Ya it is, i am really bad with finding fonts for sigs. Wow, Frag is in a bad mood, I didn't think my sig was that bad..
OMG!! fine! I will give my opinion, but in the past posts from you rating me sigs yo might think that my opinion does not matter. Honestly I think it looks really good the only things i dont like is the huge border or black bar on the top and bottom and the text doesnt seem like it fits Edit: Here is my sig i made about a couple hours ago. My brother saved it and closed it out in a png luckly but i wanted to delete the light flare at the top left oh well. suggestions, comments...
I believe what I said about your last sig counts here too. How many effects did you use in the first one? Anyhow, both are great. I don't like the border on the last one though. It doesn't quite match the sig.
Eguitarplaya: For the border, try not making the lighting show up on the border, that way it looks like its contained into the constraints of that rectangle. Stoj: woah new style? it looks awesome! i like the second one better cause on the first one i guess i dont really like how blocky it is. the colours in the second one are good though. those sigs are kinda hard to CnC cause they are just so different and cool
CnC for yours Frag: MY GOD IT'S BIG. @Knight and Frag: I used like 2-3 effects. Clipping Masks mainly.
First of all I really like this sig. What I don't like though is the yellow coming out of her eye? That is rather disctracting. Other than that most everything is good. Great work
I'll CnC your signature. 1. It's too busy. When you make this smaller, it's going to look like crap. Too many shadows and faded stuff. Ruins it IMO. (Tip. Rarely if at all use faded images.) 2. Star behind the text must go. Distracts from the text. All you really need to do is have a faint line go through it if anything. (Tip. Use two different colored text on top of each other. It makes the text stand out without taking away the focus.) 3. Your red flowery swirls next to the girls are of low quality. And so is the image of the girl it's self. You need to pick better renders/stocks. (Tip. Don't use brushes unless they are very high quality.) 4. Obviously it's too large, but I need not comment on that right? 5. I can see the faded characters/renders in the black bars. Makes it look bad (bottom left next to the text). Also, remove the text from the black bar, it's distracting. (Tip. Never have anything in the black bars... ever. It's distracting. 6. The images don't blend well and all I see is red. Diverse in colors or give the whole thing (but the black bars) a red tint. (Tip. Try using gradients to change the color. Or try a different blending mode.) 7. The whole "sig" needs sharpening and you need to add images with more detail since anime images usually look flat. Actually, anime images and sigs usually look bad all together since they look flat and have no depth... like yours. (Tip. Unless the anime looks like it has depth, don't use it. I've made this mistake enough times to know.) 8. Work on your lighting. Work on your contrast. 9. WTF is the focal point? If it's the girl on the right, then I'm way to distracted by the crap in the middle. I think that's it for now.
Thanks. Reyn gave me that advice too and since he inspired me to start working on signatures again, everything he tells me I hold to the highest standards about signatures. He gave me some tips and although I don't have PS at the moment, I'm still getting better.
No no no, you misunderstood what I meant. And or didn't read the rest. Your signature has depth, slight, but it does. You choose the right images, other people don't. Anyways, my only problem is that it's overly smudged and your text fades a bit too much. Looks good other than that.
First time I actually implemented my logo. Plus, my first time with a huge amount of C4Ds. Please tell me what's wrong with it.
FM, there is too much stuff covering up the intended focal, you should try toning down the ffects. Light sources are coming from everywhere and there is no flow. Try getting it to go in one - max two directions.
Well, quite honnestly, I like this a lot. There are only a few changes I would recommend. The text is the first and most important. You can't even read the ****. Second is the excess background on the render. That looks a little "unprofessional." Other than that, I love that kinda style. Did you use a tutorial for it and if so, which one and where did you find it? I have nothing for CnC at the moment.