped, sloping toward the center. This bottom floor is dotted with pillars and walls for cover. It has an outer rim with four bridges, that connect to the two-story center structure, and has small structures on the rim intended as high ground. It appears to be symmetrical. Line of sight is generally open, with mid-range combat being optimal when on the second level. However, within the center structure and around the pillars that dot the bottom level, close combat is possible. The map is focused on competitive playing, as it is a multi-story arena-style map. It features two "somewhat enclosed" bases, with one-way mirrors on the second floor (like those in interrogation rooms), where players will be able to look out, but players outside will be unable to see in. Mystery Before Assembly was removed from the Legendary Map Pack, it was stated that one of the maps would expand upon the Scarab-Hunter mystery. In a recent Weekly Update it was stated that, "One base of this open-air arena could end up getting called 'Energy side' and another call-out could end up 'Hunter side'", so it's possible that this was the map they were referring to. Adding to this mystery, Luke Smith posted on a thread on the Bungie forums that "the name Assembly is extremely appropriate." It would be found that this comment, came after the release of the name of the map in the Weekly Update on the same day. His comment would refer the fact that Scarabs are assembled within the facility. The Scarabs are carried along an assembly line, with the playable area of the map being one of the machines that constructs the Scarabs. This is the suspected layout of the map: A VIDEO OF ASSEMBLY CAN BE VIEWED HERE! ORBITAL Orbital is one of the most recently released map out of the mythic map pack. It seems to be Asymetrical with opening and closing doors. Orbital, also known by its former names, Moonbase Alpha and Space Camp is a map that was revealed in Game Informer magazine of December 2008. It will be available for download on Xbox Live Marketplace in a future DLC release; however, Orbital along with Assembly and Sandbox have also been confirmed to be shipped with the Limited Edition of Halo Wars. Bungie has confirmed they are working to get these maps available on Marketplace as soon as possible after Halo Wars' release February/March, 2009, but a specific date is unknown. The release date for the other three maps is also unknown. Orbital takes place on Quito Space Tether, a huge tower that transports cargo and people in and out of the atmosphere easily. It is said to be best for asymmetrical objective games, like CTF and Assault, but also has some natural deadlocks that makes Slayer interesting and Infection "terrifying". The map consists of two hallways overlapping each other. Both bases of the map have openable doors that are crucial for objective games.. There also appears to be at least one stairway. The map is located on an "empty UNSC space platform", more specifically, the station atop the Quito Space Tether. The map contains plaques dedicated to Doctors Tobias Fleming Shaw and Wallace Fujikawa, the creators of the Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine.. One part of the map has a deadly chasm, which can be easily traversed once it is "unlocked". This could mean that part of the map is in the vacuum of space. Orbital has several such locks and "switches to disable and enable access to various parts of the map". Orbital has been described as cleanly beautiful, yet haunting and having signs of abrupt abandonment. YOU CAN SEE MY FORGEHUB POST OF MY MAP ORBITAL HERE! Picture of Screen, possible floor plan? This will be the first map featured in Space for Halo 3, including Campaign levels. This map's codename was originally "Moonbase Alpha", then later changed to "Space Camp". The map's official name was confirmed to be "Orbital". The fact that there is an achievement to score 2 Death from the Grave medals in a single match online suggests that the map will have tight quarters and small rooms. This map was first shown in Game Informers story on Halo 3: ODST. On there is a picture of Orbital at the end of the 12/19/08 Weekly Update. It was added that more images and info would be posted the following week, indicating that the map will finally be revealed before Christmas. On the new Orbital picture in weekly update of 12/19/08, there are several different images on the screens. The farthest to the right is the base of an orbital elevator, possibly the Quito Space Tether or a screenshot from Halo 3: ODST. The next screen shows a map, which may be the layout of the level. the next two screens both show Earth, but uses the image from the Halo 2 theatrical trailer, and the final screen shows the UNSC emblem. This map deeply resembles the Halo 2 Map, Elongation (It has a conveyor belt carrying items). SANDBOX Sandbox is upcoming map that will be included in the Mythic Map Pack. It's name has lead many to think that it will be a similar map to Foundry. In certain forum posts, there have been repeated queries as to whether there will be a larger version of Foundry, and in some cases, Bungie staff or higher ranked members have replied and said that there was one in the works. It is to be released sometime in early 2009, though official pricing and configuration is unknown. Sandbox along with Assembly and Orbital have been confirmed to be shipped with the Limited Edition of Halo Wars. Bungie has confirmed they are working to get these maps available on Marketplace as soon as possible after Halo Wars' release in February/March 2009, but a specific date is unknown. The release date for the other three maps is also unknown. Otherwise, this map could be another map set in a desert location, like Sandtrap. In a video shown by Bungie, one of their employees cuts it off at the end when a giant spacious room similar to a VR range is shown. This could mean that Sandbox might allow you to add in different backgrounds, floor styles and make your own map without any hindrances (Apart from the Forge budget, of course). This map