**** Zombies In Halo 3

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Camel Carcass, Dec 8, 2008.

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  1. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    We could give the zombies a respawn penalty, so listen to this. If the zombies just run at the humans, they will die, because we set it so speed is like 50% for 30 seconds at respawn, but zombies can conserve energy to get a boost to like 75% speed, aka respawn effect wears off. Also, if we could pull this off on a legendary map that would be better, speciffically blackout, because on blackout, outside of the map, with nova, juicy, and pen and ink, it makes fog, that while hard to see on top of bridges, so make the zombie spawn area like bridges, on boxes it's easy to see. The part about the legendary maps isn't the best, but I think we could do something with the respawn. You could also make alpha zombies slower and weaker to simulate the different powers and speeds between zombies in each level. At least for the start.
  2. Near Fate

    Near Fate Ancient
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    Great ideas, I was thinking of doing this but I'm to lazy. Plus I'm a noob at forging. :\
  3. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Oh, it's not being worked on at all, we're just raising ideas and plans, We probably won't even start anything ouselves without enough ideas..

    You feel free to start making. If you want more input, or during forge process, you can invite me (gamertag: CAMEL CARCASS) or one of 'the team' (anyone else willing to help analyse who's posted in the thread) to fly around, playtest, see what's good, what should be added or improved, slight changes etc. What i think's the best idea for making is to have a forge team, where weall contribute to the map, whether it's just ideas, aesthetics,or anything else.


    Damn, that's gold! i never thought of doing that. That shows more of a wave system as well as improving gameplay.

    I also really like te ledgendary map idea, the visual effects would work great, providing it still allows the humans to see.

    It's difficult to make this, as the game's designed to be a damn whole lot more fun for the humans than the zombies, but we've got to try and e game fun for both.

    Keep up the ideas guys, this's gonna be great!

  4. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    that's a good point, it is made for humans. perhaps if we make it so that the zombies can survive several shots. the best way to do this is to **** around with the settings and make it so that humans do the least amount of damage possible to get a headshot kill. that way it makes it so that the zombies can take a small beating, but also emphasizes the tactical aspect, where humans have to predict where the zombies head will be so they can kill them. the zombies should be forced to rush all together, like making a barrier they can only get past with a grav hammer, and they can only get it by jumping on each others heads. there has to be someway to force them to all go at the same time. ill thinkabout it
  5. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    I already have a system in place on a map that can give you 4 types of abilities as time goes on, if you're interested.
  6. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Uhh yeah, we're kinda interested ^^
  7. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    well it all looks and seems like a good idea and it would be cool to see a remake of the map in the game mode but this isnt a big deal but i think the assault rifle is more of a thompson and the scoped kar98k should be the actual sniper rifle and thats pretty much it
  8. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    I agree with the thompson Issue, but i'd say a maybe on the Kar98k..
    I do think there needs to be a lot debate on the weapon list.
    Thanks for confirming this, if any has any ideas or reccomendations on weapons (particularly the question-marked ones), please share them.

    Edit: +Also, if anyone's got any detailed insight to the windows, that'd help.
    So far i've got an idea of a tube/ small corridoor with one or two ghosts/ mongeese/ choppers/ whatever fixed into place that zombies use to climb over, and it's foolproof for humans to get past, but i haven't much of an idea of how this'll happen, because it obstructs the human's view of the zombies, it isn't aesthetically pleasing either..
    But the only other option i can think of is failish pallets and stuff for the zombies to break through, but due to 'the bump' (explaned here http://rvb.roosterteeth.com/archive/?id=425) the pallets glitch after the first time they're broken/ moved, and the pallets take up even more of the human's views than the mongeese do. Having a switch for each window wouldn't work eiter, there aren't enough pickups, and we'd need the custom power-ups for the wave-mechanismajiggything anyway.
    So if anyone as any ideas, share them
    #28 Camel Carcass, Dec 14, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2008
  9. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    I think a SMG is more of a thompson(higher rate of fire, less damage), a battle rifle is like a BAR, and a carbine is more of a scoped rifle.
  10. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    I've got a random weapon box idea. have a separate room, with a man cannon at the bottom pointing towards the wall and up. then put every weapon in there and have them circle around in the man cannon. if you have a thin enough wall, you should be able to pic up the weapons from the other side. also to keep players from camping there and just switching weapons have a grav lift that forces you away, that spawns every 10 sec and a fuition coil to blow it up with like a 30 sec spawn or something.
    Hope this wasn't too confusing.
  11. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    I have been thinking about this idea myself a bit. WHat I have so far is as follows:

