Don't get me wrong, I loved the first Slit Pinball and I would love this one, if it weren't for the Humans being able to assassinate the Zombie from his spawn box. The Humans can jump on top of the open container that holds the trip mine to the energy blocker and finally, if angled properly, you can jump into the blocked teleporter that will put the human in the zombie box. This doesn't seem like a big problem of first glance, but every time someone got up there the zombie died because he didn't see it coming and because how awkwardly the receiver on the zombie's area. This problem can easily be fixed by blocking off that energy blocker, but if you don't believe me, I could take a short film for you.
Ill see if i can use another mancannon to block that off Ok I just fixed it and also fixed something else to make the ball go down smoother. Everyone who wants to play a good version of this map please download again. sorry for the inconvenience
Yay it's released. I enjoyed testing this (even though I only stayed for 15 mins. and that I just joined the progress). The 1st one was nice, but this one is epic. Its better then all you other maps. Seriously, the idea is so good. I am really gonna have fun playing this. Great job!
I disagree I think that the floor where the humans is does not look sloppy and if you downloaded and played it you woldn't notice anything wrong with it
Holy cow! Original mini games are still being released. Never seen someone take this approach. I love the concept, I love the forging, and I love how it is not on foundry. This is worthy of being in a mini game map pack feature. It's been a while since they did one.
I did dl/play, but when you look up in the middle you see all those shield doors and thoes gold walls (I forgot what they r called)
Sorry people but i accidentally loaded the same version as the new version. This means that version 2.1 never really existed and this new 2.2 is the real new map. sorry for the confusion. To speed e cake, I now know why you could hit the zombie teleporter. You were playing on a previous version. To Nuclear, not everything is about looks dude.
ive seen other pinball maps before and this one puts them all to shame very nice and very good aesthetics wise will there be a slit pinball 3
So can the ball pop out of the arena thing? Bruteshot + grenades might boost it out. But the map is extremely clean and well forged. This really looks like a great minigame. Seeing as my xbox has still not arrived, I cannot download.
this is brilliantly put together in a million years i wouldent have made this and this is a brilliant way to play 6/5 i would like to see more