If the energy drink is based off of caffeine. I would suggest reducing the intake of the energy drinks you drink daily. The reason being is that caffeine has a half-life of six hours in your body. Which ultimately means if you drink a lot of the energy drink you will have a huge amount of mg of caffeine in your body. Which means you gradually build a huge tolerance for the stuff. Most likely leading a person to drink more than the normal amount of the drink in order to get the same effect. Red bull is one of those drinks which contain caffeine Pretty much every we eat can be broken down into sugar within the body with the exceptions of minerals, amino acids, and vitamins. Also, make sure to have potassium as it is a key ingredient for your receptors to transmit signals. Energy signals from your receptors come from your brain to limbs. So lack of potassium could lead to less quick reflexes. Hope this helps.
Get a never ending supply of water pouring down your face. I bet it works. -- Why do you want to stay up all the time anyway? (N) Energy Drinks fail.
So you must be young seeing how you see to believe many lies told to you. Mountain dew doesn't lower your sperm count. Take it from someone who actually knows. And with that said, I usually drink tons of mountain dew to stay awake. I used to go through 2 twelve packs a day... I don't do that anymore.
I drink Spike. It is delicious and has 300 mg of Caffeine. It has a warning label that says not to drink if under 18 or Elderly. Drinking two in one day is extremely bad for you, and you can possible die. D: On a side note, I have never crashed from drinking an energy drink. I don't know what's wrong with you guys.
Lawl, Gatoraid? How does Tiger Woods keep going? No, not Wheaties, he can't eat those while golfing. It would take too long. It's Gatoraid.
That's just a myth, and it's supposedly because of a yellow food dye... And the energy drink mentioned by someone on the first page is Bawls. I've had Monster before, and they were pretty good, although I couldn't really tell a difference in how energetic it made me.
Lol i can't believe there is a thread about this. "I've been playing video games for so long I'm getting tired and a headache. What should I do so I can play more?" Ha. Well, remember that halo themed mountain dew stuff? They discontinued it but a friend of mine bought like 50 cases and they are all in his garage. He drinks like one a month. He gave me one once after like a year of aging. It tastes a lot better.
I was gun say that -.- Personally I think energy drinks force you into thinking you have more energy, but we all know it's just bull sperm. If I want energy I have dr pepper, it makes me bite peoples heads off.
Halo mountain dew drink kicks ass. MAjorly. I got a killtastrophe using it. All my friends were jealous.... till I owned them too. Then I spawned a tank and killed them all during a team slayer matchmaking game. Thats how good I was. But seriously it is pretty good and tastes good too. They just dont make it any more though.. sadface.