Ah, the mysteries of Epitaph..[requisite lock] see the little hologram from epitaph there by the turret? i noticed this when my page was loading... and upon further investigation, i see that it is the only other map that is in this picture other than the obvious Avalanche. As bungie has said, the biggest secret is yet to be found... and i belive this could be a hint.. do you? Discuss Requisite Lock
Holy ****, great find. Still hasn't been found yet? Well if anyone remembers the Santrap Investigators thread, we had some pretty good leads. But if you want, when I get my xbox today I'll FR request you and we could search around avalanche.
well as of now, my 3 top maps are Sandtrap, Avalanche, and Epitaph... Whisper, your right.. but it is that big hologram from Epitaph i know.. Hmm is there a website about figuring out halo 3 secrets? and also, i might be on today so il add you and see what i can do. your GT is your name correct?
Well from what I read and heard, that's the Mendicant Bias possibly. Or one of the other AI's created by the Forerunners. Well, it isn't it exactly, but more of a representation of it. I also read that Epitaph is like a Forerunner church, place of worship, or tomb. They could have created it in the memory of one of their AI's. I can't remember all this, it was along time ago, but it is on Halo Wiki.
actually, yeah someone on bungie.net just told me it was the Mendicant Bias.. hmm maybe you can talk to him in game..
It really wouldn't explain why they put him on Avalanche though. The only thing I see relating to the other is the fact that they're both Forerunner.
looks like a big regen to me, is there a hologram on Epitaph im unaware of. Anyone care to elaborate? Aside from that, this can be a very exciting discovery. Im up for some investigation. edit: oh, Medicant Bias Ill search that up
I saw that this morning, though it was pretty funny. I don't think it should be taken seriously, its just a funny picture, that hologram of the AI is sort of like an angel.
Oo! Lets start a hoax! Pretend it something really secret, like the beta testing for Halo 3:Recon Part 2 the Movie!
oooooohhhhh... hmm how would we do it though? i would love to do that!! but how would we do it? and what if it actually was something secret. I'm gettin on now. GT: knight kninja
I suggest you guys check out Avalanche on Christmas Night.... I feel like this is foreshadowing Bungie adding something to it.
As long as it isn't and xbox live update, we could all change our dates to December 25th, and check it out. But as I said, as long as it isn't a registered update that will only be available on December 25th.