here... the biggest problem was that your text was right there, so I had to try and get it to work... idk... and here is the pic.
thanks and your working on the sig right. thanks zach i owe you one, but then again you owe me like 12 so yeah...
you do and wut about my sig lol. if you cant itz k. ill check back 2marro EDIT: nvrmind i see it now lols i fail...
lol ur retarded... anyway, any requests or things needed done? Also, Im going to be updating the OP with a list of types of graphics I do, so as to clear it up...
Sig/Avy Set: Yes Sig Type: Reference- my current Render/Stock image: Background, That Style: Epic Colors: retro Dimensions: sig size? (+ an avy please) Text: Epic with an e Other Text/Quote: none Font: Techno > Sci-Fi > Neuropol @ (if possible) Extras: keep it sexy Legacy hasn't even responded; they poo-heads. Your **** looks tight anyways. Please and thanks.
Sig/Avy Set: No Render/Stock image: Slash Basically just do what you think would be cool. I trust you, your work is excellent. Extra: I was wondering if you would be able to figure something out for a pop-out sig or whatever they're called. If you can't, it's 100% allright and don't strain too hard on figuring it. But if an idea comes to you, go for it.
Sure I can try a popout. Im beginning yours now, and ZCT will be doing DanIz3pic. Smitty: I can probably do a Popout, but I will need to use a different render, which I have found on planetrenders... Here and here
The second one would be great, especially because I am a huge Guitar Hero fan as well. EDIT: If you want, you could incorporate guitar hero into it, but only if it would look really cool xD
hey can u make me a sig please? FH User Name: SPARTANZ77 Render/Stock: Text/Name Wanted: spartan? Layout Description: royal blu text here is the pic [/IMG]
Smitty your sig is done. (The pop out.) Tell me what you think, any changes. DanIz3pic, ZCT is working on yours. and Spartan, I'll begin on yours as ZCT does DanIz3pic. Smitty: edit: 2 new versions for you smitty. and a smaller version...
Alright If possible I would like you to redesign my Youtube background. Note that I have made one already in Paint(Fail Job). And I would appreciate it if you made me a new one. My Youtube link Current Background(I like the greenish-yellowish color) Also you will be working with two different Youtube Back Ground Colors too. Whatever one looks better on what you will make.