Debate Should prostitution be legalized?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by What's A Scope?, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. Mikey

    Mikey Ancient
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    You guys have got to know the prostitution is the oldest career to date.

    You also got to know that it is legal in Nevada; they have hooker houses where you go and pay to have sex with a woman of your choice.

    So if this was legalized throughout our country it would have to be organized like it is in Nevada.

    Hell I am in support for it just because of freedom of morals and because this is the oldest form of a career.
  2. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    That isn't really an argument. It's rather easy to explain it away. You say that Women/Man escorts those that pay for her/his services.

    First of all, the way you said an age limit makes me think that you think that people want prostitution to minors...

    Now, Prostitution is the same. It isn't a public matter and the reason those prostitutes are on the streets is because they are not organised properly in the first place.

    No but you should be allowed to do what you want with what you have as long as it does not affect the rights of others.

    I really don't understand what you're saying here. It makes no sense to me. S/he should have the right to do what s/he wants with her/his body.

    This is stupid. I want to clarify, you think that we want Prostitution legal to children of all ages even though the legal age for sex is 18? Your logic is flawed.

    Who says that it's the last choice? Maybe it was his/her first choice.

    This logic is heavily flawed.

    Why would I want to move to another country? Maybe I want to be a prostitute in the US of A but not anywhere else in the world because the shop down the street offers the best burgers ever!

    Isn't the Us of A supposed to be free anyway?

    Your logic is, again, flawed.

    If the Government protects my body and my choice of sexual partner then I would have the right to use my body to get me profit by picking the highest paying sexual partner.


    How do you come to these conclusions?

    The post you answer to says that children should be taught what prostitution is and you come to the conclusion that he is trying to get children to get the impression that prostitution is what everyone has to do.

    What. The. ****.

    Now for my point of view.

    Prostitution should be legal. The benefits are brilliant as prostitution is an industry that can be hugely successful and if the government puts standard VAT on it, it would be a great source of income.

    Next, I believe that everyone should be allowed to use anything they can, unless it interferes with another beings rights, to get profit.

    Of course prostitutes wouldn't be on corners looking for clients, that is honestly the stupidest thing ever as it can cause many problems such as abuse to the prostitute. Prostitutes should be centered at Brothel and other such places.
  3. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Prostitution should be legalized similar to the system in Amsterdam. Any and all attempts only seek to make it larger and send the profits to shady men who really don't need large amounts of money.
  4. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    SO some one born with STD's is Discrimited against in this select fictional work force...

    and testing the customer from STD is important for the prostitute as well...

    and there is a possibility of Males here... lets clean up the stereo typing here...
  5. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    It is about it be being legal in the US, and wherever else it is not. Sorry for the confusion.
  6. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Think about it. Why do you think the government doesn't want it to be legal? If your answer is because they think it's immoral, than you are not looking at the entire picture.

    These are the reasons.

    Effort in School and Education: This one is huge.
    Think if you were a teenage girl in high school that knew she was attractive, and didn't want to try in school. Do you think that if prostitution was legal, it may influence her/you not to try hard? Especially considering how easily teenagers are influenced by the idea of sex, AND EVERYTHING counts at this stage. It's not exactly the best idea to be waving a brochure in their faces saying this could be you the day you graduate. If you make it illegal, the brochure disappears as it is not a possibility, or at least an attractive one.

    Being a prostitute is NOT safe no matter what your "meathod" is of keeping people orderly. Mind you, people who are into this kind of stuff, and become prostitutes, usually aren't the kind of people that could be kept "orderly" either. They are those who didn't make it, or had to fall back onto it because of tragedy, leaving them unstable. Your argument is that porn is legal but prostitution isn't. That's because porn does not involve contact with the person, and does not offer the risk of AIDS, mugging, and other things that could happen to a prostitute every time they are alone with a stranger.

    We should get toochie in here. See what she says.

    SPARTANZ77 Ancient
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    I say why not I mean if strip clubs are porn are leagl then prostitution should be!
  8. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    No I don't think so look at Africa(this is no offense to anybody) they live in tribes and there is one women for like every 10 men. AIDS spreads and there you have it.
  9. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    You obviously are not here to debate or talk about the subject. Read my previous post if you want to see the reason why I just wrote this one.
  10. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Yes, let's compare what happens in the third-world with what happens in the superpower. I see the logic.

