So at the beginning of the semester, as practice, I decided to delve and experiment more with vector based work. I grabbed a few pictures off the school computers and did them. Child Care sign: Spoiler Car: Spoiler Senior Student: Spoiler I soon brought in my USB, chock full of Dark Knight related pictures and I created these. The Joker: Spoiler Harvey Dent: Spoiler Batman: Spoiler After seeing these my design teacher inquired a task for me to do. As my principal/head master was retiring at the end of the year, my design teacher asked me to do a vector tracing of my principal as a parting gift. He, and I, thought it was a much more personalised gift and worth a lot more than something bought off the shelf. I've speant countless hours creating this. It'd be far above 50 hours of work into this, possibly far and beyond 100, I'm not sure. Either, way, I speant a lot of time in this and put forth a lot of effort. Here is what he looks like. Regular photo. I wanted to go to so much more detail than my previous works. And it really shows. Several people who've seen it, swear it's an actual photo. Anyway, here is the final product. Really, take a close look at it. And analyse it. Well, thanks for checking it out.
Wow. This is your best work so far. I mean sure your other ones have tons of detail in it, but this is by far the most amazing and detailed work you've done. It's crazy. Your principal is going to love this image. It truly shows that you put a ton of time and work into this. I think this would have to go beyond 100 hours of work. Nice job on it. PS. Did you know that your principal looks kinda like William Shatner?
TUTS!!! if only that senior student didnt have a goatee beard type thing... it looks kinda odd lol.. oh and nice job with the teddy bear graffiti in the BG of the first one
The one of your principal and the one currently in your sig (spoiler) are simply amazing. Can you plzzzzz make a desktop out of the one in your sig? It would be amazing. I honestly could say that I would never even change my desktop picture. It would be you vector of the joker all day and all night.
Amazing. I haven't tried to much tracing vector, but what I did try my hand at failed. But you sir, have talent in this visual style. As for the principal gift, it is very personalized, and you might have a challenge convincing him and other people it was not an applied filter. However, the detail to the right of his left eye bugs me. It just doesn't flow as well as the rest of this, maybe soften up the lines a bit to make them blend together more? Otherwise, amazing work.
All of them are great Linu. It's awesome that you did that for your him too. (Though, I must say I like the Harvey Dent one the most)
I just realised how much work you put into his hair. His tie too - it looks modelled. Hell, the whole thing is amazing. >.<
The lighting and the hair is what strikes me the most. This is amazing, such a kind thing to do for your principle. It looks pro.
Agreed, very nice work. I have to say that I never found vectoring to be that hard, but I know a lot of people struggle with it, so congratulations on becoming very good at it
Wow, those are very nice. I liked the ones that had a vectorized image in the middle of a normal image. How do you do that, please give a tutorial. It could be very useful for future projects.
at first I thought that you meant this: was the vector tracing and I was all "um... that is a photo" but then i scrolled down and saw the pure unadulterated awesome that is the vector tracing of the principal guy.
lol, I didn't realise he looked like Shatner. I've already presented it to him about a week ago in front of all the staff. He loved it. It'd been framed and wrapped and I handed it to him. I considered it, I think I will do it. But when I finished just the joker, I decided to just save that as a PNG. I still have the file, easy to be edited. Well, as I've already presented it to him, altering it would just be for me and the interwebz. I'm probably going to be doing one for my Dad for christmas. I ran out of money with my Brother's and Mum's present. Cheers dude. I began from the tie, then moved to the shirt. Many people I first showed it to in the beginning stages LOVED the tie. Thanks. I was glad to do it. Oh and I forgot to add, I got paid to do it as well. Yeah, once you pick up your style and figure out what you're doing, vectoring isn't all that hard, it just takes time.
I've always loved vector, but I never learned how to do it. I want to learn. You should make a tutorial on vectoring.