OK these to screenshots were takien at the same time as the others. during my hour of nothing but screenshot taking. these were two others that i liked and thought i would share with my fellow forgehubbers so here they are. ALSO please vote in the poll on which is your favorite : ] thanks Assasin Elite Assasin now here are the download links in order Assasin: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=60488355 Elite Assasin: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=60488345 Thank you for viewing and have a nice day P.S if your having trouble seeing the elite hes on the right you should see his eyes yet i doubt u wont be able to see it
The first one is the better of the two but they are both pretty cool. I like the hidden elite in the second one but the CQB armor is not the type of armor I would put in that shot. The first one has really nice lighting, Nice shot!
The first one looks really awsome, but the second one is kinda bland. Maybe you could make a Sig with the assassin picture. That would be really cool.
Elite Assassin shows that the elite is ready to kill the eyes glaring at you is telling you that the CQB is going to die.
OK everyone just thought i would let you know that just like my other screenshots these will be taken out of my fileshare in about a week because i have other pictures to upload and i have a map thats almost ready to be released and i just have to fix some things. so anyway if you want to download the pictures then download them now EDIT: there may be a chance of the screenshots staying in my file share because if i get some money of my family for christmas i will be buying microsoft points and then purchasing bungie pro : ] so yeh there is still a slight chance of the pictures staying
I'm pretty sure he knows what his screeshot means... I pesonally like the Elite one the best. There are waaay too many shots exactly like the first one (it is very good) but I think the Elite Assassin one is just right. Great screenshots.
haha yeh i kinda do know what my screens mean also the first screenshot wasnt even meant to turn out like that lol i was going for something completely different but for some reason on blackout with the effects i was using wasnt working when i took a picture and it was going bright. so technically it was an accident lol and also seems we have some similarities i also prefer the elite screenshot over the spartan one i just wished i used a beam rifle instead of a sniper rifle seeing it would fit elites more
That was kinda corny and you just threw out the obvious but spiced it up a little bit. The elite is ready to kill, and then the CQB is going to die; repetitive. I mean, its pretty obvious the CQB is going to die, there's a sniper pointed at him...
Wow I am very surprised on how you got the nice lighting in the first pic and the second pic isnt that bad either. Nice job, keep takin picd