    1) The barricades you can repair are pallets that spawn above the windows and you get a custom powerup to make them fall(the custom powerup makes you do less damage as a replacement for the money/time to repair in CoD WaW)

    2) Most people don't use timed switched and if they do its only up to 3 minutes but I know a way to make it up to 9 minutes on foundry. What you do it have 2 pallets floating outside of the level and a fusion coil spawns every 3 minutes. The first spawn it kills 1 pallet second spawn it killd the second pallet and 3rd spawn ti does what you want it to do.

    3) Random weapon box could be a teleporter that sends you into a short tunnel that has all the weapons on a weapon holder and you hold RB wjile you get pushed through on a mancannon and you moving to fast to choose the weapon and you only get one then get sent back out the other side and back into the house.
  12. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    1) - Yeah, that could work, but we might need the custom powerups. I'm thinking that if the humans have an overshield but a damage resistance to make up for it then maybe we could use an overshield for it. but i guess we might not have enough, baring in mind that there are more than 4 windows.

    2) - This is definately up for discussion, because i agree completely, i don't tend to use them, and that is an effective method on extended switches.

    3) - It is a good idea that'd work, but i'm afraid i prefer Teaco27's idea for the random weapon box.

    Overall) - thanks for the ideas, it's gonna helop greatly, keep #em coming.
  13. Hoff

    Hoff Ancient
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    I like this idea for the random weapon box. I would use this idea if I was to make the map.
  14. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    Idea for windows
    -Use some sort of movable object that is non destructable and put portable grav lifts were the zombies can get them, then have a slot to shot out of, or a window panle if on foundry. this way humans can shoot, and zombies can get in. and to repair, you have to destroy the grav lift, witch can take 3-5 sec. also have grav lifts on instant respawn or 10 sec reaspawn so you can have multible grav lifts to deal with, and so zombies cant be traped out.
  15. cow for cow

    cow for cow Ancient
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    zombies have wave spawns!!!

    deployeble covers for windows???
  16. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    Deployable covers, so simple yet so right.
  17. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    Okay! I have now thought or a great idea for window blocks!!

    First, next to every "window" is a open double box that is used as a wall. Inside this double box is a grav lift near the side the "window" is at. Up above is a custom powerup halfway in the box holding a fusion coil up. The grav lift is set to a 30 second or so respawn. When the powerup is grabbed the fusion coil falls and kills the grav lift letting whatever was being help up fall(I would probably use like 3 or 4 pallets, or anything that is breakable). Then the zombies have to kill thier way in throught the pallets or wait for the lift to go up again.
  18. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Alright, these are great, i think we'll list up a final idea list, maybe design sketches etc. and then we'll get a forge team together maybe ^^
    Keep them up!
  19. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    I made a quick map that demonstrates the door switch I am thinking of, maybe i'll put it in my fileshare but don't count on it. So send me a messege(GT: zackj191) and i'll try and somehow get it to you.

    P.S.: It's not a full map, just ONE door/window thing.
  20. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Cheers, that'll be great. i'll probably message you on my brother's account (gypsy powder); long story, my account's like, missing.
    Thanks for the committment / whatever, I'll message you later.

    Edit; My account's back online, but i got red lighted of death, just on christmas day when i got world tour and surround sound etc.. sonofabetch. any way, we're just buying a new 360 while i'm waiting, i'll be online on my normal account on like, wednesday. Thanks for patience, and yeah, i got your message, i just haven't replied. Thanks.
    #40 Camel Carcass, Dec 22, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2008
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