Do these people have any idea how to make a website whatsoever? The new releases aren't actually new (for example, they have The Dark Knight on netflix, but it's not under new releases, even though it will surely be a top rented movie), the watch now tab doesn't have a search engine, so I usually have to go through 5 movies or so before I find one that is actually watch now available. If you aren't looking for a particular movie, you have almost 0 chance of finding one that you want to watch, as all the movies under each topic are from the 80's and 90's it seems. I had a movie on my queque for like 4 days and it never came, I just put 3 more on last night so let's see what happens.
really? ive heard good things from them i was gonna start using them but know ill have to ask some more people about the quality of their things and if the CD's come on time
I got the 3 movies, no complaints there. But...the other complaints remained. As for them being scratched, they did have a lot of smaller scratches on them, but it wasn't anything major and all of them played without skipping.
I like netflix but I don't like their selection of instant watch videos. But heck they have the office and heroes so at least there are a few laughs that are fun!
just got it today got 3 movies and they worked fine i did have my doubts on it though thanks for telling me sarge
I really wish that netflix would get better videos on watch now. But the service so far has been great for me. I have got discs that have been perfectly clean.
Yeah, I've been wondering about how it flows on the 360. Is it good, and can your friends join in on the movie? Probably not, seeing alot of people (me) would be watching movies for free all the time.
yeah they problably wouldint let you do that becuase then certain people would not buy movies for themselves, and just whatch it with their friends