orly? im sure bungie doesnt have to goemerge a fence box on thier maps for barriers. im sure they place actual barriers. lol but kinda a dumb question
This happened to me about a week ago. I was trying to geo-merge stairs in the back alley. I had ro do it a good 5 - 10 times as it was going in all different ways. When I finally got it pefect, I saved and quit. Started up a new game and was able to run agianst it. I deleted the map in case your wondering. But it was invisible and you were able to run against it.
This is a very cool glitch. Is it possible to control it? Like is there a way to set it up so it would be invisible every time you geomerge it? That would make for some epic forging if you could do this. Also geo-merging on black out? That sounds like a pain.
I have had something similar happen on Ghost town. On top of the brick building where bricks lay around where there used to be walls you can turn Doors upside down and place them and the textures will disappear on the visible portion making an invisible wall.