Download Axilla Description: Axilla is a Covenant shrine used for religious ceremonies. Covenant leaders gathered here twice every year to show solidarity with their god. Much innocent blood has been spilled at the base of this holy altar in the name of spiritual sacrifice. As you approach the altar you can almost faintly hear the strange chants of long forgotten Covenant ritual. Axilla is a symetrical map based around a shrine like structue in the back of Foundry. Other prominent features include a dual leveled BR tower, a sniper safe box located at the top of the map, and a central hub directly under the circular awning. There are two lifts on either side of the map that direct you to teleporters leading up to the sniper safe box. The altar itself can be scaled using ramps on either side. Thanks to DeathToll77 and Teerav11 for help with testing. Gametypes: 1. Slayer 2. Neutral Flag 3. Neutral Bomb 4. KOTH 5. Oddball Weapons: 1. 8 BR's 2. 1 Shotgun 3. 1 Sniper 4. 2 SMG's 5. 1 Brute Shot 6. 2 Plasma Pistols Equipment: 1. 1 Power Drain 2. 4 Fire Grenades 3. 2 Plasma Grenades 4. 1 Bubble Shield 5. 1 Regenerator Please enjoy Axilla. Comments and feedback are appreciated. Download Axilla
Wow! This maps looks really Boss! it has been queued for download! But there's no frags? That seems odd. EDIT: i DLed the map just now, and i thought "i hope this isn't all just looks. It better play well too." Then soon after i found out its not all looks, it plays great too! Total Epic!
im gonna b honest here. u have to decide when complexity interferes with the actual aesthetics. those structures must have taken a long time to make, and they look tight standing alone, but some of them dont seem to fit into the map just right. idk it might b my personal opinion, but to me it seems a little overdone. and ur shield door use could have been brought down tenfold.
Pretty good. The first pic is epic. I like the story. It is very original and I have never seen anything like it. The weapons seem balanced but remove the turrets. The map looks kinda tight, try making it a bit wider. Good job, but no download yet.
the map hold up to the religious backstory but im not sure how the gameplay will deliver, the snipe tower shouldnt have shielddoors around it and i see quite a fewbumps here and there. however the structure in the 5th or 6th pic looks kind of like a *****, im not gonna say any thing else about that. just take outsome turrets and the sniper shield doors, fix some bumps and flip the bridges and you have a very aestheticly pleasing competitive map. ill dl v2 if you make one
I really like this map, I like how you made like the whole map look like a holy place. It gives it a good touch. As for the shield doors that really caught my attention. I've never seen anything like that, it was really creative. As for the map its self it looks very fun and amusing. I can just see how long it must of took you to create this map. Great job 4/5. Keep it up with your great layout idea's
i like the big sheild door altar looing thing, but i think the rest of the sheild doors scattered around the map could cause some snowbound or epitaph like gameplay.
That is some damn good forging , id tip my hat to you good sir (if i wore one). The Massive shield door structure looks awesome and the rest of the map is so well forged. Looks good for team games Downloaded of course
Makisupa!! i miss u buddy.I've had red rings for 2 weeks but should be gettin my xbox back soon.The map looks really nice,one of your best probably.The shield doors really make this map pop out from all the rest.Great post and nice story.Keep making wonderful maps for people to enjoy.See ya
***** Structure After testing I found that the sniper tower needs shield doors. It was way to vulnerable without them. By accessing the lifts on either side of the tower it is still fairly easy to sneak up on the sniper and let him have it with a solid beatdown. If your ***** looks like that structure you should see a doctor. What's up Handi! I was wondering where you've been. It seems like the red rings are going around like the flu this holiday season. Good to hear you'll be back up and running soon, though.
This definitly looks like a good map, I saw your other map Chalice, and was really amazed! I like the idea of the sheild doors and cannon and all that, it adds a really good look to the map Im going to have to give this 5/5 because it looks really fun to play on, and the interlocking is great!
ANOTHER TOTALLY AWESOME MAP, looks great! Good use of all things BLUE! Great gameplay, great Aesthetics, Great stuff! Anyway looking at all ur other maps. They look awesome too!
I have to say, Im nit sure about the gameplay but as for asthetics, at some parts Im like "wow, great forger" and at others more like "slopyy sloppy sloppy" Overall 3/5