It was just confirmed the Director of the First Twilight is making another. Yea, it's called Twilight: New moon. Twilight 2 Twilight New Moon Sequel Is In The Air : Teaser Trailer
Well obviously both of them have a story behind them because why else would it be a sequal? I'm not asking what the first Twilight was about. I'm asking what the whole story behind the series is about.
I don't think the story has a point. I don't think it's about anything but a remake of Beauty and the Beast.
Run to the Hills!!!!!! Run for your Lives!!!!!!! lol, I thought this was going to have something to do with Iron Maiden. I never read the books and never saw the movie and I don't plan to so I really don't care how many they make.
I'l; answer for you. Twilight is a book about Mary Sue Bella Swan where she falls in love with a vampire. That's the plot. Susan occasionaly tries to add conflict with the odd kidnapping but Edward saves her and blah, blah, blah. That's about it. If you really want to know, the vampires sparkel in sunlight instead of assploding. @Frag, your rather slow on the news. As soon as Twilight was announced, of course the rest of the series would be done as well.
Oh my God that I don't believe in. Sarah made me go see this with her. I've never been the same since. Edit: In a bad way, of course.
Oh my god, another movie for all the nerdy whores to mope over. Some chick: "Oh he's soooo dreamy." Me: HES GAY
Seeing how you knew this before 95% of the people here (4.7% are girls) makes me wonder how you knew that.
Wait, what? Anyway I never read these books or went to see the movie. The book strikes me as a gay little remake of Beauty and the Beast for gothic/emo kids. And the movie looks gayer. Also I'm really getting pissed off by the fact that all these vampire books are starting to come out, and are shitty as all hell, but they are making so much money. Also (2nd time) I hate the fact that in all the books the werewolves are the bad guys. **** it, I'm writing my own book where werewolves are the good guys.