I already explained why you're wrong. You compared Nitrous's statistic (which I fully believe to be true) to my Romanian example. You claimed that his was fact and mine was not, and offered no logical reasoning to support either claim. That not only makes you wrong, it makes you desperately in need of common sense. The lack of change in our views does not constitute an equal lack in affect. Example A: An alcoholic lives in, for whatever reason, a city that forbids its inhabitants to drink any form of alcohol. Suddenly, he is allowed to drink alcohol. His views on alcohol have not changed, but he is now subject to the affects of his views on his body. *sigh*
Oh my god. That was one epic fail. First off, a prostitute does not use protection. Do you even know anything about them? Lol. Even if they requested it which they won't even though we have "tools", they would still be having sex with many many many people unlike your "info" which states it's just as likely with a boyfriend. It's not. How many people the average person has sex with in life SKY ROCKETS being a prostitute. You can throw out your first paragraph as it had no info that applied to prostitutes, or the topic, but instead regular people. You are avoiding my points. This is shown by you disregarding the fact that a prostitute has sex with sometimes 10+ men a day and AIDs would be too hard to check for, let's see... 11 times in a day. 10 for each man. 1 at the beginning of the day. Checking for AIDs takes days, weeks even. It takes a while to get results back. Did you forget that? Or just not know it? That would lose money of course, so they aren't going to do it. The government's job is to protect people. It's the customer's choice? It's not safe and you and I both should know that. That's why it's illegal. Cocaine is the druggy's choice, and potentially hurts the person. That's why it's illegal. Because your info was totally off topic let me show you something ON topic. Right now it is totally legal to walk down the streets of any city. These people aren't hiding anything. Yet look... 1/10 people actually report rape. That's like REALLY bad abuse. And they aren't reporting it.Deseret News | 90% of Provo rapes not reported to police So you were saying they'd go to the police? They could. They won't. They don't. Morality is something that I said I didn't want to discuss because that is something most people consider irrelevant in the debate section. Both demoralize women. Period. Prostitution is just taking it to the level of physically hurting and endangering the person. What morals? The morality of paying for something that should be rewarded to you through love and compassion, not money. Again limit of activity, no money. It's not gonna happen. Enough said. The decision should not even be there because NOBODY WANTS TO BE A PROSTITUTE. Ok... yadayadayadai'mspeakingtoafiveyearold and the government does not want a choice to be available that could potentially endanger a person's life enough to the point they have to make it illegal. Ok? Seriously what kind of argument is that? "It's their choice to do something dangerous". Sure. Again you are repeating yourself, avioding my points as well. Again you are repeating yourself, avioding my points as well. Like saying it twice makes it true? Stop posting unless you have an argument.
If the customer is smart, then they will. The customer can chose to use a condom. The fact remains that prostitution only accounts for a small percentage of the spread of AIDs. I never said check everyday. I said often. What I meant is maybe once once a month. I understand what you're getting at. But, that doesn't take away from the fact that AIDS can be avoided. When I talk about legalizing prostitution, I do not mean keeping as it is. I keep saying regulations. This is to keep things more orderly. It could be one that prostitutes must use protection. It is also unsafe to drink alcohol. This is legal with restrictions. A person can themselves in hours by drinking to much. Alcohol poisoning. People have to be smart about their decisions. Everything you do has risks. Some small, some big. Most people know that prostitution can spread diseases, but they will still do it even if it is illegal. People know that cigarettes are bad for you. It even says it on the box, but people will still smoke them. People know they can get aids, but they will still have sex with prostitutes. How so? They don' now because they know they will go to jail. If it is legal, they could report it. You do not think porn demoralizes women? It is perfectly legal. The media will never stop demoralizing women. Like I said, if that's what they want to do, they won't worry about being demoralized. Also not only women are prostitutes. Besides diseases? How? I already said that they would be able to report it. Yet people already have sex freely, which is not illegal. I like how you speak for the entire population of Earth. Maybe some people like to be a prostitute and can make money. This helps your argument. After you question my knowledge of the situation. Don't be a hypocrite. You repeat things also. I repeat them because I feel like you don't understand. Stop posting unless you have an argument.
Whether it's legal or not, it's still going to happen. The only difference is that once it does get legal, you can bet your ass that the corporations will buy down immediately into this market. It's like, if we make weed legal, it'll transmorgify into the tobacco industry.
Exactly. Making it illegal is at least making an effort to stop people from stepping into the trap unkowning that it's a bad move.
You and nemi are right in a way, but it is the same thing for the opposite. Right now people see prostitution as dirty. If it was legals, it wouldn't have to bee that way. I think we are both right in a way. That is why we must meet somewhere in the middle. I say it is legalized with tons of restrictions and regulations.
Yup, you pretty much summed up what i would have said. I don't think the person that 'shot down' my post read it ver closely.
They choose to use the same point over and over again that it spreads AIDS rapidly. He was trying to "shoot down" your post, but actually just repeated his point. I am not at all saying that AIDS cannot be spread through prostitution. I am just saying it is your choice to have sex with a person that potentially has an STD for money.
Erm... prostitutes have a pretty high chance of carrying STDs. Why would it ever be legal to run around spreading life-threading diseases?
I would really like to toss in a Question... How will making Prostitution Really control and reduce the problems of Illegal Prostitution? Compare the control the government has taken in case with Drunk Driving; It is the same issue with trying to regulate Such a Major Industry.
Prostitution is an easy way to get money, and if the person finds it okay to sell their body, I see no reason to forbid them.
I think it shouldn't be legal. Many kidnappings have happened for that, and women are selling their bodies. It's also encouraging rapes. Because men are like wolves. Once they've had a taste of blood, they won't stop. So when a hooker isn't allowed, they rape. Or if they can't afford, they rape.
That my friend, is degrading every guy in the world, by saying their all the same. They all pay for sex, and if they can't get it, they take it. Which, is not true.
First: Gov't does not regulate drunk driving. They made it illegal. Second: Regulation of prostitution has been shown to reduce the amount of sexually transmitted diseases among prostitutes. It also gets young, underage girls off the street and puts legitimately aged prostitutes indoors reducing the eye sore of seeing a fat ***** in skimpy clothes.
Well you and her don't, but the Founding Fathers/Government do. We have rights that are protected by them. I can't find the right words for this right, but I'm pretty sure your body is protected. Selling it would go against our declaration, and constitution, so forth making it illegal.
Can you show me the clause in the Constitution that forbids prostitution? Where did the Declaration come in? It has nothing to do with established laws.