contains a hidden skull. Locating the skull earns the player the 'Sandbox Skull' achievement. The crest of the hidden skull on this level appears to be a likeness of the Monitor, furthering suspicions that this will be a Forge-heavy map. On Bungie's video designed for receiving the game of the year award on G-4's G-Phoria, the Bungie crew was seen standing in a strange new place. This zone was suspected to be Sandbox. This map may be a larger outdoor version of Foundry. According to Bungie, they stated that "...when Orbital and Sandbox peak behind the curtains, that day won't likely be a Friday." indictating that like the previous DLC maps which were revealed on a day that wasn't a Friday, it is possible to assume that Sandbox's first official appearance may be on a Tuesday somewhere in January 2009, because in the 12/19/08 Weekly Update, Bungie stated they will not be giving anymore weekly updates till next year, but during the period of time Orbital will be revealed. CITADEL Citadel may be an upcoming Halo 3 map that will be included in the Mythic Map Pack. No specific release date has been confirmed yet, however this map is expected to be released with Assembly, Sandbox, Orbital , Longshore, and Heretic in the Mythic Map Pack" early 2009. “Winter,” as they say." - Lukems in the 10/10/08 weekly update. This map has a skull for the multiplayer achievements. When found it unlocks the achievement, Citadel Skull. It has an image on the skull that resembles the Citadel in the Campaign level, The Covenant. LONGSHORE Longshore may be an upcoming map in the Mythic Map Pack. It might be a Remake of the Halo 2 map Headlong. This map is expected to be released with Assembly, Orbital, Sandbox, Citadel, and Heretic in the Mythic Map Pack. " early 2009. “Winter,” as they say." -Lukems in the 10/10/08 weekly update. This map contains a hidden skull. Locating the skull earns the player the Longshore Skull Achievement. This map's only confirmed vehicle is the Ghost. Killing people three times with the Ghost on Longshore will gain you the Achievement Ghost Patrol. Longshore, along with Citadel and Heretic, may not ship with Mythic Map Pack, as the only confirmed maps are Assembly, Orbital and Sandbox. HERETIC Heretic may be a map in the upcoming Mythic Map Pack. It is a suspected remake of the Halo 2 Map Midship. The term "Heretic" is used by the Covenant Loyalists to refer to the Covenant Separatists, hinting that this map may feature Covenant Separatist structures. This map could also be based on the level The Arbiter from Halo 2, as the Gas Mining Facility featured in that level was controlled by the Heretics, and thus could be a remake of the Halo 2 map Colossus. Getting a Sword Spree medal on this map earns the player the 'Blades of Fury' achievement. This fact suggests that it is either a small or medium sized map. This map, Longshore and Citadel are not confirmed to come out with the Mythic Map Pack. NEW INFO! This is not my Information, it was posted by an MLG Team a while back: THIS DISCUSSION WILL BE FREQUENTLY UPDATED! NOTE: MOST OF THIS INFORMATION COMES FROM HALO PEDIA AND THE MLG PRO FORUMS!
holy **** idk how i did it but i just read that collum of fuzzy, hecka small print. keep us informed plox
I'm looking forward to all of the maps quite a bit. Sandbox will be an awesome forge map I hope and Orbital just looks like an all out great map.
It probably won't be a forgers haven unless they add some incredible objects. As of right now i am more focused on sandbox. When you say it is very big how big are we talking. Rats nest. Bigger.
Reminds me just of Halo 2's Elongation. The space, and the blue metalic is what gives me the memoirs from it. But, I can't wait to see what they have in store for us next week, seeing they said more to come. P.S. Maybe urk will give us some down low info. Most likely not.
This looks unique. It's an indoor, asymmetric, small vehicle map. We'll see how good it is when we play One Flag on it, and I'll feel better about giving about my opinion on it.
Its hard to tell from the pictures, but I don't see this map being great for forge, but it will probably be great for unmodified play. I'm excited for a big map and I wonder what it looks like if you look outside windows, will there be planets, oh and think of the forge potential if you could get outside the map!:happy:
That guy thinks he is going to beet rockets with dual wield spikers, what a nub. Im thinking this map is going to have some extremely sexy gameplay, I think it will be better for forging then cold storage was but not much better.
I think the Forge could actually be somewhat unique. Seeing in the pictures it looked tightly cramped, so maybe some mini-games can utilize it.
Man, something must be wrong with Bungie. Releasing all these great, aesthetically pleasing maps. I mean, Cold Storage, Assembly, now this?!
We should be able to customize gameplay alot by adding a wall here and there to create different routes and such. Maybe a good conquest map is in order. only 3 more months, right?
Very true, never imagined that. I don't really know the release date, but I'm anticipating more pictures.
!!!!!!!!! This might just be the best forging map ever. I never thought of it. Bungie probably will patch all ways out though.
Yups, aesthetics are great. I mean, if a map was ugly, no one would want to play on it rite? Like, that's what everyone looks for in forged maps...
March 3rd if you pick up the Halo Wars LE. After that it will come to Marketplace as DLC, but it's yet to be dated.
Thats gonna suck for me because I don't have enough money for Halo Wars.... everyone's going to have it but me until it comes out on DLC But I'm still excited to see how awesome it's going to be. I think I may remove the scans, it might be illegal to have them there, I have to don't be surprised if they disappear magically later in the day. If they do, please don't try posting them'll just be asking for a 1-day ban.
It looks to me like a bigger version of Epitaph with vehicles. But, who knows. The map will probably be best for TEAM SWAT.