This looks like a fun race map. I'll be downloading and checking it out as soon as I get my x-box repaired. I like how you used the bridges in the 2nd banked turn. The use of grav. lifts for a drift turn was also cool. Very well forged and very nice. (in the future, I'll be playing it in my TGIF parties)
This is a well designed racetrack. The first banked turn gets to be a bit steep at the top, but you don't really need to go there so I would get rid of those grav lifts. You don't really need grav lifts to assist turning when it is already banked. Plus, at the top of the bank it gets a little rough and I often flipped there. Since there are areas where you can fall off the track, I would put some teleporters down that take you back to start so you don't have people walking on the track trying to get back there. The checkpoint was a good uncheatable one, but the man cannons don't propel you parallel to the track which kind of got annoying although you had a shield door there to help with that. I would make them shoot you straight with the track. And finally the shield door placement at the end/beginning of the track was a bit iffy, as it was difficult to hit them at angles that wouldn't send you into the wall to the right of the start. Try to rework those or maybe even get rid of them altogether. Overall, this has the makings of a great track, you just need to clean some stuff up. 7/10
here is an answer to your main points. The grav lifts are there because it is a drift turn. I can't imagine why you'd flip over on the banked turn except if you plowed straight into the gravlifts and didnt turn your mongoose, or you didn't hold the left trigger to hit the dirft. All you have to do on that turn is hold drift and turn right, the grav lifts will do the rest You dont even have to use the sheild doors at the end, you can just slow down a little and cut the corner. Drifting may help with this turn also.
Its really fun to drive but its kind of sloppy but looks.What i do to get my tracks smooth and look nice is what ever the object your using that the track is on,is to put a double wall on it and make sures its even with the one on bottem.To get it right sign in a guest and have 2 cameras showing you what your doing.It helps SO much.You should try it.If you want to learn more things or tracks,send me a PM
hey drista (I don't care if I didn't pronounce your name right it's what iv'e always called you lol) There were a few more things I did that are different, also i'm prob going to try and clean some of the things up alththough it will be hard and i'm going to do whatever works best.
hehe... yea kinda like with the bridge bank and I also fixed the bank turn where someone (I can't remember who) said they kept flipping. The only way you could flip now is if you plowed straignt into them and didn't turn at all. Also the reason for the grav lift turn is because the barrier is up there and you will get flattened if you go all the way up and then slowly slide back down and it completely sucks. Mostly of what i'm doing though is asthetics. Oh, and I put 2 teleporters in 2 places where it seems people like to fall off when they do fall off the track. Sooo, I think i'm done and I'll try and test it with some friends and take some pics and get it up by wednesday.
The map looks good itself but the interlocking is kinda sloppy it doesnt have to be perfect but it'll appeal to more people and the fence wall part looked really sloppy Idk if that was one purpose so i'll DL the map and try it out overall I give this map a 4/5 because it seemed that you thought the track over and you actually took time to know what you should put down at each part
I appreciate that someone actually takes my advice to heart. I have raced more maps than you have bones in your body, and I do know what I am talking about. If the first turn hits the artificial ceiling, you could always cut it down a bit and add a wall to prevent riders from going that high. And "DRIFT turn?" Meaning what?? Every turn you take on a mongoose will result in drifting unless you are going 5 mph. Also, if it is easier to make the end/start turn without using the shield doors, I would just take them out. And the smoothness of a racetrack is not at all aesthetics, its gameplay.
Does this mean anything to you? I started working on the problems as soon as you posted in this thread. It took me awhile, but I did improve on that first turn. Just because I didn't post it until last night means I don't take your advice???
No, not at all. You seemed offended in your reply to my post, and most of the time forgers don't take any advice when they act that way. I was just trying to help, and am glad that you accepted some of it. Edit: I really like the changes you made. Everything works so much better and it is a lot more fun now. Great track. 8/10
hey drista you found how to cheat and I fixed it today like 2 hours ago. I interlocked the sheild door with the walls so it is closer and will bounce you away. Another thing I fixed is that alot of times you would run into the wall at the checkpoint due to the turn right before it so I interlocked a sheild door with it so you will bounce off instead of crashing. And shadow I know asthetics don't matter but it keeps the track fun for some reason with it. Sooooo, tomarrow i'll prob get the pics for the map and get them ready after a few more tests. Also shadow could you like join and see if there is still anything else that can be improved tomarrow? I'll try and fix them.
I hate to say it, but I guess I was quick to judge it. There can be improvements on the map. Not many, but some. For the first turn, with the grav. lifts. --The grav lifts prove little use as you can just cut below them and turn faster. If you had the wall going up the ramp so where you had to use the grav. lifts I think that would be much better. Other than that, in some areas if you fell off/out of the map then there is no way to get back into it easily. It's always a good idea to allow racers the chance to get back to the start so they can at least race the track again. The last thing I could seeing improved is at the end of the course with the man-cannons. In some cases (more than a few times) I would randomly spin-out because of them. That could really demean the course itself and upset drivers. Either take them out or fix them to where they don't spin the drivers out of control. Overall I give your map a 7/10. For it could be improved. EDIT: I see that you said in your first post that you updated the map. That's good to know. I'll now have to re-check it out. But if what you improved is closely to what I stated then I give your track a 8.5/10.
Looks Pretty awesome downloading now. Noticed the word geomerging again. Nobody has told me what it is.Another name for interlocking? PM me please i dont check up on stuff mostly Nice animation too
I'm going to epic win on the animation becuase I'm getting a youtube vid of the racetrack from one of my buddies in a bungie group who makes machinima =) He said it would be up next week sometime and I will post it then so ha. =) (again lol)