    If you didn't get it yet, Third-World countries generally have uneducated women on useful contraptions like condoms and it's ability to help prevent STDs.

    Now, the next time you try and present an argument, I want you to think it threw.
  11. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Thats the same thing as saying everyone else is doing it. Why should we have it legalized just because they do?

    You don't because its common sense. Most people see something wrong and don't abide to doing it.

    As I said before, who gives a **** about the other countries right now. Well we have ratings for movies, so ultimately its the parents choice, or the kids choice to watch the movie or play the game.

    Has any thought about the other women? What about the women that are considered 'ugly' in the public eye? How do you think they would feel when other women exfoliate themselves because of their physical features? Prostitution being legalized would cause total chaos.

    Everyone keeps saying "We're free so why can't we decide what to do?". Well we are free, so have sex all you want. You can have sex and don't have to be a prostitute.

    I also feel that a person making money on just their body is totally wrong. If this were the case, many intellectually flawed women in this country would be making good finance, just because of the way they were born.
  12. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    I think that when people reference other countries with legal prostitution, they are trying to point out that it works in that country.
  13. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well no offense, but that is good for that country. Why must we feel peer-pressured to legalize prostitution?
  14. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    It's not peer pressure; it is evidence that it can work with proper regulations.
  15. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Your thinking about this in a completely weird way.

    Prostitution is just like any other business. Wo/man A rents herself/himself out to the person with the money. Person with the money uses the most out of it and pays the money.

    End of transaction. This transaction does not affect Wo/man B, C, D or E

    How would it affect the ugly wo/men? It would probably affect her/him positively as s/he can rent out their own prostitute.

    And how would prostitution cause choas? Every country that has legal prostitution doesn't have choas on the streets.

    I seriously don't know how you get to this point.

    Prostitution isn't about having constant sex. It's about being able to rent out your body for a price you see fit to get yourself profit.

    Did you know that many rich people didn't go threw college?

    We live in a society that allows us to start companies regardless of education. If you have some sort of intelligence to think that many people are horny. All these horny people would be willing to pay for sex. Maybe I should start a business and make money that way. Boom, intelligence right there.
  16. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Yes, a business solely relying on a human body. It would affect ugly women in mental ways. They would feel even more 'ugly' seeing they aren't 'pretty' enough to get men horny, resulting in not making any money, resulting in not being a prostitute.

    I know prostitution isn't about that. But everyone keeps reminding me of free will, so I blatantly said my take on free will.

    Actually, starting a business without education won't get you far, unless it is prostitution.

    How is human trafficking right? I really don't understand how anyone can even suspect this being legal, unless that is just me.
  17. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    And that isn't already happening everytime said woman looks in a mirror?
    All you need to start a business is basic business which I learned when I was twelve. Getting finacing is hard but if you have basic buisness, you should be able to give a pretty solid argument on getting finance.

    And you are also talking about wether a prostitute should be legal. Not the owner of the prostitution business. My example was right but for a different part of the business.

    Wait... Human Trafficking? When did this topic turn into a topic of human trafficking? We are talking about prostitution which is the act of being allowed to rent your body to whomever you want for a fee. Unless you are talking about an worker of the business in which case they are allowed to quit whenever they want.
  18. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    This is irrelevant because the same thing can happen about modeling. The same thing can happen with being a stripper. The same thing can happen by being an actor or actress inn an adult film.

    The actually have orderly prostitution. There are places that are very organized and orderly. Don't generalize a group of people.

    No. What I meant was that it functions in other countries.

    It's not like there wouldn't be restrictions. It's already a law that you can't go nude in public. None of this would be seen by children.

    Again, the same thing happened with model, strippers and adult film, stars.

    Athletes, models, actors, strippers, and adult film stars "sell their bodies".

    This is exactly what I mean.
  19. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    If it was legalized then the Pimps would have full control over them. Hence human trafficking.
  20. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Listen, we all have good points. But right now I don't see debate going on besides what we think is right. Until a real debatable question arises, I will rest posting in this thread.

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