Helm's Deep

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by porkstein, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    It's nice to see people exploring my map, and I'm glad you mentioned the problem with the operable gate Barfman. You see, V3 had been a long time in the making, and I really wanted to get it out there for all the people who had asked for the map to be improved. I thought it was unlikely anybody would play the map seriosuly (after all, it was initially intended to be purely aesthetical, the gametype being an extra tagged along with V3), and decided not to wait any longer trying to fix a problem of which I had no idea how to solve.

    Now it has been mentioned, I think it would be a good time to see if we could sort the issue out, making the map more playable. If you have any suggestions Barfman they would be greatly appreciated.

    For everyone else, the problem I have is that once closed, the attackers cannot open the gate leading to the great hall, meaning the VIP can simply barricade himself inside until the round ends. Any solutions are welcomed with open arms, but I do ask you DL the map as the options are limited due to a partial money glitch that I applied to the map.

  2. Barfman46

    Barfman46 Ancient
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    I have noticed one possible fix. There is a hole I noticed on the right side of the main building that if you were able to enter you could destroy the gravlift pushing the dumpsters. I got some ideas that I am trying out and I will pass them along when I am done
  3. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    Ah. One problem. No wait two problems. Oh **** three problems. = (

    1. After destroying the grav lift, how would the attackers actually budge the dumpsters?

    2. When the grav lift is destroyed, mightn't it respawn instantly?

    3. Can you actually destroy grav lifts with swords?

    Grrr, I hate life.
  4. Barfman46

    Barfman46 Ancient
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    I think I found you a fix. Please download this modified map off my fileshare. Here's the link: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    The new switch is kind of weird and may only work some of the time. When you enter the great hall there is a fusion coil in the corner. Destroy it to close the gate by spawning the other gravlift. When the other gravlift is destoryed the gate should reopen. How you want the urakhai to destroy the lift is none of my business. But me and a friend found another way to get into the the place where it spawns. It is in the corner of the highest point marked with spawn points.
    #44 Barfman46, Dec 9, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2008
  5. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    best helms deep map ive seen! I love how you emphasised things that were emphasised in the movie like the gate and that other spot the orcs broke into on the bottom.
  6. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    I've seen what you've done Barfman, and in principal it should work soundly, though I am still struggling to figure out how the attackers are supposed to destroy the grav lift.

    In addition, is there a way to make sure that when one grav lift is destroyed, it is the other that spawns, rather than the one that is destroyed?

    Once again, thank you everybody for the positive feedback.
  7. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    hmm ive made a map like this although it wasnt nearly as good. I didnt use good interlocking and my gate that i had in my fortress was just some barriers rather than yours. I like this map, and I dont really see that many maps with swithces in them anymore good job.
  8. fabioisonfire

    fabioisonfire Ancient
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    I joined here just to post in this thread (but I ended up actually wanting to learn more and stay).

    This is simply brilliant. Everything looks perfect, and all I have to say is thanks for the inspiration to get involved with the Forge community, and a brilliant job on this.
  9. TekTek

    TekTek Ancient
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    This map is really good, and it looks like in the movie. The gameplay plays very well with at least 6-8 persons !

    But some bad point :
    there are some sloppy things, behind de B sing pass for example,
    and big bad thing :
    It's very confusing that once the door has been closed, it's impossible to open it, so VIP can just hide there till the end...

    I think the idea of rolling cover is very nice since it give attackers some (little) cover.

    Some improvement ?:
    -Make the door re-open-able (maybe with another lift ..?)
    -Put a custom power-up that create berserkers <3 (maybe more resistance, more power and high jump so they can be the only able to break the keep (if you block it for normal uruk')

    I think you got there a good thing to improve ;)
  10. TW InKoGnito

    TW InKoGnito Ancient
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    Very awesome map.

    We really need an outdoor version of foundry with large space, and everything available to forge.
  11. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    Thanks for the suggestions. I am currently working on a way to make the gate re-openable as you mentioned, but I am afraid I have exceeded the budget and cannot afford a custom power up. It would have been a nice touch, don't get me wrong, but there just isn't anything I can do.
  12. TW InKoGnito

    TW InKoGnito Ancient
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    If you have exceeded the budget, then I recommend doing what I do:

    Explore your map, is there anything that is not necessary to the function of the map?
    Sure, aesthetics are important, but if you can remove something insignificant, then do it.

    It is more important to have a functioning map that looks bad then one that looks awesome but doesn't do its job.
  13. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    I have enough resources to make the gate function properly, just not enough to create custom power ups. In addition, even if there were any unnecessary objects that I could delete (there aren't), due to the partially money glitched nature of the map, I still wouldn't have enough money for a power up even after deleting them.

    No, actually it isn't; that's why this is in the aesthetic maps forum.

    IVY SNAKE Ancient
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    Hey dude I have the 2nd version of helms deep and I think you did much better on that one.This one could be improved if you flip the single boxes around so you dont see the smooth part because I personally think it would look better the other way their arent much places to go inside the map so maybe you could try to add a little more and outside the base you could add some cover.The things I like are the Ballistas that shoot the fusion coils the exploding door and the bridges that lead up into the castle.I give V3 a 3.5 because it seemed you didnt put as much time you put into the other one and it kinda seemed like you rushed the map a little but anyway can't wait till V4 keep up the good work!
  15. TekTek

    TekTek Ancient
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    Well, another way to make berserkers w/out au power-up is to make a gametype, bomb maybe ?
    You just put the first bomb plant over the gate so when it have been boumed you cannot put another bomb, and the second bomb plant into the last room.

    Round with 2 point to end.
    Bomb carrier jump lower, move slighty faster and can't be headshoted

    EDit : I really like berserker =P
  16. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    OK, good idea. That way only one person has the power to destroy the wall. The problem would be blocking it off after the first bomb is detonated. I'll have a think about it.

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