If you go onto Epitaph and look at any of the small holograms, at the bottom of them, each on has a certain amount of small blue balls the lowest being 0 and the highst being 5 mabye a combination of some sort.
Was the ark in the backround always there? But anyways, the hologram in the pic has arms and legs so it's a biped at least. Camo with overshield anyone? But the arms are out so that can't be it.
I don't get what you're saying, an ark? And it could be a player. Me, commandermatt, and mastar tried out flares in the spot and it didn't have a good resemblance. So its not flares.
You know, the level of the ark. The ark that makes halos. The ark that you blow up in the last level. That ark. This ark. The thing I circled looks like an ark and I was wondering if it used to be there or not.
no its the ark, that first picture is LQ, look on the homepage of bungie. you can see it before the rest of the page loads
also that definitely looks like the hologram on epitaph. the figure on avalanche may look like a biped but the hologram on epitaph, looks like it is a biped from afar. also i looked up eptiaph on dictionary.com and Epitaph –noun 1. a commemorative inscription on a tomb or mortuary monument about the person buried at that site. 2. a brief poem or other writing in praise of a deceased person. –verb (used with object) 3. to commemorate in or with an epitaph. Origin: 1350–1400; ME epitaphe < L epitaphium < Gk epitáphion over or at a tomb, equiv. to epi- epi- + táph(os) tomb + -ion n., adj. suffix so it is a type of tomb
Alright guys, check this out: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Stosh admitted that it's just a little joke.
Where did you guys get this pic, because on the homepage you dont see that guy on the right at all, it is cut off. Look at the top left corner also, there is something hanging from the top of the pic, not sure what it is(look on the homepage for a clearer look).
I don't see how you guys were getting worked up about this. The image in the upper left is clearly the Ark and in the bottom right is clearly the big hologram on Epitaph. Really, I don't see what everyone was getting from this. (Also, If this was a joke, I completely missed it)
If you're refering to the joke i mentions, I ment the joke that this thread could possible be, not Stosh's joke, just FYI.
Nah, I think it looks like that man that's standing on the platform of the satellite on Standoff. Good find, though. I would have never noticed that.