Debate Is there such thing as a worthless human?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Frag Man, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    It's been in my mind for awhile, and I know the real answer, but I'd like you guys to discuss this. There are plenty of people in the world who think another person is worthless. If you think so, then please type your statement, and provide logical explanations that support your statement.
  2. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    If I say my real thoughts, I would get infracted. LOL(think about it) But in all seriousness I think that every person on the planet has a purpose, even if they don't know it. And is this a debatable topic? I mean can you back anything up with facts?
  3. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Can you back up religion and theories with facts? I've seen plenty of those topics before.

    I think this is debatable. A lot of people argue about how one person is worthless, and some people say otherwise. It's time we actually bring this matter to a discussion.
  4. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    nope lol... dont think you can. However, Id say no, to the topic question.

    I think everyone has a purpose in life. I think when people say worthless, they mean good purpose. Not everyone has a good purpose to accomplish. There are people who are those kinds of people that live for mayhem and wrongdoing. I hate to use a movie as an example, but it really is typically true, but as said in the Dark Knight: "There are people who like to watch the world burn."

    That'd basically sum it up. Everyone has a purpose, just might not be a good one.
  5. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Ooo, good one. I don't think there are some people who serve bad purposes though. I think it's there choice in what they do though. How can we be born to do bad things? That wouldn't seem fair to the person who was.
  6. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    You're definitely not born worthless, that's for sure. You can however, become worthless if you don't take advantage of the opportunities in your life, or if you're simply a lazyass with no intention of working. Basically, you can't evaluate someone until their last living moment on Earth, because every individual has the power to change their circumstances. It's your responsibility to decide to you whether you become worthless or not.
  7. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    True. Good points. While it could be their choices that lead them down that path, you also have to think that it can be involuntary.

    A few weeks ago my school social worker came into my class and showed us a video. It was about a student (true story btw) that shoots another student and the principal after he is over stressed and pressured.
    Basically, his parents die early in life, he grew up in a **** foster home, with uncaring foster parents, and is unliked at school, and is made fun of. The kid hasnt done anything to deserve this, yet this life has been thrust upon him. Until he can't take it, and goes to commit suicide when these two kids tell him to take down the bully instead, and he does.

    Point is, the kid didnt do anything to deserve it, but he was essentially born into a **** life, and eventually couldn't take it anymore, and lost control.

    So it is possible for there to be an involuntary path to a bad purpose in life, and thats obviously the worst one. I'll just stop here though, because I'm starting to lose my train of thought lol... ;)
  8. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    You always have a choice. Unless you're chained down to a wall, you're always going to have the power to make decisions. You stated above that the kid couldn't handle it. Did it ever occur to you that maybe he could have gotten help? Nothing like that is involuntary.
  9. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    The kid was born into a bad life, but think about it. What was his purpose? To kill those people? No it wasn't. Being born into a bad life so that he can kill people? That's like a killing machine being born. That isn't right. I do believe that kid could have done other than kill. He thought that killing would make it all go away.
  10. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Well I said he was encouraged to kill. He was planning on suicide. Either isn't good, but yea, and you can say it was then his choice to kill, even if not his original intentions. However, he was being peer pressured, and just was willing to do anything.

    Im not saying he was a born killer, but someone who probably was born with maybe good intentions and a positive future, but the events along the way corrupted him such that his purpose became a bad one, which was to kill.
  11. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Anne Coulter

  12. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I think that anyone has a "purpose" nor a "worth". I think that people either accomplish a lot or don't.
  13. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    In my theorie, here is my thought about a Worthless Human:

    God created everyone on this planet to have a purpose. If we did'nt have a purpose we would'nt be here, on these computers writing our opinions about your thread. I call people a "Waste of skin" but that's only words. Words cannot hurt us. Every Human, that is born, even now as I type this comment/you read it, someone in the world is giving birth.

    Even if a teenager ends up getting pregnant and does'nt want to be a parent yet. The child could have a good dramatic impact on your life in some way. Even if someone had done something completely wrong (E.G Killed someone by accident) and thought that they were not welcome to be apart of God's family, God can forgive them for their sins.

    I don't think that there is such thing as a worthless human. Everyone on this planet that thinks that they have a purpose are wrong. Our main purpose is to enjoy life to the full. No matter what happens to me, I'll always think that I have a purpose, even if the most terrble thing in the Universe happens.

    This is just my opinion, everyone here has their own opinions about a Worthless Human. In case you forgot about everything I wrote above: I think that everyone on this planet has a purpose.
  14. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    I think that every human is worthless. How can't we be. We're making the world a worse place everyday with pollution and ****. we bully and harass others, of course not all of us do. That's very close to the question, What's the meaning of life? There really is no meaning. we're here and we're entertained and have fun but is there really a logical meaning? I don't think so.
  15. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    This kind of reminds me of the question in class the other day "can one person make a difference in the world". I said no because you always need to get help from others. Whether it is to buy materials, spread ideas, or whatever. This question ties in with it. To be worthless, would mean that this person is not technically a "complete" human. Like parts are missing. Whether it be sanity, or consciousness, or even a soul. Then they are just matter, or the remains of what was once a complete human. Sometimes the good parts are left, like love, but others are not really there such as the ability to be able to think at a even relatively low level. Are there worthless humans? No. Are there worthless tyrants, and vegetables? Yes. Even so, we keep them around because we either A. Enjoy having the parts of the human that are still there, or B. are too afraid of the consequences of getting rid of them.
  16. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    You forget that There are people that still try and protect the Earth. If no one cared, then we wouldn't have a world.

    Can you prove there's no meaning to life? We all ask ourselves that at times, and sometimes we don't know what they answer is. Then we can relate the fact that everything we do is a waste of time. Our meaning of life is to have fun, and be happy.
  17. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    The fact is that even though there are people who try and help the earth, the majority of us just don't care. More than half the human race doesn't care about the earth, they just care about living.

    You may say that the meaning of life is to have fun and be happy but is that really what EVERYONE does or is? Not really. Some of us get amused and have a good time but many of us are depressed, don't laugh, aren't happy. Some may be happy and have fun but is that really why we were created? Maybe but that's a question that will never be answered.
  18. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    I would agree with that.
    Murderers, rapists etc, does anyone honestly want these type of people in this world? I would hope not, so surely that makes them worthless?

    BUT, we are the ones destroying this planet, could you not argue that we are all worthless? The world would be in much better condition without us, surely? Just an idea.
  19. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I said the meaning of life is to enjoy it while you have one. You don't have to. Just like the meaning of games is to have fun on them, but some people take them and mod them. Everyone's life is the same thing. It's what we decide to do with it that makes us different.

    So you admit that not every human is worthless?
  20. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    Not exactly. All humans are worthless. Maybe all humans can be worthful but no human can be worthless while another is not. We're all equal, no matter how big or small, cripple or not. If one human is worthless, all are. We all contribute to the society in our own way, or we don't contribute enough. No human can possibly contribute all to the society, so in other words, we still aren't really making teh earth that much of a better place.

    Sorry I may have drifted a little off-topic at the end there but my point is we're all equal, whether we're worthless or not. We're human beings.

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