
Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by J A Y, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Designed and Forged by JAYclash

    MLG Gametypes
    Recommended Gametypes: MLG Team Slayer, MLG Ons CTF, MLG King

    This was the first map to ever be released by me, if anyone can remember way back in April when my good friend Linubidix posted it, you would of noticed how sloppy it was. Now however it's much smoother, the gameplay is great and the famous A side. Everyone who tests the map always complements A side. There is the odd complement on for the B side.

    Falchion has gone through some dramatic changes, if I can recall there has been at least ten different versions. My original, my second attempt and then my final which has been altered slightly for the past five months. I never got to finish Falchion during the year, so many maps have gone through my hard drive, and I never know what to do with them when they are half finished. But in the past few months I had lots of Motivation from Linubidix to finish the map off.

    Falchion's definition:
    A short, broad sword with a convex cutting edge and a sharp point, used in medieval times.


    Falchion has characteristics of Amplified, but the middle structure is what makes the gameplay so unique. When you're playing any MLG gametype make sure you control either B side or top middle. Falchion supports all MLG gametypes.


    Battle Rifle - X4 - 10s
    Carbine - X2 - 90s
    Mauler - X1 - 120s

    If you want to spice it up a little, by all means place a Custom Power-up where the Mauler is. 120s



    Red Base

    Blue Base

    Top Middle

    A side

    B side

    Bottom Middle

    B side Walkways

    A side Walkways


    Linubidix: You were the biggest help out of everyone, the motivation, the support, the ideas, thanks! AND thanks for the Falchion banner.

    Ivory Snake: Helped with layout, weapons, and tested a lot.

    Qrangeremi: Helped in lots of testing sessions.

    Vorpal Saint: Helped in lots of testing sessions.

    teh Mastar: Helped in lots of testing sessions.

    Lots more


  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Jay, you know im really not big into MLG, but i like your maps style alot. You use alot of strange angles that people dont bother with, which makes the map more interesting. I probably wont play this one, but i just wanted to let you know that i have always been super in love with the walls/Asigns in this picture:

  3. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Well, I must say firstly, it's about damn time!

    But seriously, I've loved each testing of it. I don't even know whether my last game on it was the final version. Either way it was a blast. It makes Foundry seem so small, yet it has an open, large-ish feel to it when you're playing. I'm not a huge fan of MLG but there are certain maps I really enjoy for it, this being one of them. A side, for sure, is my favourite feautre. I love the wicked angle it's at, it looks so damn pretty. B Side is fairly generic but it fits perfectly, nonetheless. The addition of the tunnel was also a major plus. The new bases looks superb compared to their former selves. Overall, it's been awesome playing this and seeing it from the very start back in April. It's only been what, 8 months? lol

    Great job.

    OH, damn you John and your quickness.
  4. oFatalAcex

    oFatalAcex Ancient
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    I really like the looks of this map the merging and interlocking look very clean and you threw in a couple angle merges as well im going to d/l later when i get back and see how to game play is 8/10 keep forging
  5. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    Wow, really nice, everything is perfectly interlocked and merged. My only comment is the weapons, a little sparse don't you think? I understand that its MLG and all, maybe make a MM version? And there aren't any grenades on the map? Or you just didnt post that in the weapons list?
  6. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    Why would you need more weapons if you start with a Battle Rifle? I personally think that a bunch of random weapons ruins the map, especially the ones that nobody uses...

    Fantastic map. The design is so simplistic yet so complex. There are some parts where it looks like you altered the shape of the boxes, and although it's rather simple to do, it looks so convincing.
  7. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    This map is incredible. This map would be all set up for MLG V6 if itt just had a few touchups. For example the middle structure is a little too open for my liking. As clearly stated by silence broken some of the angles look great. Most people would not dare attempt crazy angles like that at the mauler spawn, but you pulled it off perfectly. Interlock the top box of the blue and red bases to make it look better and play smoother. No reason not too. It will only take like 2 minutes.
  8. Cydronix

    Cydronix Ancient
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    This Map Plays incredibly well, one thing to fix in it if you make a v2 is its space, it is a little bit too open. Not much cover. But overall the weapon placement and spawning is great! 4.5/5!
  9. Grandmas House

    Grandmas House Ancient
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    I also have to agree with you. Your style draws me more to your mlg maps than the others. I'm still seeing that double-pillar-staircases-on-each-side-which-lead-to-the-platform thing going on. Props to anyone who can somehow get rid of that. Not saying its a bad thing and I know its really hard to not do it because it's sort of a given thing for MLG maps. No bases pretty much means its not an MLG map lol. Hopefully you know what I'm talking about. Other than that I like it :)
  10. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    This looks alot better than the older one, and the only reason I saw the other one, was because it got stolen, and posted back up (ha, strange way too see it) The map itself doesn't look too beautiful, but I can definitaly see you put some time into it.

    I am guessing you pumping out these maps, cause you wont have an xbox (I THINK) like you said?
  11. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    didn't tis come out in like june?
  12. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    The very first version came out in April, I then kept it in my hard drive for quite sometime, but a few months ago I had some motivation to make a better version. Bnasty I do remember you played it a few months ago, but I have tweaked it a lot since then.

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