I got a 110 on this from my teacher who ACTUALLY HAS A DEGREE in this stuff, so if you don't like it, it's your personal preference:
Lulz, damn, that is exactly like the original Lock, just with your name.... Did you just copy paste a copy pasta 0_o Anyway, kid, your teacher might have a degree, but that doesn't mean anything. It means they took a class, and passed. My teacher has a degree in T.V. Production, years of experience, and still knows very little. She even has a certified license for editing with Final Cut Pro, yet I teach her new stuff everyday. She also thought a dreadful project I had to do was good. What I am trying to get at, is the fact that teachers think stuff is amazing when it isn't made in Windows Movie Maker, or in your case, paint. Though you might as well have, you could've shaved several seconds off the total amount of time this must have taken you, due to the quick start up. ps. If you gave your teacher the stock photo with this, I don't think he would have been so inclined to give you such a grade. Now that I wasted my life typing more than I needed to, I am... going to do something else.
What the hell? I didn't ****ing say II spent HOURS on this and said it's SO AMAZINGLY MADE. I said I got some good feedback and it looked pretty good. I don't really care what all you think, just quit being fags. These are SUPPOSED to be about how they look, not how much crap was thrown on them. And I did give him the stock photo, this project was MADE to be a stock photo that was supposed to be slightly rendered to look good as a forum sig. And this may have nothing to do with this, but get that hair cut, emo. It looks like ****.
fail of a comeback. Let's not forget you said "If you don't think it's good, then it's your personal preference." If you don't want ACTUAL critique on work you didn't really do much to make, then don't ****ing post. It's as simple as that. That's why it is called CnC. And as Linu said, you have to actually do stuff to the stock to make it a worked on sig. Plus, you sort of "forgot" as in failed to mention, as in neglected to say, that it was a project to take a picture and add your name. You failed to say that. So saying this got a 110 and our opinions are just our preference, of no meaning to you, it just makes you look all the more like an idiot. Not to mention you are just giving everyone a new FH meme. And then going as far as to try insulting Sweeny, I don't think anyone here can take you as a serious person. But as not a final not from me, but from what will be everyone else: Thanks for the meme.
So your project was to take someone's work and crop and resize it? Expect an infraction for your unneeded insult aimed at sweeney.
Don't tell him, that takes the fun out of it. And yes, that Nikey sig really stinks. Unfortunately the homosapians need shiny objects in order to get them to like it.