Agh. I agree, this is way cool, but if I understand correctly, this technique can only be used with thin stuff like walls. Too bad the map I'm making requires many double boxes to be geomerged. Ah well.
Actually i figured a way to use this meathod to geomerge anything. Just have a guest drop a wall on one end of the box to make it's tear drop tilt closer to the wall or whatever. Then geomerge it.
I don't get it. Could you clarify that please? Pretend that I'm retarded. Actually that won't require a lot of pretending.... :cry:
This technique has helped me pull off some very weird geomerges in record time. Thanks to OP and person who found this out.
Wow, this really helps. Thank you. Just wondering, does this trick work with turrets? If so, we could finally make a true Halo 3 machine gun nest.
The only problem i find with this is the practicaility of it. Because i want to see a video of you putting three walls in the ground next to each other at the same angle and the same distance in. And then put three walls in the ground at the same angle with one door push and see which is faster. Because a forge trick is only as good as its applicabilty (not sure if that is a real word but you get the idea). And you cant get a line of walls pushed down slightly as fast with this technique compared with normal geomerging. And I know how to interlock without starting new rounds or ending the game doesnt mean i think it is practical or even worth sharing
i would have to disagree with you on that actually it is quite easy to get the merges just right you just need to get them at the same angle of rotation and use some sort of scale to how high you want it merged. just look at my map i entered in the template contest. i had perfect geomerges with ths technique
This is a great way to merge. If you don't think it is true he just showed me how to do it on Standoff. IT WORKS. Thanks for teaching me this it helps alot.
i saw those geomerges and they are off a little bit. You cant get a wall in the ground perfectly perpendicular a tiny bit and in the right spot, or boxes in the ground the same amount , or have a ramp from the top of a box to the ground, all on your first try. There is no exact measurment tool like the door or the wall. It can kinda go in at the same rate but its not the same. you also cant go in more than one direction like in the wall and down into the ground, or into the corners. And if you think you can send me an invite GT: Sage 714. Not a video. Because you can just take a hundred tries and then say it was your first try. And you must show me all the things stated before and above.
lol you say you cant do multiple merges in one merge one of my merges on my template map went through a flat and angled surface perfectly so you should stop saying stuff that you do not know what you are talking about
Thanks for posting this method. It's by far the best method I have found for geomerging items on avalanche because avalanche does not have a straight ground, it helps reduce problems that you may encounter when you have to geomerge items into the crooked ground. Thanks again! - Toxic Spade
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Great method, put this is forging 101 now! I always wondered why my objects would sometimes automatically merge, now I know.
For ramps make brace that turns the object and your good to geomerge in the ground. Excellent! We are all idiots to you. I probably is best only for ramps, but it is very nice.