Cure to Cancer?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by stin10, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    Now, let it be stated that this is a theory and although I have not actually tried it out, I believe that it would be proven to work. I in no way wish to offended people, and if I am wrong in some respect, please say how. Ok, well I think most people know what acids and bases are.
    Acids are Corrosive
    (‘Burns’ your skin)
    Sour taste (e.g. lemons, vinegar)
    Contains hydrogen ions (H+) when dissolved in water
    Has a pH less than 7
    Turns blue litmus paper to a red color
    Reacts with bases to form salt and water
    Reacts with metals to form hydrogen gas
    Reacts with carbonates to form carbon dioxide, water and a salt.

    Bases are Corrosive ('burns' your skin)
    Soapy feel
    Has a pH more than 7
    Turns red litmus paper to a blue color
    Many alkalis (soluble bases) contain hydroxyl ions (OH-)
    Reacts with acids to form salt and water.

    Ok, well anyway. There are test can take to see what the ph of your body is. The ph scale is the scale that tells how acidic or basic something is. Normally you put the substance on a special piece of paper that tells you what its ph scale level is, based on color codes, so if it turns pink, that may mean its a 5 on the ph, according to the side of the container it came in. Below 7 on the ph scale is an acid; above it is a base, a 7 exactly in neutral. Bases are, normally, good and acids are, normally, bad.

    So, finally onto my theory. From what I understand, cancer cells can only live in an environment with a ph scale lower than 8.2 on the ph scale. And, depending on what you eat, your body’s ph scale can change. So if you eat some foods like eggs, and others that I can’t remember, that are basic on the ph scale, which will raise your ph higher. So in theory, if you eat a lot of foods that are naturally bases, and raise your ph to 8.2 or higher, wouldn’t that kill cancer cells, seeing how they can’t live higher than that.

    What I don’t know much about is possible side affects, and I can’t vouch for my facts, but if they are true, could this be a cure to cancer?
    Please, discuss, make corrections, and maybe, save lives.
  2. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    well by golly if a cure to cancer is found on a halo online forum I'll be darned...but

    first post!


    and I think you should read this. I can't claim to know enough about science to be able to tell the difference between blood pH levels and the regular body ones, but

    So for your theory to work, there would have to be a way to raise the body pH level up, but keep the blood pH level lower. I don't know if these are seperate (body and blood pH levels), or if this is possible.

    Anyway, move to general?
  3. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    actually i origonally posted this on a different, scientific, forum. but i got little response, so here i am. and why is the first post your main concern?
  4. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    it's a joke. I edited my post so it's serious now. Ask for a move to general
  5. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    as i said, i wasn't very knowledable on any side effects, nad i worried that you would die if you reached that ph, and i guess iwas right, but perhaps docters could stabalize your body, and get you that high. i'd rather keep it here btw, where it will get more, deserved attention, but if you insist?
  6. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Ah.. I remember when I first learned about pH scales.
    Litmus paper was boring.

    Anyways, I highly doubt you of all people would be the first to come up with this theory. Hell, it may have already been ruled out. Don't you think?
  7. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Sadly, raising your PH level that high would harm your body as well. I wish the cure to cancer were that simple. If so, it would have been cured a long time ago.
  8. Black Dawn 01

    Black Dawn 01 Ancient
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    If only...
    pH above 7.7ish (natural pH of the human body) = dead. And it wouldn't be a pleasant way to go. Imagine your intestines corroding... I'd personally go for Cancer.
  9. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Wait. Didn't that dude from I Am Legend cure cancer? That's what i heard. lol.

    But yeah like 1/3 girls get cancer. My mom had it. Best friends mom too. Apparently because of stress and other things females do that males don't. Like force themselves to drink diet soda.
  10. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Base is good? Last time I checked, ammonia and Draino are bases, and they don't exactly do wonderful things on the human body.

    If you wanna hear about a really interesting way to kill cancer cells, look up Royal Raymond Rife. Conspiracy theories said the medicine companies killed him because they were scared they'd go out of business.
  11. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    It seems we can't avoid a good conspiracy theory in any thread, can we?
  12. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There should be a rule about this. Like a rule 34, but for debates.
  13. E93

    E93 Guest

    I was saving that bacon.
  14. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Didn't someone on I am Legend come up w/ a cure for cancer, and then everyone died?

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