Heres a small part of my new map design. I plan on calling it Artifact or Dosaic. I wish to call it Artifact because of its planned aesthetc features. The pillars were used in Lygophobia, a very old map that was made maybe 2 or 3 months back. Dosaic is also an intended name because I am modeling this after the Brute homeworld. My reason for this is to continue my little alien map making spree. You could call me the Halo Racist
Looks pretty good so far, that tunnel with the bridges remind me of High Voltage and I like the slanted pillars. You've got some pretty tough geomerges to make, but I think you'll be able to pull them off with no sweat. Keep me updated.
i like how this one doesnt look like it has features from all the previously featured maps... it seems more... you. keep up the good work.
Yeah, it just has the look of your maps. (Phreakie) You always seem to have that vertical look about your maps that distinguishes them from everyone else. I always have trouble putting high points on my maps because they become dominant, but you can figure all that stuff out. Maybe you have your second feature coming? Premium?
additionally, make sure you leave breathing room for conflicts to escalate. dont make the whole map so tight knit, or it'll all be close range grenading. thats my advice. take it or leave it.
I really like the sound of Dosaic. Artifact sounds so generally boring and overused. Dosaic exudes mysteriousness with the name and attracts attention in the maps board.
Ill keep that in mind Silence. Thanks. If im going to have any room for a chopper, I have to keep this map slightly more open than usual but not so much it kills long range combat in the slightest. Its a tough feat to accomplish but I will try nonetheless.
That would original to put a chopper on the map, don't think many people have been brave enough to try that on a map this size. Looks good phreakie, you will have to show me what you have done next time I'm on halo. Try to make the map flow as well as possible that means keep the jump ups to the high ground at a minimum, 1 or none at all would be perfect. Do you plan on adding another pillar like that because I think you have enough dumpsters for another one.
looks nice... but keep in mind u dont want some places where they can be a fight with little shelter... and make sure nades are possible... specially if this is brute... they live their spikes... nice tho looks original...
Here are a few new pictures. As you can see from these, yes I do. My weapon setup consists of all the brute weapons if I can make it absolutely unbreakable and the Chopper will be a great addition. Plus it adds to my "wow" factor. No Vorpal. That map is a symmetrical map that I am working on without showing any previews. I might realease a progress photo when I finish more of the bridge on it though. Thanks a bunch Boyle. I plan to keep this map for mostly close combat since that is what Brutes pretty much live off of. Except, I have a vision of three or four people fighting on the ground in a heated battle when all of a sudden, a chopper comes out of the blue and mows them down as if they were grass. Thats what I am trying to accomplish.
Looks good.. But then again, everything looks good on sketchup. I'll be looking forward to this. Plus, nice avatar.
bleh come to think of it yeah youre right. Ill look into it and I may have to replace them with some sort of steel object. Like fencewalls or crates. Those would work fairly well.
I think dumpsters, crates, barriers, and fence walls would be cool for the pillars. Dumpsters being the best, crates second, etc.